Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Citoxenética Code 610G02022
Study programme
Grao en Bioloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Fourth Optativa 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Bioloxía Celular e Molecular
Mendez Felpeto, Josefina
García-Junco García, Rosa María
Mendez Felpeto, Josefina
Torrecilla Pérez, Zeltia
General description Tratase dunha materia optativa centrada no estudo do cromosoma eucariota dende o punto de vista estructural, funcional e da evolución . Esta materia pretende mellorar os coñecementos adquiridos nas materias previas de Xenética e Xenética Molecular. Farase especial énfasis na organización do material xenético así como as suas implicacions na evolución dos xenomas, sua variación e manipulación.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Recoñecer distintos niveis de organización nos sistemas vivos.
A2 Identificar organismos.
A11 Identificar e analizar material de orixe biolóxica e as súas anomalías.
A16 Realizar cultivos celulares e de tecidos.
A26 Deseñar experimentos, obter información e interpretar os resultados.
A29 Impartir coñecementos de Bioloxía.
A30 Manexar adecuadamente instrumentación científica.
A31 Desenvolverse con seguridade nun laboratorio.
B1 Aprender a aprender.
B2 Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B3 Aplicar un pensamento crítico, lóxico e creativo.
B5 Traballar en colaboración.
B6 Organizar e planificar o traballo.
B8 Sintetizar a información.
B9 Formarse unha opinión propia.
B10 Exercer a crítica científica.
B11 Debater en público.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To understand the fundamentals involve when learning about chromosome and familiar with the basic methodology employed for the study of chromosomes. Tools for cytogenetics. A1
Deepen your knowledge of the organization of hereditary material with an evolutionary approach through the study of chromosomes and their variations. A1
Search and use of different literature and databases that allow carrying out the scientific approach to a topic related to chromosomes sources, organization, function and evolution. Management information sources of interest in cytogenetics. A29

Topic Sub-topic
Block 1.- Structural and Organization Genomes 1.-Organization of genomes from viruses to eukaryotes. Evolutionary aspects.
2.-The chromosomes are chromatin
3.-Levels of organization
4 - Structure of metaphase chromosomes
5.-Induced chromosome structure: Bands vs isocoras.
6.-Linkage and mapping
Block 2.- Chromosomes, celular reproduction and function 1.-Control of the cell cycle. Cycle disorders
2 - Evolution of the mitotic mechanism
3.-replication and chromosomal regions
4.-Evolution of meiosis and its genetic consequences. Meaning of sexual reproduction.
5 - Different karyotypes and their use
6.-Chromosomes and gene function

Block 3.-Chromosome variation and evolution 1.-Chromosomal rearrangements and their significance in evolution.
2.-Genetic consequences of numerical and structural variations .
3.- Chromosomal polymorphisms: evolutionary aspects.
Block 4.- Cytogenetics applications. 1.-The chromosomes in plants and animals. Evolutionary aspects.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Collaborative learning A1 A2 A11 A16 A26 A29 A30 A31 B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B8 B9 B10 B11 15 44 59
Oral presentation B5 B6 B8 B10 B11 3 0 3
Objective test A1 B3 B8 B9 3 10 13
Guest lecture / keynote speech A29 B1 28 28 56
Laboratory practice A11 A16 A26 15 0 15
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Collaborative learning Students work in groups of 2 or 3 and work collaboratively to effectively solve an assigned topic each block. They should learn to arrange and organize work among them. Perform appropriate to the subject under study literature searches .
It is a mandatory activity
Oral presentation The collaborative work by the group, will be presented orally at the end of each block. Throughout the course there will be at least three oral presentations for each student. It will consist of transmitting the rest of the seminar co-dossier prepared by the gruo (2-3 students) together.
Each team member will present a part of the joint seminar, trying to fit it in coordination with their peers. It is a mandatory activity.
Objective test Students will perform a final test consisting of different short questions that reflect different aspects learned throughout the course
It is mandatory activity.
Guest lecture / keynote speech The teacher explains the fundamental contents of each thematic block and identifies the associated activities.
Attendance at these lectures and interactive sessions will be positively evaluated.
The assitance will be assessed.
Laboratory practice Laboratory practices related to the development of chromosomes and karyotypes were developed.
It will be know the cell cultures, making the karyotype and develop some method of chromosome banding.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Collaborative learning
Throughout the course, the teacher will be available during the hours of interactive lectures, group tutorials / small group and individual tutoring for answering questions, guiding the development of seminars / group work and all matters related to the organization of matter.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation B5 B6 B8 B10 B11 Clarity and precision in the presentation will be assessed. Suitable and current content. Synthesis capacity, motivation and debate. Both the submitted writen report and oral presentation will contribute to the assessment. 30
Laboratory practice A11 A16 A26 Take into account the interest to learn techniques on chromosomes, skill in the laboratory experiments ability to solve chromosomes and the attitude and ability to function in the laboratory. 10
Collaborative learning A1 A2 A11 A16 A26 A29 A30 A31 B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B8 B9 B10 B11 Students will form working groups and the way teamwork is valued, how they solve the problems, the strategy when conducting literature searches to resolve the issue raised and its ability to incorporate new knowledge acquired in years above. Group work and coordination are essential in this regard. Their aptitude and attitude will be assessed throughout the course. 15
Objective test A1 B3 B8 B9 The final test will take place on the field marked by the Faculty. Consist of a few short questions about the novel contributions learned in the course ideas and reflection of learning as well as the realization in the responses, personal opinions and scientific literature specific answers to questions will be assessed. 35
Guest lecture / keynote speech A29 B1 In the keynote session, the teacher will explain the fundamental contents of each thematic block of matter. Attendance at these classes enables the treatment of questions and issues that may arise and further clarifies and organizes collaborative work group will be further developed and that will be lectures on oral presentations. Assisting them continuously is recommended.
Assessment comments

The regular campus classes and the different activities set for the art care is essential.

To pass the subject is essential to make the final test and attendance at practical classes. 

The evaluation will be continuous to the width of it course, for wich the assistance will be necessary.

Final written exam will be assesed.

The practical classes are mandatory activity.


Sources of information

- Brown T.A. Genetics: A molecular approach (third edition). Chapman & Hall 1998

-Brown, T.A. Genomas (Tercera edición). Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A. 2008

-The evolution of te genomes. Edited by T.Ryan Gregory. Elsevier Academic Press. 2005

-Lacadena, J.R. Citogenética Editorial Complutense S.A. 1996

- Lewin, B. Genes IX. McGrawHill Education 2008

-Lima de Faria, A. One hundred years of chromosome research and what remains to be learned. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003

- Lynch M. The origins of genome architecture Sinauer Associates, Inc Publishers. 2007

-Macgregor, H.C. An Introduction to Animal Cytogenetics. Chapman & Hall 1993

-Macgregor, H. & Varley, J. Working with Animal Chromosomes (second edition) John Wiley & Sons. Toronto 1988

-Wagner R.P.; Maguire M.P. & Stalling R.L. Editorial Wiley-Liss 1993


En primer lugar, los alumnos consultarán los libros recomendados en las materias de Genética y Genética Molecular para recordar los contenidos y conocimientos adquiridos previamente.

A continuación realizarán una búsqueda bibliográfica específica en libros, artículos de revisión, publicaciones específicas que permitan incrementar el aprendizaje de la materia, teniendo como eje fundamental el cromosoma mitótico.

La realización de una buena búsqueda bibliográfica estará presente en todas las valoraciones de las actividades propuestas.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Xenética molecular/610G02020

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

The active participation will be assesed in classroom activities.


Consulting the recommended bibliography



(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.