Bibliografía básica Brink, Henrik, Joseph W Richards, and Mark Fetherolf (2017). Real-World Machine-Learning. Shelter Island, NY
Kostadinov, Simeon (2018). Recurrent Neural Networks with Python Quick Start Guide : Sequential Learning and Language Modeling with TensorFlow. 1st edition. Birmingham; Packt Publishing
Li, J., Cheng, K., Wang, S., Morstatter, F., Trevino, R. P., Tang, J., & Liu, H (2017). Feature selection: A data perspective. ACM computing surveys (CSUR), 2017, 50(6), 1-45.

Bibliografía complementaria Bernico, Michael (2018). Deep Learning Quick Reference: Useful Hacks for Training and Optimizing Deep Neural Networks with TensorFlow and Keras. Birmingham, England
Artasanchez, Alberto, and Prateek Joshi (2020). Artificial Intelligence with Python: Your Complete Guide to Building Intelligent Apps Using Python 3.x and TensorFlow 2. Birmingham, England
Gomes, H. M., Read, J., Bifet, A., Barddal, J. P., & Gama, J. (2019). Machine learning for streaming data: state of the art, challenges, and opportunities. ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 2019, 21(2), 6-22