Temas Subtemas
1. Applied Linguistics and the teaching of English. (A Lingüística Aplicada e o Ensino do Inglés)
Introdución ao curso. Prestarase atención a definicións de conceptos craves, e farase un breve repaso das principais disciplinas que se poden encadrar dentro da mesma.
1.1. Introduction. Second language learning and acquisition: definitions
1.2. Historical review of the study of second language acquisition.
Theories: Behaviorism, Universal Grammar, Krashen and the Monitoring Hypothesis, Input and Interaction, Social models, Cognitivism, Competence, Performance and Communicative Competence, Interlanguage.
Practice: Second Language Teaching and Learning, Stages in Second Language Acquisition (Critical period); Proficiency.
2. Current issues in the teaching of English as a Foreign Language. (Cuestións de relevancia actual no Ensino do Inglés como Lingua Estranxeira)
Esta unidade servirá para familiarizar ao alumnado sobre as últimas tendencias no ensino do inglés con especial referencia á aproximación comunicativa. A continuación, presentaranse as achegas máis importantes do Marco Común Europeo con especial énfase nos distintos descriptores de referencia para cada unha das destrezas. Presentarase o Portfolio Europeo das Linguas.
2.1. New tendencies and approaches to the teaching of English.
2.1.1. Factors in Successful English Teaching. The Communicative Approach.
2.1.2. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
2.2. The Common European Framework for the teaching and learning of languages and The European Language Portfolio (PEL)
3. Conducting research in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. (A Investigación na Adquisición e Ensino dunha Segunda Lingua)
Daranse pautas para realizar investigación de carácter empírico no campo da adquisición e aprendizaxe do inglés. Enfoque especial no uso de bibliografía especializada, instrumentos de investigación e análise de datos.
3.1. Introduction.
3.2. Planning a project.
3.3. Possible Themes: 1.Age and Second Language Acquisition
2. Motivation and Second Language Acquisition
3. Interlanguage
4. Social factors and second language acquisition
5. Gender and Second Language Acquisition
6. Stages of Second Language acquisition.
8. Teaching methods and learning English.

3.4. Possible structure and organisation of a language learning project.
3.5. Practical task. The preliminary design of a research project.