Datos Identificativos | 2022/23 | |||||||||||||
Asignatura | Introdución á Dinámica de Fluídos Computacional (CFD) Mariña | Código | 730542011 | |||||||||||
Titulación |
Descriptores | Ciclo | Período | Curso | Tipo | Créditos | |||||||||
Mestrado Oficial | 2º cuadrimestre |
Primeiro | Obrigatoria | 6 | ||||||||||
Temas | Subtemas |
Chapter 1. Conservation laws in fluid dynamics (reminder) | 1. Principles of conservation in continuum 2. Constitutive equation of fluids 3. Fluid dynamics conservation equations in differential form 4. Initial and boundary conditions 5. Boundary layers and turbulent flows |
Chapter 2. Finite volumes method I | 1. Discretization methods for Partial Differencial Equations 2. Phiiosophy of Finite Volumes method compared to Finite Differences and Finite Elements 2. Finite Volumes for diffusion problems 3. Finite Volumes for convection-diffusion problems. Resolution of a problem with Matlab as ICT exercise. |
Chapter 3. Finite volumes method II | 1. Pressure-velocity coupling in steady flows: Concept of staggered grid, SIMPLE algorithm 2. Pressure-velocity coupling in unsteady flows: PISO algorithm. Resolution of a problem with Matlab as ICT exercise. 3. Programming of initial and boundary conditions |
Chapter 4. Introduction to CFD | 1. History of CFD computation 2. Identification of adequate models and approximations in CFD 3. Workflow of CFD simulations: Pre-processing, processing and post-processing 4. Introduction to OpenFoam. C++ reminder and structure of the code. |
Chapter 5. Pre-processing of a CFD simulation | 1. Mesh generation. Open-source solutions with OpenFoam. 2. Boundary conditions 3. Initial conditions ICT exercise with a simple test case in OpenFoam. |
Chapter 6. Processing | 1. Solver parametrization 2. Steady and unsteady solvers: time control and solution 3. Convergence of the computation: Monitoring the residuals and the solution ICT exercise with a simple test case. |
Chapter 7. Post-processing | 1. Post-processing with paraView 2. Utilities in Openfoam 3. Verification and validation of results 4. Evaluation of uncertainty in CFD simulations ICT exercise with a simple test case. Introduction to programming in OpenFoam. |
Chapter 8. Turbulence and boundary layers in CFD | 1. Introduction to turbulence 2. Boundary layers and their modeling in CFD 3. Different strategies for turbulence modeling 4. Wall treatment in CFD 5. Relevance in marine applications ICT exercise with a characteristic test case in the marine field |