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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Statistical Methods and Introduction to Econometrics Code 611G01019
Study programme
Grao en Economía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Economía
Martinez Filgueira, Xose Manuel
Martinez Filgueira, Xose Manuel
Mourelle Espasandin, Estefania
General description This subject constitutes the continuation of the subjects Statistics I and Statistics II, and it is devoted to present the main methodologies to deal with and statistically analyze any type of economic information, both numerical or qualitative, both time or cross-section, as well as the introduction to Econometrics, highlighting the usefulness of its tools and its applications to the economic science; the students should get used to the econometric terminology.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents No changes will be made. 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies that are maintained All of them, but with the necessary adaptation/s to online teaching, according to what is stated in the next paragraph. *Teaching methodologies that are modified The guest lectures/keynote speechs will be adapted to distance learning by substituting class lessons by online teaching (using Teams) with the corresponding records for asynchronous access. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students For the personalized attention, Microsoft Teams will be used (twice a week), as well as Moodle and the e-mail (in an asynchronous manner). 4. Modifications in the evaluation The evaluation activities will be the ones stated in this teaching guide, but they will be adapted to an online evaluation system. In the workshop/s and the mixed test/s there could be a combination of written and oral problem-solving exercises. *Evaluation observations: The second opportunity will use the same criteria than the first opportunity, which are summarized in 50% continuous evaluation and 50% exam. 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy No changes will be made. Teaching materials are available in digital format, either in Moodle or in the subject website.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.