Datos Identificativos | 2022/23 | |||||||||||||
Asignatura | Internet das Cousas Aplicado á Industria (IIoT) | Código | 730542015 | |||||||||||
Titulación |
Descriptores | Ciclo | Período | Curso | Tipo | Créditos | |||||||||
Mestrado Oficial | 2º cuadrimestre |
Primeiro | Optativa | 6 | ||||||||||
Metodoloxías | Competencias / Resultados | Descrición | Cualificación |
Traballos tutelados | B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B11 B13 C2 C3 C4 C6 C7 | Development of one or more individual projects or in small groups. It will be necessary to deliver the materials (document and presentation) in a timely manner following the instructions. At least the final work will require oral presentation by all members of the working group. Not to perform the presentation will result in a score of zero in this activity. Nomenclature used in the observations section for this activity: P: mark obtained in the supervised project (70% of the final mark). |
70 |
Proba mixta | B4 B11 B13 C2 | It will consist of a written exam with short and / or multiple choice questions, in order to check the consolidation of the most important theoretical concepts seen in the subject. General evaluation criteria: * Correct answers. Nomenclature used in the observations section for this activity: E: mark obtained in this test (30% of the final mark). |
30 |
Observacións avaliación | |||
In order to pass the subject, the student must meet the following requirements (score between 0 and 10 in all activities): 1) P> = 5. 2) E> = 5. If all the above requirements are not met, the maximum qualification mark that can be obtained, in the corresponding opportunity, will be 4.5 points. If the required requirements are met, the final mark will be calculated as follows: FINAL MARK = 0.7 × P + 0.3 * E General EMJMD Sustainable Ship and Shipping SEAS 4.0 evaluation rules: - Students will have only two oportunities to pass a course. If failing to do so, they may be forced to leave the degree. - No part time or lecture attendance exemption are allowed in this degree. |