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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Plant Systematics: Phanerogamia Code 610G02025
Study programme
Grao en Bioloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Bioloxía
Pimentel Pereira, Manuel
Pimentel Pereira, Manuel
Piñeiro Portela, Rosalía
Sahuquillo Balbuena, Elvira
General description We will integrate information on the morphology, anatomy, reproductive biology and ecology of Spermatophytes in order to understand the processes that led to their evolutionary origin and current diversity. We will also study some of the most ecologically and economically important seed plant families in temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere, and the plant formations where they most commonly appear (forests, shrublands, grasslands and marginal habitats). By the end of the course you will have a thorough understanding of the evolution of seed plants and you will be able to identify specimens belonging to the main plant families growing in NW Iberian Peninsula. The knowledge acquired during this course is useful in many different professional fields such as teaching, scientific research, environmental assessment, agriculture, etnobotany, etc.
Contingency plan Scenario 1. Face to face teaching; in the case that the capacity of the spaces assigned to the different activities is exceeded: -Additional spaces will be assigned to the activities in question. Some students will stay with the teacher and others will move to the new space. The students in the additional classroom will follow the session through TEAMS Scenario 2. Social lockdown due to a new wave of the SARS-Covid-19 virus. 1. Modifications to the contents No relevant changes will be made to the contents of the course. 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies that are maintained -Lecture: Video-classes will be prepared and uploaded to STREAM, so students will have continuous access to them. In addition to this, all scheduled lectures will be transformed into group tutorial sessions where students will be able to solve their doubts on the contents of the course. Individual tutorial sessions will also be available to the students during the course. Video-lessons will be uploaded twice a week, always before the group tutorial sessions. Laboratory sessions: Practical sessions will be moved to an online environment through the design of specific activities based on the analysis of pictures and videos. Students will have to complete different questionnaires using identification keys available online. In addition to this, tutorials will be uploaded to STREAM so students will be able to train themselves on the construction and interpretation of Maximum Parsimony phylogenetic trees (also part of the contents of the course). Seminars: Seminars will be imparted as planned using TEAMS. The questionnaires for the students will be completed in the virtual classroom (Moodle). Although each student will have to complete their own questionnaire, questions will be collectively solved. -Case study. This activity will be conducted as planned, with only minor modifications on its development. The case study in this course is composed by two different parts, the phylogenetic and the floristic report. The former will not be modified, since all materials (DNA sequences and phylogenetic analysis software) can be found online. In the latter, the parts that require fieldwork will be replaced by online information obtained in biogeography, plant ecology and phytosociology webpages. *Teaching methodologies that are modified The learning-service activity will be cancelled, so all students will need to complete the case study. The field trip will be cancelled as well. 3. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students TEAMS. Given that video-lessons will be uploaded to STREAM so the students can use them at any time, the scheduled lectures (two per week) will be transformed into group tutorial sessions through TEAMS. TEAMS will also be the main channel for personalized attention to students, and they will be able to make appointments with the teachers for individual tutorial sessions. E-mail. Students will be free to use their e-mail for contacting with the teachers at any time during the course. Virtual Campus (moodle). Different materials pertaining the main topics covered on the course will be uploaded to the virtual classroom. This tool will also be used for presenting questionnaires to the students, and the forum will be used by the teachers for making announcements of general interest 4. Modifications in the evaluation In this scenario of complete lockdown, the percentage of the different activities on the general assessment of the course will be as follows: -Final exam: 35% -Case study: 35% -Laboratory sessions: 20% -Seminars: 10% *Evaluation observations: -The final exam will be a questionnaire that all students must answer individually. For this, students will be able to use any bibliographic or online tool available to them. They will have at least 48 hours to complete and submit the answers to the questionnaire. -Laboratory sessions assessment will be carried out using exercises and questionnaires on the studied plant species and families. The visu exam will be cancelled under this scenario. -Seminars will be assessed using exercises and questionnaires. Participation in the online sessions will also be considered in the final grade. 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy No changes will be made.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.