Bibliografía básica Hogg, R.M. et al. (1992). The Cambridge History of the English language. Cambridge:CUP
Georgakopoulou,A.& D. Goutsos (2004). Discourse Analysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U.P.
Kathleen Mc Millan & J. Weyers (2011). How to Write Essays and Assignments. Harlow: Pearson
Watcyn-Jones, K. and Mark Farrell (2002). Test your Vocabulary 5. Harlow: Pearson
Masthrie, R. et al. (2013). Introducing Sociolinguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U.P.
Driscoll, L. (2005). Vocabulary in Practice 6. Cambridge:CUP
Hughes, J. (2008). Language Leader Workbook. Harlow: Pearson
Brown, G.D. & Sally Rice (2007). Professional English in Use. Law. Cambridge:CUP
Remacha Esteras, S. & E. Marco Fabré (2007). Professional English in Use. Computers and the internet. Cambridge:CUP
Mascull, B. (2002). Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge:CUP (). .

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