Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Bioquímica e Química Biolóxica Code 610G01034
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Obligatoria 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Bioloxía Celular e Molecular
Cerdan Villanueva, Maria Esperanza
Barreiro Alonso, Aida Inés
Cerdan Villanueva, Maria Esperanza
Lamas Maceiras, Mónica
General description Estrutura, propiedades e reactividade química de biomoléculas.
  Estrutura e función das macromoléculas e membranas biolóxicas.
  Catálise e control de reaccións bioquímicas.
  Funcións de metais en sistemas biolóxicos.
  Bioenerxética e metabolismo.
  Información Xenética.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Ability to use chemistry terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units
A5 Understanding of principles of thermodynamics and its applications in chemistry
A9 Knowledge of structural characteristics of chemical and stereochemical compounds, and basic methods of structural analysis and research
A10 Knowledge of chemical kinetics, catalysis and reaction mechanisms
A12 Ability to relate macroscopic properties of matter to its microscopic structure
A13 Understanding of chemistry of main biological processes
A15 Ability to recognise and analyse new problems and develop solution strategies
A16 Ability to source, assess and apply technical bibliographical information and data relating to chemistry
A20 Ability to interpret data resulting from laboratory observation and measurement
A21 Understanding of qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemical problems
A22 Ability to plan, design and develop projects and experiments
A23 Critical standards of excellence in experimental technique and analysis
A24 Ability to explain chemical processes and phenomena clearly and simply
A25 Ability to recognise and analyse link between chemistry and other disciplines, and presence of chemical processes in everyday life
B1 Learning to learn
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
B5 Teamwork and collaboration
B7 Effective workplace communication
C1 Ability to express oneself accurately in the official languages of Galicia (oral and in written)
C3 Ability to use basic information and communications technology (ICT) tools for professional purposes and learning throughout life
C4 Self-development as an open, educated, critical, engaged, democratic, socially responsible citizen, equipped to analyse reality, diagnose problems, and formulate and implement informed solutions for the common good
C6 Ability to assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available for problem solving

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
As a result of learning it is expected that students know the nomenclature of the usual functional groups in biomolecules and biochemical terminology , measurement units , international conventions and classification models representing biomolecules A1
The students will understand the mechanisms transmission of transmission of genetic information: replication, transcription and translation. They will understand the importance of molecular biology in scientific and technological development. A13
The student will understand enzymatic catalysis. The peculiarities of enzymes as catalysts. The concept of catalytic center, reaction mechanisms, enzymatic catalysis processes, the kinetics of the reactions catalyzed by enzymes and enzymatic regulation in response to metabolic and hormonal changes. Solve problems related to these contents. A1
The students will understand the systems of generation, storage and trasnferencia of energy in the cell, the application of the principles of thermodynamics and its applications in the chemistry of living organisms; and solving problems related to these contents. A5
To know general concepts of metabolic processes and their regulation and their interconnections. Understanding of the role of the control of enzyme regulation on metabolic pathways. To know how to use the right language for the description of the metabolic processes. To be able to solve problems related to metabolic flow diagrams, to do balances and metabolic studies by labeling metabolites. A13
To knowi the apparatus, instruments and basic protocols in the biochemistry laboratory. Implement the theoretical knowledge of the subject. Interpret the results, and propose alternative methods; properly express the results in a lab report. To work with security, and develops skills for systematic methods and excellence in laboratory work. A1

Topic Sub-topic
1.- Biomolecules. Structure, characteristics and chemical reactivity Structure of biomolecules: Configuration and conformation. Isomerism: Concept and types. Carbohydrates: Nomenclature and structure; classification and importance. Lipids: Concept, classification and importance; Nomenclature and structure. Properties of proteins in solution. Parameters characterizing a protein and techniques for determination. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. Fibrous and globular proteins. Folding. Conformers in the spatial organization of nucleic acids. Parameters characterizing a nucleic acid and determination. De-naturation and re-naturation. Biochemical techniques used for the isolation and purification of biomolecules.
2.-Genetic information Replication and transcription of DNA: DNA and RNA biosynthesis. Protein translation: genetic code and protein metabolism.
3.-Structure and function of macromolecules and biological membranes. The interaction of proteins with ligands and conformational changes. The concept of cooperativity and models. Conjugated proteins: Union to metals, to prosthetic groups, to glycids, to lipids. Interactions between nucleic acids and proteins. Structure and properties of the membranes.
4.-Catalysis and control of biochemical reactions. Enzyme purification. Purification parameters and tables. Units of enzymatic activity. The methods to measure EU. Coupled- Assays. Catalysis as a model of the enzyme-substrate interaction. Catalytic centers. Specificity. Coenzymes and their involvement in catalysis. The concept of enzymatic regulation. Models. Allosterism. Isoenzymes. Multienzyme complexes. The kinetics of enzymatic reactions. Calculation of kinetic parameters in mono and bi-substrate reactions. Kinetics in the presence of inhibitors. Inhibition constants calculation. The kinetics of allosteric enzymes.
5 - The role of metals in biological systems Iron in biological molecules: heme group and siro-heme, Fe-S and Fe-SO centers. Transport and storage of Fe: Transferrin and Ferritin. Siderophores. The copper in biological systems: Structure of different types of complexes with Cu and containing proteins. Other complexes with trace elements. Metal toxicity. Metals in medicine.
6.-Bio-energetics Systems of energy transfer between the reactions. Exchange systems of phosphate groups; systems based on the use of co-enzyme and re-dox reactions. The problems associated with cellular compartments: shuttle systems.
7.- Metabolism. Introduction to Metabolism. Metabolic pathways of degradation. Metabolic pathways of biosynthesis. Peculiarities of chemical reactions in biological systems. Interaction and regulation of biological reactions. Case studies of interpretation of reactions in metabolic pathways. Glycolysis, TCA cycle. Fermentations. Pentose Phosphate pathway. Glioxalate cicle. Beta-oxidation. Biosynthesis of Palmitoleic acid. Urea cycle.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 A5 A9 A10 A12 A13 A24 A25 B2 C1 3 0 3
Problem solving A1 A5 A9 A10 A12 A13 A15 A16 A20 A21 A24 A25 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 C1 C3 C4 C6 C8 9 27 36
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A5 A9 A10 A12 A13 A24 A25 B1 C3 C8 25 50 75
Diagramming A16 B1 B4 C3 1 18 19
Laboratory practice A1 A9 A10 A15 A20 A21 A22 A23 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 10 5 15
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Mixed objective/subjective test Trial combining different types of questions to assess the knowledge acquired in the various activities undertaken.
Problem solving With the resolution of practical problems and work with molecular models will delve into the practical application of the concepts explained in the lectures and will take advantage of the smaller size of the group to generate questions to help reflection and personal involvement of students in the process of learning.
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Oral presentation complemented by the use of audiovisual media about chemical biological processes in order to build the capacity of understanding of the issues by the students.
Diagramming Diagrams of the metabolic routes
Laboratory practice The students will work in the lab experimentally setting up various techniques related to the subject of the isolation, characterization and identification of biomolecules. They will learn to work in the laboratory in accordance with safe and reproducible patterns. They also will learn how to present and interpret the results and discuss them according to knowledge acquired in the theoretical part of the subject by preparing a lab report.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Problem solving
Personal attention will be conducted throughout the course and at any time requested by the student.
The working, development of supervised works will be guided by the teacher through personal tutorials, as well as resolving any questions that could arise during this activity

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A1 A9 A10 A15 A20 A21 A22 A23 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 It is valued??: the work developed in the laboratory, the formulation of the results and the results of a test that includes all aspects learned in the laboratory.

Attendance is mandatory
Participation is valued at 5 points
The test is valued at 5 points
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 A5 A9 A10 A12 A13 A24 A25 B2 C1 A Final Exam that includes the knowledge acquired during course development including different activities and practices will be used.

The proportion in the evaluation will be:

Tracks 1-4: 40 points
Tracks 5-7: 40 points

Problem solving A1 A5 A9 A10 A12 A13 A15 A16 A20 A21 A24 A25 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 C1 C3 C4 C6 C8 Active participation in groups that let you work these skills valued up to 5 points

The completion of the metabolic scheme is valued up to 5 points
Assessment comments
-The performance of practices is mandatory to pass the course  and qualification rate in the final grade

1.-Continuous assessment: assessment is continuously being valued. To pass the course in continuous assessment in June you need to have at least 4O% of the total mark in the first part (Tracks 1-4) and the practices. In  July option concurs with all matter.

Final Evaluation. In the July / June may make an assessment at term (not taken into account the marks obtained during the course): it consist on a  theoretical and a practicall exam in the laboratory, to be prepared on your own. The teacher shall be notified of this option before May 10 for evaluations (June or July).

-Following the recomendations of  the Faculty of Sciences Commitee, Distinction will be awarded among those students who obtain the highest marks (marks) in the first assessment option (June) .

Sources of information


· VOET, VOET, PRAT. Fundamentos de Bioquímica. 2ª Edición. Panamericana, (2007)


Otros libros disponibles en la biblioteca que puede ser útil consultar si no se dispone del texto recomendado:

· CAMPBELL, M.K. Y FARRELL, S.O. Bioquímica, 4ª edición. Thomsom, (2004).

· RODNEY, BOYER. Conceptos de Bioquímica. International THOMSON Editores. (2000).

· LEHNINGER. Principios de Bioquímica 2ª edición. Omega. (1995).

· MATHEWS, C.K. y VAN HOLDE, K.E. Bioquímica. 2ª edición. McGraw-Hill. (1998).

· RAWN, J. Bioquímica. Tomos I y II. McGraw-Hill. (1989).

· STRYER, L. Bioquímica IV Edición. Tomos I y II. Ed. Reverté. (1995).

· LEHNINGER. Principios de Bioquímica 3ª edición. Omega. (2001).

· MATHEWS C. K., VAN HOLDE, K. E. y AHERN, K. G. Bioquímica 3ª Edición Addison- Wesley. (2003).

· METZLER, D. E. Biochemistry: The chemical reactions of living cells. 2nd Ed. Harcourt. Academic Press. (2001).


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments
It is essential to participate in classes and activities as well as work every day with the support of the recommended bibliography taht will help to better understanding and comprehension of the subject study. Continued assistance is recommended since there will be classes for solving exercises and scoring experimental problems will help the study and preparation of the final examination by the student. Also attending tutorials to resolve questions and issues on the agenda that are of particular difficulty for the student is advised.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.