Metodoloxías Competencias / Resultados Descrición Cualificación
Traballos tutelados B7 B8 B11 C2 C4 C6 C7 The qualification of the group based technical report will represent a 60 % of the student´s final qualification. 60
Presentación oral B7 B8 B11 C2 C7 In case the oral presentation is finally programmed, the percentage of its qualification will be a 10 %, including the presentation and the answers to the questions formulated by the proffessors and other students.

In case the oral presentation is not scheduled, its contribution will be transfered to the other methodologies (35 % Theoretical exam - 65 % Group Based Technical report)
Proba mixta B8 B11 C2 The qualification of the theoretical exam of this course will represent a 30 % of the student´s final qualification.

It will be neccesary to have a grade higher than 4 to pass the course.

Observacións avaliación

According to the degree regulations, the students will have the
oportunity to pass this course in two oportunities (first and second

In order to pass the course, an overall mark of 5
out of 10 should be obtained by applying the percentages above to each
of the methodologies, considering each of them evaluated in a scale from
0 to 10.

At the beggining of the course, dates
for presenting the technical reports and doing the oral presentation
will be published in Moodle/ MS Teams.

In the
second oportunity, students will be able to repeat the exam and
correct/modify the technical reports; however, in order to pass the
course, both the technical report and the oral presentation should have
been done in any case fullfilling the prescribed deadlines set during
the course.

General EMJMD Sustainable Ship and Shipping  SEAS 4.0 evaluation rules:

- Students will have only two oportunities to pass a course. If failing to do so, they may be forced to leave the degree.

- No part time or lecture attendance exemptions are allowed in this degree.