Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Física 2 Code 610G01004
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First FB 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Física
Rilo Siso, Esther
Rico Varela, Maite
Rilo Siso, Esther
General description Proporciona os coñecementos de Física Xeral necesarios para a fundamentación das leis e fenómenos da Química. Trátase dunha materia que é o elo entre as Matemáticas e a Química no sentido de dar unha formulación formal das observacións científicas que permiten o establecemento de leis e resultados sen os que non é posible “pechar” o método científico. As leis da física proporcionan os ingredientes básicos nos que se apoian a maioría das ciencias, así como a instrumentación e técnicas de medida que se utilizan en todos os campos científicos, e moi especialmente na química. De aí a súa importancia e presenza no primeiro curso da titulación, xa que xunto coa Física 1 proporciona ó alumno a base conceptual que precisa para abordar as materias de outros módulos e cursos da titulación.

Preténdese introducir ó alumno no método científico, alcanzar a comprensión dos principios básicos da física fundamentalmente nos campos da electricidade, magnetismo e ondas. Chegar a saber reducir os problemas reais ós seus aspectos máis esenciais, e aprender a aplicar os coñecementos físicos ó campo da química.
Os descriptores son: concepto de campo e a súa aplicación ó campo gravitatorio e eléctrico, principios de electromagnetismo e ondas.

Proporciona los conocimientos de Física General necesarios para la fundamentación de la leyes y fenómenos de la Química. Se trata de una asignatura que es el nexo entre las matemáticas y la química en el sentido de dar una formulación formal de las observaciones científicas que permiten establecer leyes y resultados sin los que no es posible “cerrar” el método científico. Las leyes de la física proporcionan los ingredientes básicos en las que se apoyan la mayoría de las ciencias, así como la instrumentación y técnicas de medida que se utilizan en todos los campos científicos, y muy especialmente en la química. De ahí su importancia y presencia en el primer curso de la titulación ya que junto con la Física 1 proporciona al alumno la base conceptual que necesita para abordar las asignaturas de otros módulos y cursos de la titulación.

Se pretende introducir al alumno en el método científico, alcanzar la comprensión de los principios básicos de la física, fundamentalmente en los campos de la electricidad, magnetismo y ondas. Llegar a saber reducir los problemas reales a sus aspectos más esenciales, y aprender a aplicar los conocimientos básicos al campo de la química.
Los descriptores son: concepto de campo y su aplicación a los campos gravitatorio y eléctrico, principios de electromagnetismo y ondas.

Provides knowledge of General Physics required for substantiation of the laws and phenomena of chemistry. This is a subject that is the link between mathematics and chemistry in the sense of giving a formal formulation of scientific observations that establish laws and results without which you can not "close" the scientific method. The laws of physics provide the basic ingredients in which most sciences are supported, as well as instrumentation and measurement techniques used in all scientific fields, and especially in chemistry. Hence its importance and presence in the first year of the degree, since along with Physics 1 provides students with the necessary basis for understanding matters of other modules and courses of the degree.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Ability to use chemistry terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units
A3 Knowledge of characteristics of the different states of matter and theories used to describe them
A12 Ability to relate macroscopic properties of matter to its microscopic structure
A14 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts, principles and theories in chemistry
A15 Ability to recognise and analyse new problems and develop solution strategies
A19 Ability to follow standard procedures and handle scientific equipment
A20 Ability to interpret data resulting from laboratory observation and measurement
A22 Ability to plan, design and develop projects and experiments
A23 Critical standards of excellence in experimental technique and analysis
A24 Ability to explain chemical processes and phenomena clearly and simply
A25 Ability to recognise and analyse link between chemistry and other disciplines, and presence of chemical processes in everyday life
A27 Ability to teach chemistry and related subjects at different academic levels
B1 Learning to learn
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
B5 Teamwork and collaboration
B7 Effective workplace communication
C1 Ability to express oneself accurately in the official languages of Galicia (oral and in written)
C3 Ability to use basic information and communications technology (ICT) tools for professional purposes and learning throughout life
C6 Ability to assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available for problem solving

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Dispoñer dos fundamentos teóricos mínimos que permitan a comprensión dos aspectos da química relacionados coa mecánica de fluidos e cos fenómenos eléctricos e magnéticos. A1
Saber reducir os problemas reais ós seus aspectos máis esenciais e aplicalos ó campo da química A14
Aplicar as técnicas básicas de laboratorio, incluindo os cálculos necesarios e expresando os resultados de manera axeitada. Utilizar o material e aplicar as normas básicas de seguridade para traballar nun laboratorio. A19

Topic Sub-topic
1. Field theory
Scalar and vector field
Gradient, divergence and rotational
Circulation and flux
Central force fields
2. Fluids Ideal fluids
Real fluids
Surface phenomenon
3. Gravity Gravitational field
Gravitational potential energy
4. Electricity Electric field and potential
Electric current and directs current circuits
5. Magnetism Magnetic field
Magnetic induction
Alternating current circuits
6. Oscillations and waves Oscillations
Waves motion
7. Ligth Properties
Optical images
Interferences and difraction
Practical teaching: surface tension and density measurements for different methods, resistance measurement using a Wheatstone bridge, mass/charge rate for electron, measurements of voltage, resistance and current in electrical circuits.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A3 A12 A14 A15 A24 A25 A27 B1 B2 B3 C6 27 67.5 94.5
Problem solving A14 A15 A27 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 C1 C3 C6 9 13.5 22.5
Laboratory practice A19 A20 A22 A23 A24 B1 B2 B3 B5 C3 C6 15 15 30
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 A3 A12 A14 A15 A24 A25 B2 B3 C6 2 0 2
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech During these sessions, teacher will explain lessons including different formats (theory, problems and general examples), emphasizing the more important aspects and in the more difficult ones.
Problem solving In this sessions, some problems related to theory contents explained before will be proposed and solved. Students must solve this problems and questions under teacher supervision, individually or in groups. There will be included in these classes activities that imply the participation of the pupils, that will contribute to the continuous assessment. So teacher can observe the difficulties of comprehension that every pupil presents in the resolution of problems.
Laboratory practice Students will perform laboratory practice for the application of knowledge acquired in the keynote sessions and problem solving. With this methodology, they acquire skills needed to work properly in a physics lab, which includes the use of instruments for measurement, data processing and analysis of results of physic properties and magnitudes. A guide for each practice will be given to the student, and they will have all necessary material to mount and do them.
Mixed objective/subjective test It is the test for the evaluation of knowledge, which allows teacher assessing the level of student learning.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Problem solving
Students will be attended individually to help them to understand and resolve all problems related with the subject they can have. Moreover, teacher regularly invite students to tutorials with the intention of receiving the necessary guidance.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A19 A20 A22 A23 A24 B1 B2 B3 B5 C3 C6 Attendance to Laboratory practices is MANDATORY, so you cannot pass the course without making them. The highest mark that can be obtained is 1.5 points, and the minimum one required to pass them is 0.7. It will be evaluated on the basis of participation and results delivery of each session, and a test that will take place during the last session. Competences evaluated A19, A20, A22, A23, A24, B1, B3, B5, B7, C3 15
Problem solving A14 A15 A27 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 C1 C3 C6 Attendance will be evaluated (up to 0,5 points). Participation on the resolution of problems and exercises also will be evaluated. Teacher may periodically collect exercises or questions proposed during these sessions. Competences evaluated: A1, A3, A12, A15, B1, B2, C1 15
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 A3 A12 A14 A15 A24 A25 B2 B3 C6 Examination accounts for 70% of the final grade
During the term a mid-course assesment exam will be done. Competences evaluated: A1, A3, A12, A14, A15, B2, C1.
Assessment comments

Exam mark should not
be less than 4 (up to 10). The final mark must
be 5 or higher to pass course, and will be calculated as follows: exam mark*0.7+laboratory+problem
solving.  If a student, having a final mark higher than 5, fails
the minimum mark in any activity, he/she will have a mark of 4.5, i.e., Fail.

In the
July opportunity will be saved the qualifications of Laboratory and Seminars of

For qualifying students as NON PRESENTED they must not
have participated in more than 25%
of evaluable scheduled activities.

Students evaluated on the second opportunity
will be eligible for the honors if the maximum
number of that for the
corresponding course was not covered at the first opportunity.

laboratory practices must be done in the official calendar published at the
beginning of the term.

Concerning  successive academic years, the teaching-learning process,
including assessment, refers to an academic course, and therefore start again
with each new course, including
all activities and evaluation procedures
were scheduled for
that course.

Sources of information
Basic Fidalgo & Fernández (). Física General. Everest
Tippler & Mosca (). Física para la ciencia y la tecnología . Reverté
Sears, Zemansky, Young & Freedman (). Física Universitaria . Addison Wesley Longman

Complementary Lea & Burke (). Física, la naturaleza de las cosas. Paraninfo
Angel Franco García (2006). Prácticas de Física.
Burbano de Ercilla, Burbano García & Gracia Muñoz (). Problemas de Física. Mira

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Matemáticas 1/610G01001
Física 1/610G01003

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Matemáticas 2/610G01002

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

You need to have knowledge of physics and mathematics from high school. It is recommended to attend the leveling course taught in the Facultade de Ciencias in September.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.