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Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Surface and groundwater hydrology Code 632G01050
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría de Obras Públicas
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Fourth Optional 4.5
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Enxeñaría Civil
Padilla Benitez, Francisco
Juncosa Rivera, Ricardo
Padilla Benitez, Francisco
General description Proporcionar una visión general y equilibrada de los aspectos básicos y aplicados de la Hidrología superficial y Subterránea desde las necesidades propias de la ingeniería civil, con el fin de que el alumno sea capaz de proyectar e interpretar los distintos ensayos hidráulicos de caracterización hidrodinámica del medio, interpretar mapas hidrogeológicos, conocer aspectos constructivos de las captaciones y analizar las interacciones aguas superficiales y subterraneas
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents No modifications will be made to the contents 2. Methodologies * Teaching methodologies that are maintained" Communication will be maintained by email for inquiries, to resolve doubts and to make appointments for tutorials. The contents and documentation of the subject will be provided through Moodle * Teaching methodologies that are modified The non presential classes will be held through Videoconference in Teams. Non presential Tests and Exams will be carried out using Moodle and Teams. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students Email, for questions, doubts and tutoring appointments Moodle, through the Forum, the Tests and the remote evaluation Teams through Chat, Videoconference in Tutorials, and Non-contact classes. 4. Changes in the evaluation The method and proportionality of the teacher evaluation (continuous evaluation and exams) will be maintained, only the non-attendance of the evaluation will change. * Evaluation observations: The Assessments will be carried out in person through Tests in Moodle and Teams (Videoconference and Chat) 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy There will be no modifications
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.