Bibliografía básica Ian Millington (2007). Game Phisics engine development. CRC Press
Stephen Cawood, Mark Fiala (2007). Augmented reality: a practical guide. Programatic Bookshelf
M.I. McShaffry (2009). Behavioral mathematics for game AI. Cengage Learning
J. J. Domínguez, R. Luque (2011). Tecnología Digital y Realidad Virtual. Síntesis
B. Furht (2011). Handbook of Augmented Reality. Springer Science & Businness Media
J. Gregory (2019). Game Engine Architecture (3rd Ed.). AK Peters/CRCPress

Bibliografía complementaria M. Buckland (2005). Programming game AI by example. Jones & Barlett Learning
N. Sathaye (2010). Python Multimedia. Packt Publishing Ltd
W. Goldstone (2011). Unity 3. x game development essentials. Packt Publishing Ltd
M. McShaffry and D. Graham (2012). Game Coding Complete (4th Ed.). Course Technology
R. Nystrom (2014). Game programming patterns. Genever Benning
I. Millington (2019). AI for Games. CRC Press
A. Asadi (2016). Videogames Hardware Handbook: Vol. 1.1977-1999. Imagine Publishing
G. C. Burdea and P. Coiffet (2003). Virtual reality technology. John Wiley & Sons