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Identifying Data 2017/18
Subject (*) Inorganic Chemistry 2 Code 610G01022
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second Obligatoria 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Química
Lopez Torres, Margarita
Lopez Torres, Margarita
Platas Iglesias, Carlos
Vazquez Garcia, Digna
Web http://(En construcción)
General description Historically, the study of Chemistry has been divided in large areas of knowledge that included Inorganic Chemistry as one of them. This discipline includes experimental investigation and theoretical interpretation of the properties and reactivity of all elements of the periodic table as well as the compounds resulting from all of them. Therefore, two of the most characteristic features of Inorganic Chemistry are first the great diversity of contents and second its interdisciplinary nature. The significance of Inorganic Chemistry goes beyond the purely academic boundaries, as witnessed by the variety of inorganic products that are commonly used in our daily lives and the many examples of inorganic compounds with significant implications in industrial and technological processes that contribute decisively to the development of society. In the curriculum of the Degree in Chemistry of the UDC, and according to academic organisation criteria, Inorganic Chemistry introduced in the second year and organised in two theoretical-practical courses: Inorganic Chemistry 1 and Inorganic Chemistry 2. Inorganic Chemistry 2 focuses on the systematic study and synthesis of the elements of groups 13 and 14 and the metallic elements, as well as the study of the synthesis and properties of the compounds derived from these elements. From an academic point of view, this course settles the basis for the advanced Inorganic Chemistry courses and for the majority of other areas of knowledge.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.