Bibliografía básica Lodish et al., (2021). Molecular and Cellular Biology 9th Ed. Mcmillan learning
Lodish, Berk, et al (2013). Molecular and Cellular Biology 7th Ed. WH Freeman
Lodisch et al., (2005). Biología Molecular de la célula . Panamericana
Meister, G. (2011). RNA Biology. Wiley-VCH
Watson, Baker, Bell et al., (2006). Biología Molecular del Gen, 5º Ed. Panamericana

Artículos e textos especializados iránse actualizando na plataforma. Baker, S.P. & Grant, P.A. 2007, "The SAGA continues: expanding the cellular role of a transcriptional co-activator complex",


vol. 26, no. 37, pp. 5329-5340. Bhaumik, S.R. & Green, M.R. 2002, "Differential requirement of SAGA components for recruitment of TATA-box-binding protein to promoters in vivo",

Molecular and cellular biology,

vol. 22, no. 21, pp. 7365-7371. Cho, E.J. 2007, "RNA polymerase II carboxy-terminal domain with multiple connections",

Experimental & molecular medicine,

vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 247-254. Daniel, J.A. & Grant, P.A. 2007, "Multi-tasking on chromatin with the SAGA coactivator complexes",

Mutation research,

vol. 618, no. 1-2, pp. 135-148. Gao, R., Mack, T.R. & Stock, A.M. 2007, "Bacterial response regulators: versatile regulatory strategies from common domains",

Trends in biochemical sciences,

vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 225-234. Gao, R. & Stock, A.M. 2009, "Biological Insights from Structures of Two-Component Proteins",

Annual Review of Microbiology, Kim, H.J., Seol, J.H., Han, J.W., Youn, H.D. & Cho, E.J. 2007, "Histone chaperones regulate histone exchange during transcription", The EMBO journal, vol. 26, no. 21, pp. 4467-4474. Koch, F., Jourquin, F., Ferrier, P. & Andrau, J.C. 2008, "Genome-wide RNA polymerase II: not genes only!", Trends in biochemical sciences, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 265-273. Li, X.Y., Bhaumik, S.R., Zhu, X., Li, L., Shen, W.C., Dixit, B.L. & Green, M.R. 2002, "Selective recruitment of TAFs by yeast upstream activating sequences. "EN-GB">Implications for eukaryotic promoter structure", Current biology : CB, vol. 12, no. 14, pp. 1240-1244. Malik, S. & Roeder, R.G. 2005, "Dynamic regulation of pol II transcription by the mammalian Mediator complex", Trends in biochemical sciences, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 256-263. Ng, H.H. & Bird, A. 2000, "Histone deacetylases: silencers for hire", Trends in biochemical sciences, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 121-126. Wu, J.I., Lessard, J. & Crabtree, G.R. 2009, "Understanding the words of chromatin regulation", Cell, vol. 136, no. 2, pp. 200-206.
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