Bibliografía básica

Gagné J, Jennings M. Audiologic rehabilitation intervention services for adults with
acquired hearing impairment. In: Valente M, Hosford- Dunn H, Roeser R, eds.
Audiology: Treatment. 2nd ed. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers; 2008:371-400.
Gagne J-P, Jennings MB, Southall K. The ICF: A Classification System and Conceptual
Framework Ideal for Audiological Rehabilitation. Perspectives on Aural Rehabilitation
and Its Instrumentation. 2009;16(1):8-14. doi:10.1044/arii16.1.8.
Valente M, et als. Guidelines for the Audiologic Management of Adult Hearing
Impairment. Audiology Today. 2006;18(5).

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