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Bibliografía complementaria

Allegue, Gonzalo, 1992: Galegos, as mans de América, Vigo, Nigra

Barnett, Miguel, 2008: Galego, Xunta de Galicia.

Mezzadra, Sandro (2005) Derecho de fuga: migraciones, ciudadanía y globalización. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños.

Houtum, H. y Pijpers, R. (2007) “The European Union as a Gated Community: The Two-faced Border and Immigration Regime of the EU”. Antipode, 39 (2): 291-309.

Houtum, Henk (2010) “Human Blacklisting: The Global Apartheid of the EU’s External Border Regime.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28 (6): 957–976.

Casas Cortés, M., Cobarrubias, S. y Pickles, J. (2011) “Stretching Borders Beyond Sovereign Territories? Mapping EU and Spain’s Border Externalization Policies” Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 2(1): 71-90.

Johnson, Corey; R. Jones; A. Paasi; L. Amoore; A. Mountz; M. Salter ; y C. Rumford (2011) “Interventions on Rethinking ‘the Border’ in Border Studies”. Political Geography 2011,vol. 30: 61-69.