Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Architectural Projects 1 Code 630G01001
Study programme
Grao en Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First Obligatoria 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Proxectos Arquitectónicos e Urbanismo
Carreiro Otero, Maria Concepción
Carreiro Otero, Maria Concepción
Iglesia Perez, Manuel de la
Mesejo Conde, Mónica
Muñoz Fontenla, Luis W
Piñera Manso, Guadalupe
Rodriguez Blanco, Emilio
Rodriguez-losada Allende, Jacobo
Vazquez Diaz, Sonia
General description Na materia de Proxectos 1 establécese como obxectivo o achegamento ao proxecto arquitectónico, de modo que o alumno adquira destrezas en idear e describir un obxecto arquitectónico, considerando que o pensamento proxectual desenvólvese e exprésase a través da linguaxe arquitectónica.
Destrezas que deben de ser adquiridas:
1. Coñecer a relación entre idear e representar: con maquetas e/ou con debuxos.
2. Coñecer os elementos de composición primarios: liña, plano-superficie, volume.
3. Aprender a medir: relacións métricas e antropométricas.
4. Manexar o sistema diédrico como ferramenta de ideación e narración do proxecto.

O proxecto arquitectónico é o resultado do proceso proyectual (creativo) do individuo, sendo subxectivo e intransferible. A aprendizaxe do proxecto é unha aprendizaxe "de acción": apréndese a proxectar, proxectando e analizando (debuxando), os proxectos doutros. Apréndese a proxectar como resulta do estudo, a conversación, a reflexión e a observación, o que permite adquirir o coñecemento dos elementos citados, o uso correcto e a interpretación sensible e persoal dos mesmos

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 PROXECTO BÁSICO ARQUITECTÓNICO E URBANO: aptitude ou capacidade para aplicar os principios básicos formais, funcionais e técnicos á concepción e deseño de edificios e de conxuntos urbanos, definindo as súas características xerais e as prestacións que se acadan.
A4 PROGRAMACIÓN FUNCIONAL: aptitude ou capacidade para elaborar programas de edificios, considerando os requisitos de clientes e usuarios, analizando os precedentes e as condicións de localización aplicando estándares e establecendo dimensións e relacións de espazos e equipos.
A9 CRÍTICA ARQUITECTÓNICA: aptitude ou capacidade para analizar morfolóxica e tipoloxicamente a arquitectura e a cidade e para explicar os precedentes formais e programáticos das solucións proxectuais.
A10 REPRESENTACIÓN ESPACIAL: aptitude ou capacidade para aplicar, tanto manual como informaticamente, os sistemas de representación gráfica, dominando os procedementos de proxección e corte, os aspectos cuantitativos e selectivos da escala e a relación entre o plano e a profundidade.
A13 IDEACIÓN GRÁFICA: aptitude ou capacidade para concibir e representar graficamente a figura, a cor, a textura e a luminosidade dos obxectos e dominar a proporción e as técnicas de debuxo, incluídas as informáticas.
B8 Visión espacial.
B9 Creatividade.
B10 Sensibilidade estética.
B11 Capacidade de análise e síntese.
B12 Toma de decisións.
B13 Imaxinación.
B14 Habilidade gráfica xeral.
B15 Capacidade de organización e planificación.
B17 Cultura histórica.
B18 Razoamento crítico.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
The aptitude to depict accurately architectural elements as well as objects in relation to space. The ability to create a coherent link between architectural ideas and its materialisation. A10
The capacity to present conclusions orally and explain proposals and the reasons behind them. A9
The competence to arrange compositions using platonic solid and elemental shapes. The aim is to build spatial relations that raise positive outcomes for people. The capacity to develop aesthetic sensitivity which designers need. A1
The capacity to understand, assimilate and work out spatial relationships using different principles of composition, particularly those developed by artistic avant-gardes and those related to contemporary philosophical, scientific and artistic movements. B9
Capacity to solve compositional design problems, taking different factors into account, being able to develop several options and choose the best result amongst them. B11

Topic Sub-topic
Knowledge and Depiction of Architectural Elements. - Handbooks and architectural elements.
- Drawing as a thinking and a depicting tool.
- Scale and measurement.
Approach to Built Architecture - Approach to Architectural Design through analysing and drawing paradigmatic contemporary architectural examples.
Composition and Design - Architectural composition and design method.
- Materiality and textures.
- Handbooks and references

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Objective test A1 A4 A9 A10 A13 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B17 B18 4 145 149
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Objective test At the end of the first academic period, students must take a practical test in order to evaluate skills achieved. Capacitiy and aptitudes in relation to the basics of architectural design are measured using this objective test.
A minimum grade of 5 out of 10 in this test is required to pass the subject.

Personalized attention
Objective test
Personalised attention is an inherent charactersitic of this subject. All the students will have every piece of work commented on, and assessed by the teacher, from the first sketches to the final results. They will present their designs orally and individually, and have them analysed by the teacher.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A1 A4 A9 A10 A13 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B17 B18 A test will be held on site, within a timeframe. Students are asked to show their abilities and competences acquired, including spatial awareness, architectural conception capacities and graphic skills.
Pass conditions are:
- A minimun grade of 5 out of 10 is required in this test for an overall pass.

Assessment comments

A. The January Assessment Opportunity
- Objective Test;MINIMUM GRADE: 5 out of 10
PASS MARK: 5 out of 10

B. The July Assessment Opportunity.
- Objective Test;MINIMUM GRADE: 5 out of 10
PASS MARK: 5 out of 10

Sources of information
Basic Solá Morales, Ignasi (1998). Mies van der Rohe El Pabellón de Barcelona . Barcelona : Gustavo Gili
Unwin, Simon (2003). Análisis de la arquitectura. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili
Ching, Francis D.K. (). Arquitectura: forma, espacio y orden. Gustavo Gili
Neufert, Ernst (2013, 16ª ed.). Arte de proyectar en arquitectura. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili
Munari, Bruno (). Cómo nacen los objetos. Gustavo Gili
Zell,Mo (). Curso de Dibujo Arquitectónico. Acanto
Benevolo, Leonardo (1977-1982). Diseño de la ciudad. Vol. 1: La descripción del ambiente. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili
Roth, Leland (). Entender la arquitectura sus elementos historia y significado. Gustavo Gili
Unwin, Simon (2012). Exercises in architecture: learning to think as an architect. London: Routledge
Panero, Julius y Martin Zelnik (). Las dimensiones humanas en los espacios interiores. Gustavo Gili
Ching, Francis D. K. (). Manual de dibujo arquitectónico. Gustavo Gili
Varios (). Proyectos 1. Curso 2003-2004. (ETSA. Consultar en reprografía de la UDC)
Carreiro Otero, M. y otros (2011). Proyectos 1. Diez lecciones. Proyectos 1. ETSA (Consultar servicio de reprografía)
From the book "Entender la arquitectura sus elementos historia y significado"(Leland Roth), the chapter "Primera parte: los elementos de la arquitectura" is strongly recommended.

Complementary Alexander, Christopher (1980). A pattern language un lenguaje de patrones : ciudades, edificios, construcciones . Barcelona: Gustavo Gili
Espegel, Carmen (2010). Aires modernos : E. 1027 : maison en bord de mer : Eileen Gray y Jean Badovici, 1926-1929 . Madrid: Mairea
Liane Lefaivre, Ingeborg de Roode (ed) (2002). Aldo van Eyck the playgrounds and the city . Amsterdam : Stedelijk Museum
Gombrich, E.H. (2004). Breve historia de la cultura. Barcelona : Península
Espegel, Carmen (2008). Heroínas del espacio: mujeres arquitectos en el movimiento moderno. Buenos Aires: Nobuko
(2010). Le Corbusier [Vídeo] : Le Cabanon . Barcelona : Fundación Caja de Arquitectos
2G Revista Internacional de Arquitectura 23-24 (2002). Lina Bo Bardi: obra construida. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Architectural Drawing/630G01002
Descriptive Geometry/630G01003

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Architectural Projects 2/630G01006
Proxectos 3/630G01011
Proxectos 4/630G01016
Proxectos 5/630G01021
Proxectos 6/630G01026
Proxectos 7/630G01031
Proxectos 8/630G01036
Proxectos 9/630G01041
Proxectos 10/630G01044

Other comments

- Drawing skills are a fundamental tool for this subject, so it requires special attention in order to acquire the appropriate level. This is the reason why we strongly recommend taking both Architectural Drawing and Descriptive Geometry simultaneously. 

- Knowledge of modern theories about the Arts, Philosophy, and Science are considered to be highly useful, as they were essential for the avant-garde architecture from the twentieth-century. Interest in the Arts, including cinema and music, will be helpful as well. 

- Required aptitudes are intellectual curiosity, talent for observation, abstract spatial awareness and sensitivity.

- Manual dexterity to build scale models is needed, being able to work with common materials to express different architectural intentions (heaviness/lightness, transparency/opacity, mass/emptyness, contrast…) is also fundamental.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.