Bibliografía básica

O sistema de Biblioteca da UDC permite realizar búsquedas de literatura recomendada por profesor e material. Esta é unha lista ampliada das fontes recomendadas:

Estudo reolóxico de betumes asfálticos [Recurso electrónico] / Jesús López Paz ; tutores Ramón Pedro Artiaga Díaz, Jorge José López Beceiro López Paz, Jesús Esc Politécnica Superior Depósito -- RP I 429 -- DISPOÑIBLE  
Understanding polymer processing : processes and governing equations Osswald, Tim A. Esc Politécnica Superior Depósito -- CM P 155 -- VENCE 05-06-15  
Understanding rheology Morrison, Faith A. Esc Politécnica Superior Depósito -- CM 357 -- DISPOÑIBLE  

Thermal analysis. Fundamentals and applications to material characterization: proceedings of the international seminar: Thermal analysis and rheology. Ferrol, Spain, 30 Juny-4 July, 2003 / Ramón Artiaga Díaz (ed.), A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servicio de Publicacions, 2005, ISBN  84-9749-100-9

Thermal analysis of polymers / edited by Joseph D. Menczel, R. Bruce Prime; Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley, [2009], ISBN  978-0-471-76917-0

Menard, Kevin P., Dynamic mechanical analysis A practical introduction, Boca Raton : CRC Press, [1999], ISBN 0-8493-8688-8

Ward, Ian Macmillan. An introduction to the mechanical properties of solid polymers / I.M. Ward, and J. Sweeney, Chischester, England : John Wiley & Sons, [2004] 2nd ed. ISBN 0-471-49625-1

Relaxation phenomena in polymers / edited by Shiro Matsuoka. Munich ; New York : Hanser Publishers ; New York : Distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Oxford University Press, 1992. ISBN 3-446-17111-8 (Hanser), 0-19-520957-5 (Oxford University Press)

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