Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Ampliación de Química Orgánica Code 610G01028
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatoria 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Química Fundamental
Sarandeses Da Costa, Luis Alberto
Maestro Saavedra, Miguel Anxo
Sarandeses Da Costa, Luis Alberto
General description Ampliación de Química Orgánica é unha materia do módulo de Química Orgánica, que se orienta ao estudo da nomenclatura, a estrutura, as propiedades, a reactividade e os principais métodos de síntese de derivados de ácidos carboxílicos, enoles e enolatos, compostos orgánicos difuncionales, con nitróxeno en ligazóns múltiples, con aneis heterocíclicos ou con importancia biolóxica, como os carbohidratos, os aminoácidos, os péptidos e os ácidos nucleicos.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Ability to use chemistry terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units
A4 Knowledge of main types of chemical reaction and characteristics of each
A6 Knowledge of chemical elements and their compounds, synthesis, structure, properties and reactivity
A9 Knowledge of structural characteristics of chemical and stereochemical compounds, and basic methods of structural analysis and research
A10 Knowledge of chemical kinetics, catalysis and reaction mechanisms
A14 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts, principles and theories in chemistry
A15 Ability to recognise and analyse new problems and develop solution strategies
A21 Understanding of qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemical problems
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
C1 Ability to express oneself accurately in the official languages of Galicia (oral and in written)

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Knowledge of nomenclature, structure, properties, reactivity and the main methods for the synthesis of: carbonyl compounds, difunctional compounds, compounds containing multiple bond with nitrogen, sulfur containing compounds, phosphorous containing compounds, silicon-containing compounds, heterocyclic compounds and those with biological relevance as carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides and nucleic acids. A1
Resolution and exposure problems associated with the structure, reactivity and the synthesis of difunctional organic compounds with nitrogen multiple bonds, sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, or heterocyclic important biological nature such as carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides and nucleic acids. A1

Topic Sub-topic
Theme 1. Carboxylic acid derivatives Clasification and general reactivity: addition-elimination. Esters. Amides. Acid halides and anhydrides. Nitriles.
Theme 2. Alpha Reactivity of Carboniyl Compounds Enols and enolates: tautomerism, acidity, regioselectivity of enolate formation. Reactivity: halogenation, alkylation, aldol condensation, the Mannich reaction, the Stork reaction, the Claisen reaction, the Dieckmann reaction, the Reformatsky reaction.
Theme 3. Bifunctional Compounds Diols and hydroxycarbonyl compounds. Dicarbonyl compounds. Alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds.
Theme 4. Nitrogen Compuounds Nitrocompounds. Diazonium salts. Sandmeyer reaction.
Theme 5. Heterocyclic Compounds Reactions of heterocycles. Ring-closing reactions. Aromatic heterocycles with five- and six-members: pyrrol, furane, thiophene and pyridine. Benzoderivatives: indole, quinoline and isoquinoline.
Theme 6. Carbohydrates and Nucleic Acids Carbohydrates, clssification: monossacharides, oligosaccarhides and polisaccarhidess. Nucleosides and nucleotides. Polynucleotides and nucleic acids.
Theme 7. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins Amino Acids: structure, propieties, reactivity and synthesis. Peptides: structure and synthesis. Proteins: structure and classification.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities A4 A6 A9 A25 C8 1 0 1
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A4 A6 30 60 90
Seminar A1 A4 A6 A9 A10 A14 A15 A21 B2 B3 B4 C1 12 36 48
Mixed objective/subjective test A21 A15 A14 A10 A9 A6 A4 A1 B2 B3 C1 4 4 8
Personalized attention 3 0 3
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities
In the initial session teachers will be presented and the course will be described. The most important in relation to the content, planning, methodologies, assessment methods and literature aspects are discussed.
Guest lecture / keynote speech
30 theoretical sessions are scheduled in one group, in which the teacher will develop the fundamental contents of the program through theoretical explanations, type resolution problems and practical examples. The scripts of the content and / or develop presentations will be available on the website of the matter (moodle) prior to the development of lessons. With the help of these materials and other resources (bibliographic, internet ...) students will prepare lessons prior to your delivery way. Student participation will be encouraged through the development of questions or e-mails directed to the teacher before, during or after the lesson.
Seminar It will be conducted in 12 interactive small group sessions in which students will actively participate in the analysis and resolution of the problems posed by the teacher. Questionnaires solving exercises will be available on the website of the matter (moodle) prior to the development of the classes. Students will work on the analysis and resolution of problems prior to the delivery of seminar sessions.
Mixed objective/subjective test One final written examination is programmed final, which will objectively assess the degree of assimilation and the applicability of the contents of the subject by the student program. The objective test will include a single type of questions, which will be related to the structure, reactivity and synthesis of organic compounds, and that will determine whether the answers are correct.

Personalized attention

The students will have personalized attention in the schedule of tutorials for clarification of the key concepts of the subject exposed in large groups, the resolution of individual issues raised in the workshops and keynote sessions.
In addition, students can receive personalized information on any aspect of the matter during the hours of tutorials.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Seminar A1 A4 A6 A9 A10 A14 A15 A21 B2 B3 B4 C1 Attendance and active participation of students in the analysis and resolution of the problems posed by the teacher and asking questions during interactive sessions or before and after the development of the same by e-mail will be assessed. 25
Mixed objective/subjective test A21 A15 A14 A10 A9 A6 A4 A1 B2 B3 C1 Final written examination, where students must solve in limited time without support materials similar to those raised during seminar sessions and oral presentation problems. 70
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A4 A6 Attendance and active participation of the students by asking questions or by e-mail before or after the exhibition sessions were evaluated. 5
Assessment comments

The assessment by the objective test (first or second chance) will contribute 70% of the final grade. In this regard,the score on the second occasion (July) replace the obtained at the first opportunity (February). Continuous evaluation (the work done in the master classes, seminars and oral presentations and by assessing writing solutions to problem sets) will contribute 30% of the final grade. The score on continuous assessment during the course may be stored on the second occasion (July).

To qualify PASS will be necessary (1) to reach 40% of the score of the objective tests and (2) to 50% of the overall score. Students who do not complete 25% of classroom activities and does not submit to the objective tests core will NOTFILED.Students who takemore than 25% of classroom activities and after presenting the evidence does not reach 40% of the points in the same or 50% of the overall score will receive the grade of FAIL.

According to the academic regulations, students are evaluated on the second occasion shall be eligible for Honorous Distinction if the maximum number of these was not completed in its entirety at the first opportunity.

According to the recommendation of the Commission on Quality of the Faculty of Science, the Honours students who achieve the highest marks in the first opportunities will be granted. The students tested on the second occasion shall be eligible for honors if the maximum number of licenses for the corresponding course has not been fully covered at the first opportunity.

Sources of information
Basic Vollhardt, K. P. C. (2007). Química Orgánica. Barcelona. Omega

Wade, L.G. Química Orgánica, Méxic . Pearson, 2012, QO-437.

McMurry,J., Química Orgánica, 6ª edición México.Thomsom, 2004, QO-268

Solomons, T. G. W.; Fryhle, C. B. Organic Chemistry, 9th Ed.; Wiley, NJ, 2008. QO-131

Streitwieser A.; Heathcock, C., Introduction to Organic Chemistry, New Jersey, USA . Prentice Hall, 1998, QO-430.


Clayden, J.; Greeves, N.; Warren, S.Organic Chemistry, Oxford, University Press, 2012, QO-439

Davis, D. T., Aromatic HeterocyclicChemistry, Primers 2, Oxford 1992, QO-

Bailey, P. D., Organonitrogen Chemistry,Primers 38, Oxford 1996, QO-243

Thomas, S. E. Organic Synthesis, The Rolesof Boron and Silicon, Primers 1, Oxford 1997, QO-462

Whitman, G. H., Organosulfurchemistry, Primers 33, Oxford 1994, QO-459.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Química Orgánica 1/610G01026
Química Orgánica 2/610G01027

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Experimentación en Química Orgánica/610G01029
Química Orgánica Avanzada/610G01030

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.