Temas Subtemas
- Grammar - Vocabulary - Reading - Listening - Speaking - Writing

-O desenvolvemento e superación destes contidos, xunto cos correspondentes a outras materias que inclúan a adquisición de competencias específicas da titulación, garanten o coñecemento, comprensión e suficiencia das competencias recollidas no cadro AII/2, do Convenio STCW, relacionadas co nivel de xestión de Primeiro Oficial de Ponte da Mariña Mercante, sen limitación de arqueo bruto e Capitán da Mariña Mercante ata o máximo de 3000 GT.
- Ship handling
- Ship’s motion
- Parts of a ship
- The crew. Ship’s departments
- Seaspeak (English for Maritime Communications)
- Messages in SMCP and Message Markers
- Standard Wheel Orders
- Standard Engine Orders
- General description of a vessel
- Positions on board and outside the vessel
- External parts of a merchant ship
- Pilot on the bridge
- Anchoring and leaving the anchorage
- Tug assitance
- Berthing and unberthing
- Nautical abbreviations
- Expressing On Board Procedures
- Expressing Time
- Expressing Geographical Position, Bearings and Distance
- The NATO phonetic alphabet (letters and numbers)
- Hints on using VHF radiotelephone
- Marine navigation
- Nautical chart symbols
- Mathematical operations and geometrical shapes
- Navigation(al) notices (Navigation(al) warnings)
- Corrections and repetitions in SMCPs
- COLREGS (Collision Regulations)
- Cargo and cargo handling
- Prepositions: place, movement and other uses
- Types of cargo ships
- Stevedores
- Types of goods
- Import/Export
- Cargo stability
- In port: Dockside vocabulary
- Communications on board a ship
- Cargo manifest
- Safety on board / Hazards on board
- Occupational safety
- Fire protection and Fire Fighting and Damage Control
- Grounding
- Search and Rescue on board activities
- Geographical features of the coast
- Curriculum Vitae
- Formal letters
- Telephoning in English
- Planning a trip
- Job applications
- Job interviews

- Cadro A-II/2 do Convenio STCW.
Especificación das normas mínimas de competencia aplicables a Capitáns e primeiros oficiais de ponte de buques de arqueo bruto igual ou superior a 500 GT.