Bibliografía básica

Charleson, Andrew

La estructura como arquitectura

Ed. Reverté, Barcelona, 2007. ISBN 978-842912117

Ching, Francis D. k.

Building structures illustrated. Patterns, systems and design

Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2009. ISBN 978 0470187852

Conzett, Jürg

Structure and Space

Ed. Architectural Association,Londres, 2006. ISBN 978 1902902012

Cruz, Paulo J.S. (ed.)

Structures and Architecture: new concepts, applications and challenges

Ed. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), New York, 2013. ISBN 978 1482224610

Deaplazes, Andrea

Constructing architecture: material processes structures

Ed. Birkhäuser Publishers for architecture, Basel, 2005. ISBN 978 3764373199

Engel, Heino

Sistemas de estructuras

Ed. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2009. ISBN 978-8425218002

Frampton, Kenneth

Estudios sobre cultura tectónica

Ed. Akal Arquitectura, Madrid, 1999. ISBN 978-8446011875

Garrison, Philip

Basic Structures for enginners and architects

Ed. John Wiley and sons, New Jersey, 2005. ISBN 978 1405120531

Gutai, Matyas

Trans Structures: fluid architecture and liquid enginnering

Ed. Actar D, Barcelona, 2015, 9781940291444

Harris, James B.

Masted Structures in Architecture

Ed. Architectural Press, New York, 1996. ISBN 0750612827

Howard, Herbert S.

Structure. An architect´s approach

Ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1966

Lim, Joseph

Eccentric structures in architecture

Ed. BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, 2010, 978 9063692421

Mainstone, Rowland J.

Structure in Architecture: History, design and innovation

Ed. Ashgate, Michigan University, 1999. ISBN 9780860787631

McDonal, Angus J.

Structure and Architecture

Ed. Architectural Press, Oxford, 2001. ISBN 0750647930

Moore, Fuller

Understanding structures

Ed. MacGraw Hill, Barcelona, 1999. ISBN 9780070432536

Muttoni, Aurelio

The art of structures: introduction to the functioning of structures in architecture

Ed. EPFL Press, Laussane, Suiza, 2011. ISBN 978-2940222384

Nervi, Pier L.

Aesthetics and technology in buildings

Ed. Harvard University Press, Cambrigde, 1965

Nervi, Pier L.

Nuevas estructuras

Ed. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1973. ISBN 0262640023

Ramsey, Dabby

Structure for architects: a primer

Ed. John Wiley and sons, New Jersey, 2012. ISBN 978 0470633762

Rogers, Richard

Architecture: a modern view

Ed. Thames & Hudson, New York, 1992. ISBN 978 0500342930

Sánchex Vibaek, Kasper

Architectural system structures: integrating desing complexity in industrialised construction

Ed. Routledge Research in Architecture, Abingdon, 2014. ISBN 978 0415828543

Sandaker, Bjorn Normann

On span and space: exploring structures in architecture

Ed. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), Abingdon, 2008. ISBN 978 113432525

Sandaker, Bjorn Normann

The structural basis of architecture

Ed. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), Abingdon, 2011. ISBN 978 0415415453

Siegel, Curt

Formas estructurales de la arquitectura moderna

Ed. Continental, México, 1966

Spuybroek, Lars

The structure of vagueness. Performative architecture beyond instrumentality

Ed. Spon Press (Taylor and Francis Group), New York, 2005. ISBN 978-0203017821

Torroja Miret, Eduardo

Razón y ser de tipos estructurales

Ed. Textos Universitarios CSIC, Madrid, 2004. ISBN 978 8400092825

Wilson, Forrest

Structure: the essence of architecture

Ed. Van Nostrnad Reinhold, Pennsylvania University, 1983. ISBN 9780442290993

Zalewski, Waclaw

Shapin structures: statics

Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 1998. ISBN 978 0471169680

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