Datos Identificativos | 2023/24 | |||||||||||||
Asignatura | Discurso literario e sociedade nos países de fala inglesa | Código | 613505103 | |||||||||||
Titulación |
Descriptores | Ciclo | Período | Curso | Tipo | Créditos | |||||||||
Mestrado Oficial | 1º cuadrimestre |
Primeiro | Obrigatoria | 3 | ||||||||||
Bibliografía básica | |
Arana, R.V., ed. 2009. “Black” British Aesthetics Today. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Auslander, P. 2003. Performance: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. London & New York: Routledge. Bercovitch, S. ed. 1994-2004. The Cambridge History of American Literature. Cambridge: CUP. Butler, J., Laclau, E., & Žižek, S. 2000. Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues on the Left. London: Verso. Davis, M. 2007. In Praise of Barbarians: Essays Against Empire. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books. During, S. 2005. Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction. London & New York: Routledge. Carter, R. & McRae, J. 2006. The Routledge History of Literature in English. Britain and Ireland. London & New York: Routledge. Johnson, P. 1997. A History of the American People. London: Phoenix Press. King, B., ed. 1996. New national and post-colonial literatures: an introduction. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Lane, R.J., ed. 2013. Global Literary Theory. London and New York: Routledge. Ledent, B. & P. Cuder, eds. 2012. New Perspectives on the Black Atlantic: Definitions, Readings, Practices, Dialogues. Bern: Peter Lang. McIntyre, D.W. 2001. A guide to the contemporary Commonwealth. Houndmills, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave. Morgan, K.O. ed. 2009. The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain. Oxford: OUP. Rojek, C., 2007. Brit-myth: Who Do the British Think They Are? London: Reaktion Books. Ryan, M. 2010. Cultural Studies. A Practical Introduction. Malden, MA: Wiley- Blackwell. BIBLIOGRAFÍA COMPLEMENTARIA Arendt, Hannah: On Violence (selection) Barrett, Michèlle: The Politics of Truth Baudrillard, Jean: Simulacra and Simulation (selection) Butler, Judith: Bodies that Matter (Critically Queer and/or Gender is Burning) Coco Fusco: Only Skin Deep. Changing Visions of the American Self Davis, Mike: City of Quartz Gómez-Peña, Guillermo: Dangerous Border-Crossers (22-47) Haraway, Donna: A Cyborg Manifesto Harvey, David: Rebel Cities Jameson, Fredric: The Cultures of Globalization Kristeva, Julia: Powers of Horror Ticineto Clough, Patricia, ed.: The Affective Turn West, Cornel: Race Matters Ramos-Zayas, Ana. Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies Álvarez, Luis. Chicanx Utopias: Pop Culture and the Politics of the Possible Stevens, Ann. Literary Theory and Criticism: An Introduction |
Bibliografía complementaria | |