Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Medio ambiente e calidade Code 610G01037
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fourth Optativa 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Química Analítica
Andrade Garda, Jose Manuel
Andrade Garda, Jose Manuel
Fernández Amado, María
Lopez Mahia, Purificacion
Web http://
General description Es una materia que versará sobre los principales contaminantes, sus fuentes y efectos en el medio ambiente, así como la legislación aplicable en cada medio. Adquisición de los conocimientos básicos relacionados con los sistemas de gestion de calidad y medioambientales. Identificación de problemas medioambientales y aplicación de estrategias químico-analíticas para su evaluación. Interpretación de datos medioambientales de acuerdo con la legislación y/o normativas específicas. Se realizará una introducción a los sistemas de Gestión de Calidad y de Gestión Medioambiental. Se discutirá qué debe entenderse como calidad de un laboratorio y se presentarán algunas herramientas típicas para el control de la calidad y ambiental.

A materia céntrase no estudo dos principais contaminantes no medio ambiente; nas súas fontes de orixe e nos efectos que poden causar. Farase tamén especial fincapé na lexislación básica aplicable, nacional e internacional. Darase especial importancia aos procesos de identificación de problemas ambientais e, nomeadamente, ao estabelecimento de estratexias analíticas para o seu estudo. Abordaranse os aspectos da interpretación da información ambiental e a súa relación coa lexislación. A materia tamén abordará os principios básicos dos modelos internacionais de Xestión Ambiental e os conceptos básicos da Calidade nos laboratorios. Discutiranse ferramentas básicas para o control da calidade.

The subject is about studying the major environmental pollutants, their most frequent sources and the effects they may cause into the environment. The most relevant national and international legislation will be reviewed. Major emphasis will be placed on developing procedures to identify environmental problems and how to set an analytical strategy to study them. Following, how to report the information and how to evaluate it according to legal settings will be discussed. The subject deals also with the basics of formal, internationally-driven, Environmental Management Systems and Quality Management in laboratories.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A14 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts, principles and theories in chemistry
A15 Ability to recognise and analyse new problems and develop solution strategies
A16 Ability to source, assess and apply technical bibliographical information and data relating to chemistry
A17 Ability to work safely in a chemistry laboratory (handling of materials, disposal of waste)
A19 Ability to follow standard procedures and handle scientific equipment
A23 Critical standards of excellence in experimental technique and analysis
A26 Ability to follow standard laboratory procedures in relation to analysis and synthesis of organic and inorganic systems
A28 Acquisition, assessment and application of basic principles of industrial activity, organisation and task management
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
B5 Teamwork and collaboration
B6 Ethical, responsible, civic-minded professionalism
B7 Effective workplace communication
C1 Ability to express oneself accurately in the official languages of Galicia (oral and in written)
C3 Ability to use basic information and communications technology (ICT) tools for professional purposes and learning throughout life
C4 Self-development as an open, educated, critical, engaged, democratic, socially responsible citizen, equipped to analyse reality, diagnose problems, and formulate and implement informed solutions for the common good
C7 Acceptance as a professional and as a citizen of importance of lifelong learning

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know how to identify the main pollutants and their sources. To know how to identify and predict the effects they may cause into the environment. To know how to identify and apply current legislation. To know how to perform sampling and how to apply the analytical methodologies to evaluate the environmental quality of a natural system. A15
To know the basic criteria of the Quality management and Environmental management systems, according to international guidelines (ISO9001, EFQM, ISO14001 y EMAS). To know how to interpret the information derived from such tools. To give the most importance to the Human resources. A14

Topic Sub-topic
Chapter 1. Environmental Analytical Chemistry. Scope. Definitions and types of pollution. The need for Analytical Chemistry to study the environmental problems. Types of analyses. Basic knowledge on environmental legislation.
Chapter 2. Main atmospheric pollutants. Analytical control. Atmospheric pollution: emision and inmision. Major pollutants and their sources. Their effects on health and the environment. Parameters to state the quality of the air. Surveillance and control nets. Legislation. Sampling and Analytical research of the main atmospheric pollutants.

Chapter 3. Analytical control of aquatic pollution.
Physico-Chemical characterization of natural water. Main parameters to define the water quality. Major pollutants and their sources. Legislation. Sampling: water, sediments and living organisms. Analytical research of the main pollutants in aquatic environments.
Chapter 4. Main pollutants in soils and vegetables: their sources and the effects they produce. Analytical control. Soils as a receptor of residues and spillages. Origin, transport and fate of main pollutants. Legislation. Sampling: soils and vegetation. Analytical research of the main pollutants.
Chapter 5. Quality in Analytical Laboratories. Definition of Quality and Quality in an analytical laboratory. The customer's perspective. The within-laboratory perspective. Quality as a process.
Chapter 6. International models to Quality Management. Formal definition of Quality. ISO 9000, ISO 17025. Main aspects. Some usual difficulties in their applications. Some critical aspects that determine quality in a laboratory. Basic management tools: Pareto's diagram, Ishikawa's plots, afinity charts. Control charts. other tools.
Chapter 7. A brief introduction to the Environmental Management systems. Taguchi's idea. Role of the companies in environmental protection. Brief introduction to ISO 14000 and the EU EMAS system.
Laboratory classes They try to mimic the overall process from sampling to reporting results. The measurements of some common environmental quality parameters will be carried out.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Seminar A15 A16 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 C3 7 17.5 24.5
Laboratory practice A17 A19 A23 A26 B7 10 25 35
Mixed objective/subjective test A14 A15 A28 B2 C1 3 0 3
Guest lecture / keynote speech A15 A16 A28 B6 C4 C7 18 28.8 46.8
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Seminar Seminars will complement the theoretical lessons. They will be focused on the solution of numerical problems and other quereis that are to be delivered to the students. Main focus will be on addressing real issues that are required to state the quality of air, soils or water. Some discussions will be hold on the critical issues that determine the quality of a laboratory.
Laboratory practice The theoretical concepts are to be applied to a true problem. Experimental results will be confronted to legislation and a discussion will be required. Students will be required to deliver a report on the experimental studies carried out. This will include a report and a critical discussion of the experimental results.
Mixed objective/subjective test It will be constituted by short questions. Some of them should be scored whereas others must be selected amongst several options (type test). Other questions must be answered shortly. Numerical exercises will be included.
Guest lecture / keynote speech It is highly advised that students read the suggested literature, preferably before a given chapter is discussed. The classes will be delivered using different media. Discussions will be empowered and a deep understanding of the main concepts will be required. Doubts will be addressed and participation and critical ideas will be requested from the students.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
The teachers will devote some seminars to work closely with the students. Therefore, participation on those classes is a must. They are expected to discuss ideas and solve numerical exercises (if necessary, with the teacher's aid). The teachers will also address pupils' doubts in their offices.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test A14 A15 A28 B2 C1 The exam will consist of short questions, multiple test-type questions, numerical exercises and/or discussion of case-studies.
Laboratory practice A17 A19 A23 A26 B7 The experimental work in the laboratory (ability, actitude, order, atention, etc.), along with the final report, will be scored. 15
Seminar A15 A16 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7 C3 The level of participation of the student in the classes, along with its ability to solve numerical exercises and answer particular questions will be scored. 20
Assessment comments

Students will be evaluated on a ongoing basis throughout the different activities to be evaluated (laboratory classes, seminars, etc.). A relevant issue will be the accomplishment of the deadlines.

To pass the subject, a minimum score of 4 (out of ten) will be required for each activity. Then, all the scores must yield a minimum sum of 5 (out of ten). However, note that the subject will not be aproved (even when the overall sum exceeds 5) if a particular score does not reach 4. In this case, the final score of the subject will be "fail" (score = 4).

The "Not presented" score will be obtained in case the student makes less than 25% of the academic activities and it does not go to the exam.

Note that "continuous evaluation" means that the second opportunity of July is a second opportunity for the exam (subjective test). Following, the scores of the laboratory classes, seminars, etc. obtained previously will be maintained. The score of the new exam will substitute that from the first opportunity.

For next courses, no score will be maintained and all activities will have to be repeated.

The maxixum score (10, Matricula de Honor) will be obtained by pupils doing the second exam (July) only if that score was not given in the first exam (May-June), according to the Administrative requirements.

Sources of information
Basic BADIA, A. (2002). Calidad, Modelo ISO9001. Deusto
OROZCO, C.; PEREZ, A.; GONZALEZ, n.; RODRIGUEZ, F.J.; ALFAYATE, J.M. (2002). Contaminación medioambiental: una visión desde la Química. Madrid, Thomson, Paraninfo
MANAHAN, S.E. (2000). Environmental chemistry. Boca Raton, Lewis
SAGRADO, S.; BONET, E.; MEDINA, M.J.; MARTIN-BIOSCA, Y (2005). Manual práctico de calidad en los laboratorios. Madrid, AENOR

Complementary ALLOWAY, B.J.; AYRES, D.C.; (1997). Chemical principles of environmental pollution, 2nd Edition. London, Blackie Academic & Professional
FITFIELD, F.W.; HAINES, P.J.; (2000). Environmental analytical chemistry, 2nd edition. Oxford, Backwell Science
PATNAIK, P (2000). Handbook of environmental analysis. Boca Raton, CRC Press
ISHIKAWA, K (1994). Introducción al control de calidad. Madrid, Díaz de Santos
JURAN, J.M.; GRYNA, F.M. (1993). Manuel de control de calidad. Madrid, Díaz de Santos, McGraw Hill
BAIRD, C (2001). Química ambiental, 2a edición. Barcelona, Reverté

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Química Analítica 1/610G01011
Química Analítica 2/610G01012
Química Analítica Instrumental 1/610G01013
Química Analítica Instrumental 2/610G01014

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Química Analítica Avanzada e Quimiometría/610G01015

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Traballo de fin de Grao/610G01043

Other comments

Basic knowledge of classical and (common) instrumental methods of analysis will be required. They correspond to the major techniques studied in previous semesters (spectrometry, chromatography, electrochemistry, etc).

The student should be able to use common informatic tools (spreadsheets, text processors, searchs on the web, etc.).

Basic knowledge of English will be needed.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.