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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Introduction to Botany: General Botany Code 610G02023
Study programme
Grao en Bioloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Bioloxía
Leira Campos, Antón Manoel
Fagúndez Díaz, Jaime
Leira Campos, Antón Manoel
Sahuquillo Balbuena, Elvira
Web http://
General description Introduction to Botany, the science which studies the different organisms traditionally included under the label "plants". It integrates information from a wide variety of disciplines, including physiology, plant anatomy and histology, biochemistry, genetics, ecology, etc. The students will acquire knowledge and skills useful for different professional activities, including research, teaching, environmental consultancy, agronomy, ethnobotany, etc.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents The contents of the teaching program will be maintained, respecting the objectives, competences and level of demand. 2. Methodologies Teaching methodologies that are maintained Master session Interactive teaching: practices (computes in the evaluation) Interactive teaching: seminars (computes in the evaluation) Case study (with personalized attention) (computes in the evaluation) The contents of all the activities of the subject will be available in the virtual classroom, as power point presentations or scripts for the practicals. Teaching methodologies that are modified (i) Adaptation planned in the center for cases in which the capacity of the classroom assigned for the subject is exceeded For the expository teaching, it will consist of the attribution of two or more classrooms to the subject and the teaching of the class through TEAMS for the students who are not in the classroom with the teacher. Practicals will be face-to-face for 50% of the sessions, guaranteeing that all students can carry out these activities while maintaining the schedule programmed by the Center. The virtual part of the practical classes (the remaining 50%) will be based on activities in the virtual classroom. (ii) Adaptation to be carried out in the event of a sudden absence caused by outbreaks of the disease Virtual classes of the contents of the subject through Teams / Virtual classroom through explained and commented presentations. Questions will be answered through the forum or MS Teams. The interactive classes will use practical exercises using the Virtual classroom or Teams. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students • Moodle: Daily. According to the lighting needs. They have "thematic forums associated with the modules" of the subject, to formulate the necessary queries. There are also forums for specific activity ”to develop the“ Directed Discussions ”, through which the development of theoretical content on the subject is put into practice. • Teams: 1 weekly session in large group for the advancement of the theoretical contents and the supervised work in the time slot assigned to the subject in the faculty classroom calendar. From 1 to 2 weekly sessions (or more as required by the students) in a small group (at least 6 people), for follow-up and support in carrying out the “supervised work”. This dynamic allows a standardized follow-up and adjusted the learning needs of lighting to develop the work of the subject. • Email: Daily. Use to make inquiries, request virtual meetings to resolve doubts and follow up on supervised jobs. 4. Changes in the evaluation Methodology, Weight in qualification, Description Seminar, 10%, The work carried out by the student in each seminar will be assessed, as well as attitude and participation. The videoconference sessions will be carried out by Teams and will be recorded. Master class, 20%, It will understand the resolution of questionnaires presented in the Virtual Classroom. The questionnaires will be of multiple answer, true / false, fill in the blanks, short or essay questions on the topics covered during the classes. Laboratory practicals, 20%. Resolution of practical exercises presented in the Virtual Classroom. -The assessment of the practicals will be carried out through questionnaires around the activities carried out. Complementary activity, 10%, This activity will remain second to the planned one. Students must submit a brief floristic study within this activity. An activity that only requires internet access will be sought, so it will not undergo modifications. The parts that require going out to the field will be replaced by the search for online information on botanical websites. Objective test, 40%, It will be assessed through an objective test composed of questionnaires in Moodle and an individual handwritten exam (with delivery of a photo or scan file). The test will be done in a video conference room recorded in Teams. However, if during the preparation of the qualifications, the teachers detect any irregularity that puts into question the knowledge presented by the student during the test, the student will be contacted for verification through an oral test (videoconference individual Teams). Evaluation observations: To obtain the qualification of "not-taken", the student may not have participated in more than 30% of the scheduled assessable activities. To pass the subject at the first opportunity, it will be necessary to have participated in at least 70% of the scheduled assessable activities. Likewise, the student must obtain at least the qualification of 4.5 out of 10 points in the objective written test (and no less than 4 in the different parts of this test.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.