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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Family Intervention in Disability Situations Code 651516013
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Discapacidade e Dependencia (plan 2015)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Psicoloxía
López Larrosa, Silvia
López Larrosa, Silvia
General description This subject studies the family and the impact that illness and disability have on the family as well as ways we can approach families and intervene on them.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents. No changes 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies that are maintained Examen Discussion Readings Porfolio Lectures (will be on line) Warming up sessions (online) *Teaching methodologies that are modified Role playing: it will be changed by case studies and documents or visual tasks that will show how students would behave during an interview with families. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students. They will happen weekly, individually or in group, scheduled by the teacher or requested by the studdent. 4. Modifications in the evaluation No changes for regular students. Half-attending students: role playing will be changed by written documents and case studies that will weight 30%. Involvement in on line discussions keeps its value (20%) but the exam will add 10% of the weight for attending compulsory sessions to its initial value of 40%, so the exam will have a final value of 50%. Non attending students: no changes. *Evaluation observations: Exam in Moodle. The information about what to study will be in Moodle. In case the full time student fails in June, his/her mark will depend on the exam in the next opportunity but his/her marks in role-play, portfolio and participation. Half-attendants and non-attendant students will be evaluated using the same indicators in June and July. 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy. No changes
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.