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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Landscape and Sustainable Habitat Code 630G02056
Study programme
Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fifth Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Proxectos Arquitectónicos, Urbanismo e Composición
Rodriguez Alvarez, Jorge
Rodriguez Alvarez, Jorge
Rodriguez Blanco, Emilio
Web http://
General description Landscape is not equal to nature. The concept of landscape implies the development of a mentality strongly influenced by the sum of cultural experiences. Nature is an entity in itself, while the landscape must be interpreted or experienced. Only through the knowledge of the relationships established between landscape and experience, as well as those of the causative agents of these relationships, will it be possible to understand the existing landscape and its creative process. The course tries to introduce the student into the knowledge of the elements that compose the landscape and the relationships between them. The objective is to provide students with the necessary tools to integrate landscape and environmental aspects into their architectural and urban designs. The subject's approach defines the landscape as a result of human interaction within its habitat. Habitat is understood as the environment where human activities are developed. It will study the analytic tools and methods that can be applied to inform and evaluate project decisions, trying to minimize the impact on the environment.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications in the contents -No realize changes 2. Methodologies *teaching Methodologies that keep ANALYSIS OF DOCUMENTARY SOURCES. INITIAL ACTIVITIES. *Teaching methodologies that modify SESSION MAXISTRAL. Adaptation of the form presencial traditional to the form no presencial through the platform Teams WORKS TUTELADOS. It realized the guardianship of said work through the digital platforms aportadas by the UDC. (Teams) By means of titorías agreed with each team MIXED PROOF. No it will realize the mixed proof final. The evaluation of this knowledge incorporates the methodology of the Works Tutelados Mechanisms of attention customized to the students will be by Teams or Moodle 3. Mechanisms of attention customized to the students %u2013 Email: Daily, of Monday to Friday and in time lectivo. Of use pra do queries, request virtual meetings to resolve doubts and do the tracking of the works tutelados. %u2013 Moodle: Daily, of Monday to Friday and in time lectivo. Second the need of the alumando. They have of %u201Cforos thematic associated to the modules%u201D of the subject, to formulate the necessary queries. Also there is %u201Cforos of specific activity%u201D to develop the %u201CDiscusións directed%u201D, through the that puts in practice the development of theoretical contents of the subject. %u2013 Teams: 1 weekly session in big group stop the advance of the contained theoretical and of the works tutelados in the franxa time that has assigned the subject in the calendar of classrooms of the school. Of 1 to 2 weekly sessions in small group (tie 6 people), stop the tracking and support in the realization of the %u201Ctraballos tutelados%u201D. This dynamics allows to do a tracking normalized and adjusted the needs of the learning of the alumando to develop the work of the subject. 4. Modifications in the evaluation Works tutelados (100%): In relation with the works tutelados will value: %u2013 The adecuación methodological of the proposals of work. %uF02D To depth of the contained. %uF02D The dominance of the applications used in the manufacture of the proposals. %uF02D The treatment of an own language of the disciplinary context. %uF02D To utilization of complementary documentary sources and current. %uF02D To presentation and the clarity of the exhibition. *Observations of evaluation: they Keep the same that figure in the teaching guide, except that: %uF02D- The references to the cómputo of the assistance, that only will realize concerning the sessions that there was tie the moment in the that suspended the activity presencial. 1. SITUATIONS: IT) Students with dedicación complete: Assistance/participation in the activities of minimum kind of 80%: it) Manufacture and presentation of the works of small group (100%). B) Students with recognition of dedicación in time partial and metes out academic of exemption of assistance, second establishes the "NORM THAT REGULATES The REGIME OF DEDICACIÓN To The STUDY DOS STUDENTS OF DEGREE IN The UDC (Arts. 2.3; 3.b And 4.5) (29/5/212): Assistance/participation in the activities of minimum kind of 80%: it) Manufacture and presentation of the works of small group (100%). 2. REQUIREMENTS TO SURPASS The SUBJECT: 1. Assist and take part regularly in the activities of the kind. 2. Obtain a punctuation of 50% of the weight of each of the parts object of evaluation. 3. Deliver and expose the works tutelados in the date that indicate . 4. The opportunity of July will be subjected to the same criteria that it of June. 5. Modifications of the bibliography or webgrafía No will realize changes. 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.