Bibliografía básica
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Bibliografía complementaria
Porta, Jaume., López-Acevedo, Marta; Poch, Rosa. M. (2019). Edafología. Uso y Protección de Suelos. 4ª edición. Mundi-Prensa
Pereira, Paulo et al. (2028). Soil ecosystem services, sustainability, valuation and mangement. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 5:7-13.
Lal, R. (2002). Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Encyclopedia of Soil Science Marcel Dekker
Barceló, J., Poschenrieder, Ch. (2003). Phytorremediation: principles and perspectivas. Contributions to Science 2: 333-344.
Girard, M.C., Walter, C., Rémy, J.C., Berthelin, J., Morel, J.L. (2011). Sols et environment. 2e edition. Dunod. Paris.
Essington, Michael. E. (2021). Soil and water chemistry. An integrative approach.. Second Edition. CRC Press. USA.
Kabata-Pendias, Alina (2011). Trace Elements in Soils and Plants. Fourth ed. CRC Press. USA.