Bibliografía básica

1. Dieter Vollath (2013). Nanomaterials: an introduction to synthesis, properties and applications. Wiley.VCH.

2. Surender Kumar Sharma (2018). Handbook of Materials?Characterization. Springer.

3. Menczel JD, Prime RB, editors. Thermal analysis of polymers: fundamentals and applications. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley; 2009.

4. Artiaga Díaz R. Thermal analysis, fundamentals and applications to material characterization: proceedings of the international seminar?: thermal analysis and rheology, Ferrol, Spain, 30 Juny-4 July 2003 [Internet]. La Coruña], Spain: Universidade da Coruña; 2005 [cited 2017 Jan 31]. Available from:

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