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Datos Identificativos 2021/22
Asignatura (*) Introdución á Dinámica de Fluídos Computacional (CFD) Mariña Código 730542011
Master Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Sostibilidade e Industria 4.0 aplicada ao Sector Marítimo
Descriptores Ciclo Período Curso Tipo Créditos
Mestrado Oficial 2º cuadrimestre
Primeiro Obrigatoria 6
Modalidade docente Presencial
Departamento Enxeñaría Naval e Industrial
Gosset , Anne Marie Elisabeth
Correo electrónico
Gosset , Anne Marie Elisabeth
Lema Rodríguez, Marcos
Correo electrónico
Web http://
Descrición xeral This course is focused on providing the students with an introduction to the field of computational fluid dynamics, with an application to the marine field. The course will cover from the basic principles of conservation and their characteristic equations, its discretization methods, to the finite-volume method and the basics of the CFD codes used for their solution, with a focus in the open source code OpenFoam.
Plan de continxencia 1.- Modification of contents. No changes will be made. 2. Methodologies * Teaching methodologies that are kept Keep all methodologies. * Teaching methodologies that are modified Carrying out courses through Teams. The presentation of the supervised work and the ICT practices will also be carried out through Teams. 3. Mechanisms of personalized tuition to students Videoconferencing and messaging by Teams, Moodle and email, in this order of preference. In addition, if the teaching staff observe that there are difficulties common to a group of students, they can schedule small group sessions through team videoconferencing. 4. Modifications to evaluation method It will be done electronically through Teams. 5. Modifications of the bibliography or webgraphy Without modifications.
(*)A Guía docente é o documento onde se visualiza a proposta académica da UDC. Este documento é público e non se pode modificar, salvo casos excepcionais baixo a revisión do órgano competente dacordo coa normativa vixente que establece o proceso de elaboración de guías