Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Ortesioloxía dixital e calzadoterapia Code 750G02020
Study programme
Grao en Podoloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Obligatoria 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Saúde
López López, Daniel
López López, Daniel
General description A asignatura de ortesioloxía dixital e calzadoterapia posee unha clara importancia de cara a que o alumnado desenrole coñecementos, habilidades e destrezas importantes no proceso ensinanza – aprendizaxe do seu proceso formador para mellorar a saúde das persoas.

O valor é moi significativo para o futuro podólogo, de cara a comprender, actuar e profundizar no campo terapéutico da ortoprótesis, no uso e a indicación de productos sanitarios podolóxicos, proporcionándolle unha formación básica de coñecementos teóricos e destrezas prácticas, co fin de que adquira as competencias básicas relacionadas ca prescripción, deseño e obtención das principais orteses dixitales e próteses do pe e coñeza a súa relación co resto do membro inferior.

Mediante a prescripción de dispositivos orto-protésicos a medida ou prefabricados, numerosos estudios demostraron a eficacia destes dispositivos tanto na reducción da sintomatoloxía, como na recuperación da funcionalidade de diversas situacións patolóxicas debidas a alteracións estructurais ou funcionais do pe ou dalgunha outra estructura do membro inferior.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A22 Deseñar, obter e aplicar mediante diferentes técnicas e materiais os ortesis plantares e ortesis dixitais, próteses, férulas. Ortesioloxía plantar e digital. Estudo do calzado e calzadoterapia. Prescrición de tratamentos ortopédicos da extremidade inferior.
B7 Comunicarse de maneira efectiva nun entorno de traballo.
C7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Design, procure and implement using different techniques and the orthotics digital. A22
Prescribe and implement plantar and digital orthoses on podiatric conditions Morphological and functional. A22
Designing, obtaining and applying different techniques and materials by the orthotics and digital orthoses, prostheses, splints. Plantar and digital orthotics . Study of footwear and therapy shoes. Orthotic treatment prescription lower extremity. A22
Meet and develop scanning techniques, to make a diagnosis and prognosis, and plan deseñar orthosis treatment of lower extremity pathology. Skeletal muscle injury and ligament. Pathology of the forefoot and hindfoot. Congenital deformities. Neurological injuries. Amputations. Asymmetries. A22

Topic Sub-topic
1. Fundament Digital Orthotics a) Introduction to digital orthotics.
b) Current frame digital orthotics.

2. Materials needed for a development of orthoses. a) Silicone.
b) Catalyst.
c) Additives or fillers.
d) Auxiliary materials and accessories.
3. Making silicone orthoses. a) Preparation: considerations.
b) Protocol.
c) Recommendations and rules of use for the patient.
d) Handling and working times.
e) Evaluation of Silicone orthotics.
f) Failures in Silicone orthotics.
4. Therapeutic elements Silicone orthotics. a) Description of elements comprising silicone orthoses.
b) Frequent digital orthotics.
5. Therapeutic Application of Digital Orthotics a) Biomechanical effect.
b) Therapeutic Application.
6. Nail Orthotics. a) Introduction to the nail orthotics.
b) Development of the nail orthotics.
c) Therapeutic Application.
7 Introduction to therapy shoes. a) Parts shoe: sole and cut.
b) Lasts footwear.
8. Therapeutic devices in the Shoes. a) External modifications: heels, wedges, increases.
b) Set the shoe. Gradation chart and numbering systems.
9. Properties footwear according to different population groups. a) Conventional footwear for adults.
b) Children conventional shoes.
c) domestic footwear.
d) Work Shoes.
e) Special Shoes for orthotics.
f) Child Special footwear.
g) Special shoes for deformed feet or geriatric / peripheral vascular disease.
h) Postoperative shoes.
10. Types of shoes. a) Bootie or shoe salon.
b) Moccasin.
c) Derby or Oxford dress shoe.
d) Boots. Booties.
e) Slippers, slippers and sandals.
11. Accessories and footwear.
a) With and without compression socks.
b) Stockings, Pantyhose and graduations.
c) Ankles with and without stabilization.
d) Pinkis.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Mixed objective/subjective test A22 2 18 20
Guest lecture / keynote speech A22 B7 C7 16 32 48
Seminar B7 C7 16 16 32
Online forum C7 0 9 9
Laboratory practice A22 B7 C7 18 18 36
Personalized attention 5 0 5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Mixed objective/subjective test Exam with 30 questions and 3 short objective test questions. The review will include questions related to the contents developed in both keynote sessions, and seminars and labs.
Guest lecture / keynote speech The master class sessions consist of master-participatory exhibition of basic contents of the subject, supported by images, video, etc classes. The keynote sessions will focus on the main contents of the syllabus.

Seminar Students will be provided the agenda with the basic theoretical contents of the subject, as well as material to work in the classroom or outside it. All material will be accessible to students in distance learning platform Moodle
Online forum Ferramenta de comunicación asíncrona (foro) está destinada ao tratamento das cuestiones que se formulen a través dun contorno virtual de aprendizaxe, poñendo interese en xerar empatía e solucionar as tarefas que se proporcionen no proceso de ensinanza-aprendizaxe.
Laboratory practice Lab The labs are specifically targeted:

1 - Knowing scan protocol and digital deformities performance.
2 - Accurately diagnose the condition of the forefoot.
3 - Apply ortesiológico timely treatment, as appropriate.
4 - Mastering methodology making silicone orthoses.
5 - Evaluate and adapt the general footwear citizenship.
6 - Prescribe special shoes and customized for different population groups.

Personalized attention
Online forum
Laboratory practice
Mixed objective/subjective test
Guest lecture / keynote speech
The personalized service will run on a scheduled basis in times of teacher attention to students, to face service; and virtually, through email and other electronic means to enable the virtual platform.

The personalized service is designed to solve any issue related to the different methodologies and / or contents of the subject

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Online forum C7 As actividades relacionadas co foro virtual son optativas e non poden recuperarse ou ser substituídas por outras actividades da materia.
A puntuación no foro virtual (FV) especificarase o día da presentación da asignatura e estará a disposición do alumnado no FV da asignatura.
Laboratory practice A22 B7 C7 Attendance at labs is mandatory in its entirety to pass the subject. The last 2 hours of practice will be used for a practical test with theoretical and practical questions about the contents of the material developed in practice.

For the fit in the labs, you must answer / successfully complete 50% of the activities and / or exam questions, in addition to attending all practices.
Mixed objective/subjective test A22 On the written test score information in the questions provided. 60
Seminar B7 C7 The seminar related activities are mandatory and can not be recovered or replaced by other activities of the course. The rating of each activity of the seminar will be specified with each activity. 15
Assessment comments

The presentation of the topic Digital Orthotics and Therapy Shoe succinctly explain the curriculum and course standards for the evaluation of the same, which will be available to students in the distance learning platform Moodle, be indispensable condition for approving subject to:


1.1 asist to 80% of the seminars and complete the proposed activities and get a total score on a numerical scale from 1 to 10 of 5 (suitable), which has only in the case of pass the test completely mixed.

1.2 asist to 80% of the laboratories, and to carry out the proposed activities and get a total score on a numeric scale of 1 to 10 of 5 (suitable), which has only in the case of passing the tests completely mixed.

1.3 The written exam mixed (Test and short Questions) and separately (a score on a numeric scale of 1 to 10) of 5 (suitable) in each of the two parts of which comprises the mixed test test test and short questions .


2.1 Get in the mixed test (Test and short Questions) and separately (a score on a numerical scale from 1 to 10), from 5 Suitable in each of two parts.

2.2 The scores of seminars and laboratories do not count as necessary to overcome the efforts to pass the course in successive calls.


3.1 Get in the mixed event (and brief essay questions) and separately (a score on a numerical scale from 1 to 10), from 5 Suitable for every two parts that make up the test set, the percentage of rating gives 60% of the final mark.

3.2 Perform laboratory practice test and get a total score on a numeric scale of 1 to 10, 5 (suitable), the percentage of the grade 40% of the final mark, calculated only in the case of fully overcome the mixed test.

Sources of information
Basic Álvarez-Calderón, O., Alonso, F., López, D., Gómez, B., & Sánchez, R. (2008). Análisis del calzado en una población mayor de 60 años. . Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, 2 (1), 19-26.
López, D., Cosín, J., Alvarez-Calderón, O., Cosín, E., Barriuso, M., López, L (2006). Aplicación de un tratamiento ortesiológico en una malformación del miembro inferior: a propósito de un caso. Revista española de podología, 17 (4) 170-176
Donattelli R, Wooden M. (1996). Biomechanical orthotics. In: Donatelli R. Coordinador. Biomechanics of the foot and ankle. 2ª ed. . Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company
(1997). Casting Techniques. In: Michaud T. Foot Orthoses and other forms of conservative foot care. . Newton: Massachusetts
Munuera, P. V. (2009). El primer radio biomecánica y ortopodología. Santander: Exa Editores S.L.
Huerta, J. (2003). Estudio comparativo de los criterios biomecánicos en la ortesiología del pie. En A.E. Levy & J.M, Cortes (Eds), Ortopedia y Aparato locomotor.. Madrid: Masson.
Martínez, A., Rosende, C., García, F.M., Hidalgo, S (2005). Estudio de la altura recomendada del tacón. El Peu, 25 (2) 76-78
(2006). Fabricación a medida de productos sanitarios ortopodológicos en la Comunidad Valenciana.. Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana, Consellería de Sanitat-Agencia Valenciana de Salut
Losito J. (1996). Impression casting techniques. In: Valmassy R. Coordinador. Clinical biomechanics of the lower extremities. . Missouri: Mosby
Ribes R, Ros P. (2010). Inglés Médico. Madrid: Panamericana
Prat J. Coordinador (1999). Introducción a la Ortoprotésica. Guía de uso y prescripción de productos ortoprotésicos a medida.. Valencia: Instituto Biomecánico de Valencia
(1997). Laboratory preparation and orthotic fabrication. In: Michaud T. Foot Orthoses and other forms of conservative foot care.. Massachusetts: Hardcover
Vázquez B. Editor. (2009). Manual de Ortopodología.. Barcelona: Ediciones Especializadas Europeas
López, D., Ramos, J., Alonso, F., García, R. (2012). Manual de Podología. Conceptos, Organización Psicológica y Práctica Clínica. . Madrid: CERSA.
Queralt Mª. Editora. (2004). Manual de Técnicas en Ortopodología.. Barcelona: Ediciones Especializadas Europeas
Janeiro, J.M., Alonso, F., Bouzas, M.C., Calleja J., López, L (2002). Orígenes de las Siliconas. El Peu Vol. 22 (1) 32-35
Prat J. Coordinador (1999). Ortesis plantares y calzado ortopédico a medida. Guía de uso y prescripción de productos ortoprotésicos a medida.. Valencia: Instituto Biomecánico de Valencia
(1997). Orthotic dispensing, shoe gear, and clinical problem-solving. In: Michaud T. Foot Orthoses and other forms of conservative foot care. . Massachusetts: Hardcover
Olson W. (1996). Orthotic materials. In: Valmassy R. Coordinador. Clinical biomechanics of the lower extremities.. Missouri: Mosby
Richie D. (2007). Orthotics. In: Di Giovanni C, Greisberg J. Coordinadores. Foot & Ankle: Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics. . Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2007.
Alonso, F., Alvarez-Calderón, O, Munuera, P.M., Vergés, C (2007). Ortopodología en el pie geriátrico. Revista española de podología, 18 (6)282-289
Levy AE, Cortés JM. Coordinadores. (2003). Ortopodología y Aparato Locomotor. Ortpedia de pie y tobillo.. Barcelona: Masson
Whitney A, Whitney K. (2006). Padding and Tapping Therapy. In: Levy L, Hetherington V. Editors. Principles and pratice of Podiatric Medicine.. Maryland: Data Trace PC
Blain, H., & Jeandel, C. (2007). Podología Geriátrica. Badalona : Paidotribo.
López, D. (2011). Podología y Salud: Un análisis de las representaciones sociales de las enfermedades del pie desde una perspectiva psicosocial.. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña.
Jones L. (1996). Prescription writing for functional and acommodative foot orthoses. In: Valmassy R. Coordinador. Clinical biomechanics of the lower extremities. . Missouri: Mosby
López, D., Alonso, F., Rosende, C., López, L. (2011). Síndrome de Apert: Tratamiento Ortopédico.. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas 5(1), 29-35.
Kerrigan, D.C., Franz, J.R., Keenan, G.S., Dicharry, J., Della Croce, U., Wilder, R.P., (2009). The effect of running shoes on lower extremity joint torques.. Journal American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1(12), 1058-63.
Philps JW. (1995). The functional foot orthosis.. New York: Churchill Livingstone
Kirby K. (1996). Troubleshooting functional foor orthoses. In: Valmassy R. Coordinador. Clinical biomechanics of the lower extremities. . Missouri: Mosby
Pratt D, Tollafield D. (2007). Una introducción a las terapéuticas mecánicas. En: Turner WA, Merriman LM. Habilidades clínicas para el tratamiento del pie. . Madrid: Elsevier


Complementary Kirby, K. A. (2000). Biomechanics of the normal and abnormal foot. . JAPMA, 90 (1), 30-35.
Kirby K. (2003). Foot and lower extremities biomechanics II. Precision intricast newsletters, 1997-2002.. Arizona: Precision Intricast Inc
Kirby K. (2009). Foot and lower extremities biomechanics III. Precision intricast newsletters, 2002-2008.. Arizona: Precision Intricast Inc
Kirby K. (1998). Foot and lower extremities biomechanics: A ten year collection of precision intricast newsletters.. Arizona: Precision Intricast Inc
Williams A, Nester C (2010). The pocket podiatry guide: footwear and foot orthoses.. London: Chuchill Livingstone Elsevier

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Anatomía específica do membro inferior/750G02002
Podología xeral/750G02012
Biomecánica do membro inferior/750G02013
Podoloxía Preventiva/750G02015
Ortopodoloxía 1/750G02017
Ortopodoloxía 2/750G02018
Ortopodoloxía 3/750G02019
Patoloxía Podolóxica 1/750G02021

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Patoloxía Podolóxica 2/750G02022
Podoloxía Física/750G02023
Prácticum 1/750G02033

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Podoloxía Deportiva/750G02025
Pe de risco/750G02031
Prácticum 2/750G02034
Prácticum 3/750G02035

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.