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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Literary and Cultural Movements in English-Speaking Countries Code 613505116
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados e as súas Aplicacións (2019)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Letras
Simal Gonzalez, Begoña
Simal Gonzalez, Begoña
General description Advanced research within the field of cultural and literary studies in the Anglophone world. Through the study of a wide variety of literary and cultural readings which are representative of geographical backgrounds and historical periods, students are offered the possilibity of analysing and discussing the overall periodization of Anglophone literatures (i.e., the Renaissance, Romanticism, Realism and Naturalism, Modernism, Postmodernism) as well as the dominant ideological and cultural patterns in each period and geographical context which give rise to such literary productions (i.e., social fiction in the Great Depression, existentialism and Theatre of the Absurd in the postwar years, the rewriting of history and identity within Postcolonial literatures, self-reflexivity and cultural parody in the postmodern era, etc.). Via an applied, practical methodology, the complex interrelations between artistic and literary creation, critical theory and reader reception, and cultural and sociopolitical trends will be discussed as determining factors in the formation and ongoing evolutionof literary canons in the Anglophone world.
Contingency plan 1. MODIFICATIONS TO THE CONTENTS None. 2. METHODOLOGIES Teaching methodologies that are kept • “Online discussion” and “supervised project”. The oral presentation of the final project may be replaced by recorded presentations, if circumstances so require (see below). Teaching methodologies that are modified • In an on-line teaching scenario, the “seminars” and “document analysis” (close reading and critical analysis of texts) will be carried out via Moodle assignments and/or discussion forums. • The teacher’s lectures will be replaced by (or complemented with) PDF documents and audio-visual resources; • The oral presentation corresponding the supervised project (see above) may be replaced by recorded presentations. 3. TUTORIALS AND PERSONALIZED ATTENTION • MOODLE TUTORIAL FORUMS, initiated by students and checked on a weekly basis. • E-MAIL (especially for individual queries and doubts), on a weekly basis. 4. ASSESSMENT While the distribution of percentages will not change, the different assessment methods will have to be adapted to the new circumstances, as follows: • 40% - course-work carried out via Moodle assignments and/or discussion forums • 60% - Final essay / project: the oral presentation may be replaced by recorded presentations. ASSESSMENT COMMENTS: SECOND OPPORTUNITY (JULY): Those students who have not reached 4 out of 10 points in each of the main assessment sections, even if the overall addition is 5 or higher, will have to use the second opportunity (July). In an on-line scenario, it will comprise: • 40% course work will be replaced by a written exam, to be carried via Moodle on the official date of the exam; should there be (serious, certifiable) connectivity problems, the exam will be done orally (phone call); • 60% final essay/project; the oral presentation may be replaced by recorded presentations 5. Changes in bibliography/webgraphy - More on-line resources: short primary sources will be available in Moodle; as to secondary sources, there will be extra on-line resources (e.g. PDF excerpts, the teacher’s own materials, links to on-line library resources…).
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.