Bibliografía básica Diaz Soloaga, P. (2014). Comunicación y gestión de marcas de moda. Editorial Gustavo Gili
Aaker, D. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name. New York: Free Press
Garre, O. (2018). Marketing y comunicación de moda, lujo y lifestyle. Madrid: CEU
Graham, B, Anouti, C. (2018). Promoting fashion. Laurence King Publishing
Lea-Greenwood, G. (2013). Fashion Marketing Communications. Wiley
Martínez-Navarro, G. (2017). Marketing y comunicación de moda. Madrid: ESIC
Mitterfellner, O. (2019). Fashion Marketing and Communication: Theory and Practice Across the Fashion Industry. Routledge
Posner, H. (2016). Marketing de moda. Barcelona: Gustavo Gill
Tungate, M. (2008). Fashion Brands. London: Kogan Page
Harris, C. (2017). The fundamentals of digital fashion marketing. Bloomsbury

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