Bibliografía básica Paul Crickard III (2014). Leaflet.js Essentials. Packt Publishing
Alper Dincer, Balkan Uraz (2013). Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook. Packt Publishing
Matthew MacDonald (2014). HTML5: The missing manual. O'Reilly Media
Brian Youngblood, Stefano Iacovella (2013). Geoserver Beginner's Guide. Packt Publishing
Google (2016). Google Maps JavaScript API.
Jon Duckett (2011). HTML and CSS: Design and build Websites. John Wiley & Sons
Astor de Caso Parra (2015). JavaScript. Anaya Multimedia
Morgan Herlocker (2016). Turf website.
Vladimir Agafonkin (2015). Leaflet website.
Tyler Mitchell (2005). Web Mapping Illustrated. O'Reilly Media

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