Bibliografía básica

IMO Resolution A.918(22). IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases.

Marlins English for Seafarers 1 y 2. Nisbet, Kutz y Logie. UK. Marlins. 1997

Bridge Procedures Guide. International Chamber of Shipping. London. 6th. 2022.

NP100 The Mariner's Handbook. Admiralty. Hydrographic Department. Taunton. 12th edition. 2020.

Ship knowledge: ship design, construction, and operation. Dokkum, Klaas van. Enkhuizen. Dokmar. 10th ed. 2020. 


Bibliografía complementaria

STCW Convention. Section A-I/6 Training and assessment.

IMO Model Course 1.30 On board Assessment.

IMO MSC/Circ.853. Guidance on Shipboard Assessments of Proficiency.

Behavioural Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators. OCIMF. Intertanko. 1st. 2018 (Web resource).