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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) European Union Law Code 612G01021
Study programme
Grao en Dereito
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Dereito Público
Sobrino Heredia, Jose Manuel
Aba Catoira, Ana Maria
Anguita Juega, Luis
Caamaño Domínguez, Francisco Manuel
Mkrtichyan , Artak
Neira Pena, Ana
Oanta Oanta, Gabriela Alexandra
Quindimil Lopez, Jorge Antonio
Ruiperez y Alamillo, Javier
Sobrino Heredia, Jose Manuel
Soto Díaz, David José
General description The study of this course will allow to the student to know better his/her condition as a European citizen and, especially, will expand his/her knowledge on the European Union’s legal dimension. This aspect will allow him/her to ascertain the relevance of the law of integration processes developed by international Organisations. This course is taught by 3 branches of law: public international law (Lessons 1-2 and 5-13), constitutional law (lessons 3-4) and proceedings law (Lesson 14).
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents A. Program of Double Degree in ADE-Law: - No changes will be made. B. Law Degree (in Spanish): - No changes will be made. C. Bilingual Degree: - No changes will be made. 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies that are maintained A. Program of Double Degree in ADE-Law: - Guest lecture / keynote speech - Case study (computes in the evaluation) - Objective test (computes in the evaluation) B. Law Degree (in Spanish): - Guest lecture / keynote speech - Case study (computes in the evaluation) - Objective test (computes in the evaluation) C. Bilingual Degree: - Guest lecture / keynote speech - Case study (computes in the evaluation) - Objective test (computes in the evaluation) *Teaching methodologies that are modified A. Program of Double Degree in ADE-Law: The teaching methodologies are kept. However, the face-to-face teaching is substituted by an on-line teaching and the practical activities will be made by virtual means, too. B. Law degree (in Spanish): The teaching methodologies are kept. However, the face-to-face teaching is substituted by an on-line teaching and the practical activities will be made by virtual means, too. C. Bilingual Degree: The teaching methodologies are kept. However, the face-to-face teaching is substituted by an on-line teaching and the practical activities will be made by virtual means, too. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students A. Program of Double Degree in ADE-Law: - Microsoft Outlook, Moodle, TEAMS. B. Law degree (in Spanish): - Moodle, TEAMS, FORMS, STREAM C. Bilingual degree: - TEAMS, Moodle, Microsoft Outlook 4. Modifications in the evaluation A. Program of Double Degree in ADE-Law: - The final exam will take place on-line with the guarantees of corresponding security. B. Law degree (in Spanish): - The final exam will take place on-line with the guarantees of corresponding security. C. Bilingual degree: - The final exam will take place on-line with the guarantees of corresponding security. *Evaluation observations: A. Program of Double Degree in ADE-Law: - It will not be necessary anymore to get 5/10 for the final exam. B. Law degree (in Spanish): - The step no 7 will be kept. C. Bilingual degree: - The step no 7 will be kept. 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy A. Program of Double Degree in ADE-Law: - No changes will be made. B. Law Degree (in Spanish): - No changes will be made. C. Bilingual Degree: - No changes will be made.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.