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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Statistical Modeling of High Dimensional Data Code 614G02013
Study programme
Grao en Ciencia e Enxeñaría de Datos
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Matemáticas
Cao Abad, Ricardo
Cao Abad, Ricardo
López Cheda, Ana
Web http://
General description This course provides a first contact with the statistical modelization of high dimensional data: multivariate analysis methods, statistical tools and computer programs for the analysis of high dimensional data, identification of the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods, and critical procedures and interpretation of the results related to the proposed problem.
Contingency plan 1. Modification of the contents: No changes will be considered. 2. Methodologies: • Methodologies with no changes: Concept tests: a concept test will be carried out, approximately, in the middle of the quadrimester, using In the official exam date, in January 2022, a second concept test will take place, also using The qualification of each one of the concept tests will be 20% of the total qualification. Work in pair of students: which corresponds to the 20% of the total qualification, will be uploaded in The oral presentation oral (which is the 10%) will be carried out using TEAMS. Tests on R labs: a test related to R labs will be carried out, approximately, in the middle of the quadrimester, and it will be submitted by In the official exam date, in January 2022, a second test related to R labs will take place, and the submission will also be with The qualification of each one of the concept tests will be 20% of the total qualification. • Methodologies with changes: Oral presentation: they are not considered for the qualification. The oral presentation will be carried out using TEAMS in the time period assigned for the course in the faculty calendar. Moreover, these TEAMS classes may be complemented with explanatory videos to help students understand some specific concepts. ICT practicals: they are not considered for the qualification. If classes are not online, they consist of data analyses using statistical software (R). In case of lockdown, they will be replaced by explanatory videos with the development of the R labs proposed. These videos may be either recorded and uploaded in the time period assigned for the course, or previously uploaded to TEAMS. Furthermore, group tutorial classes will take place by TEAMS weekly (or more often, depending on the student’s demand). 3. Personalized attention: Tools: Email, Videoconference (Teams), Moodle. Email: Daily. To solve questions, fix virtual tutorials and monitoring the group work. Videoconference (Teams): Two sessions per week, to make progress in the contents, in the time period assigned to the course in the faculty calendar. Moreover, individual and group tutorials will take place after being fixed by email. Moodle: Daily, depending on the student’s demand. Some forums related to the different topics will be available. 4. Modifications in the assessment: The percentages of the qualification in each one of the tests will not be modified. The difference is that the oral presentation of the group work will be carried out by TEAMS, the concept tests (mid-term or final) will be submitted by Moodle, and the test related to the R labs will also be uploaded using the same platform. Note: During the course, two mid-term tests will be considered. The first one is related to the Topics 0-2, and the second one is related to Topics 3-4. Those students who pass the first tests will be allowed to avoid topics 0-2 in the final exam. 5. Modifications in the bibliography or webgraphy: No changes will be considered. Students will have access to all the material they need in Moodle.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.