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Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Public International Law Code 612G01019
Study programme
Grao en Dereito
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
First and Second Cycle 2nd four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Dereito Público
Sobrino Heredia, Jose Manuel
Mkrtichyan , Artak
Oanta Oanta, Gabriela Alexandra
Quindimil Lopez, Jorge Antonio
Schreinmoser , Christoph Rudolf
Sobrido Prieto, Marta
Sobrino Heredia, Jose Manuel
Web http://
General description This subject pretends to make possible the systematic education of the legal order, which is allocated to regulate the international society/community, facilitating the understanding among students of the basic problems that surround to the same. From a legal formal perspective, the international law presents to the student in its positive dimension, offering the greater possible number of references to the law in force. This perspective completes with a historical and sociological approach, exposing to the student the underlying realities to the norms and the half concrete in that these are called to govern, since for an effective education of the matter is fundamental an exhibition of the historical events and of the sociological events. Likewise, both approaches accompany of an axiologic approach to the international aw, with the purpose to procure a constant assessment of the norm with the ideal of Justice. Of course, the final dimension of the educational activity drives to that the education do not reduce to a description of the international juridical legislation, but it has to do reflexionar to the student on the group of values that inspire and to which aspires this legislation. Of this form, when teaching and spread the international Right pretends contribute, in good measure, to do progress to the international Society and to the subjects that compose it in the road of the peace. Taking into account the essential content of this scientific discipline, its teaching activity poses from a realistic vision but with the firm purpose to do partícipe to the student of the values that inspire the international juridical legislation, aiming, when it was possible, suggestions for the improvement of the norms that integrate it and insisting, especially, in his fulfillment. In this context situates one of the most important functions of the teaching of the international Right public: show and convince to the students that this is an increasingly notable discipline in the training of all jurist and that take consciousness of the international perspective, that confers them the knowledge of the international juridical Legislation, like an indispensable element of the interdependent world. The university educational function, in which it combines an informative function and another formative, has to serve to form jurists that can find professional exits linked with his studies but, especially, also has to serve to form and improve the intellectual capacities of the students so that they can and know to face of critical form the values and the social attitudes that develop in the national and international societies of which they form part.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.