Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Cirugía Podolóxica 2 Code 750G02030
Study programme
Grao en Podoloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Obligatoria 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Saúde
Mosquera Fernandez, Abian
Mosquera Fernandez, Abian
General description A materia de Cirurxía Podolóxica 2 combina durante o 2º cuadrimestre do 3º curso de grao teoría e práctica co obxectivo xeral de situar o alumnado no marco conceptual das técnicas máis habituais en cirurxía podolóxica e as súas indicacións. A materia pretende achegar o estudantado a unha metodoloxía que lle permita establecer un diagnóstico e un prognóstico certeiros e recoñecer a aparición de complicacións na aplicación das técnicas cirúrxicas propias da súa disciplina.
Dende o punto de vista práctico perséguese que o alumnado desenvolva unhas habilidades básicas.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A33 Coñecer e obter habilidades na aplicación das técnicas podolóxicas de cirurxía ungueal, de cirurxía podolóxica de partes brandas, de cirurxía ósea e articular do pé.
B1 Aprender a aprender.
B3 Aplicar un pensamento crítico, lóxico e creativo.
B5 Traballar de forma colaborativa.
B6 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán e como profesional.
B8 Coñecer e apreciar a diversidade e a multiculturalidade.
B9 Fomento dunha segunda lingua de interese para a profesión.
B13 Traballo en equipo de carácter interdisciplinar.
B17 Capacidade de motivarse e motivar a outros.
B19 Capacidade de aplicar os coñecementos na práctica.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C2 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know the indications and the methodology of application podiatric osteoarticular surgery techniques in the foot. A33
To know scanning and diagnosis techniques and treatment of tumors in the foot. B1
To know, to assess and to apply the preoperative protocol and the informed consent. B1
Mastering the expression and understanding orally and writing in a foreign language. C2
To express oneself properly both in an oral and written way in the official languages of the Autonomous Region. C1
Coñecer e obter habilidades na aplicación das técnicas podológicas de cirurxía ungueal, de cirurxía podológica de partes brandas, de cirurxía ósea e articular do pé. A33
O alumno identifica e diagnostica o nivel de risco dun pé patolóxico, adquire habilidade no manexo das técnicas de estudo e valoración do pé. É capaz de desenvolver o conxunto de tratamentos podológicos de acordo ao nivel de risco presente no pé e en correlación co equipo multidisciplinar A33

Topic Sub-topic
UNIT 1: Introduction to osteoarticular forefoot surgery LECTURE 1. Basic concepts and considerations in bone surgery
UNIT 2: Bony tumors LECTURE 2: Etiology and surgical approach of subungueal exostosis (TEACHING IN ENGLISH)

LECTURE 3: Etiology and surgical approach of the osteochondroma

UNIT 3: Digital alterations LECTURE 4. Etiology of the digital deformity

LECTURE 5. Surgical treatment of digital deformities, digital-metatarsal
UNIT 4: Hallux abductus valgus LECTURE 6. Pathophysiology of hallux abductus valgus deformity

LECTURE 7. Preoperate evaluation

LECTURE 8. Radiology

LECTURE 9. Anesthesia

LECTURE 10. Anatomic dissection of the first metatarsophalangeal joint

LECTURE 11. Distal procedures

LECTURE 12. Diaphyseal procedures

LECTURE 13. Proximal procedures

LECTURE 14. Phalangeal procedures

LECTURE 15. Soft tissue procedures

LECTURE 16. Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint

LECTURE 17. Cuneo-metatarsal arthrodesis

LECTURE 18. Arthroplasties
UNIT 5: Surgical treatment of hallux rigidus LECTURE 19. Implants and hemi-implants for the first metatarsophalangeal joint
UNIT 6: Postoperative complications in forefoot surgery LECTURE 20. Infection, complications in bone and soft tissue procedures
UNIT 7: Plantar fasciitis LECTURE 21. Etiology and surgical approach
UNIT 8: Flat foot and cavus foot LECTURE 22. Etiology and surgical approach
UNIT 9: Arthroscopy of the foot and ankle LECTURE 23. Introduction to arthroscopy. Main indications and contraindicactions
UNIT 10: Surgery of congenital anomalies and neuromas LECTURE 24. Etiology and surgical approach

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech B5 B6 B8 B9 B13 B19 C1 C2 C3 C6 10 27 37
Laboratory practice B5 B6 B8 B9 B19 C1 9 10 19
Seminar B1 17 15 32
Supervised projects B3 B5 B8 6 17 23
Long answer / essay questions A54 B3 2 2 4
Objective test A33 B17 2 32 34
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures will be developed in an expositive-participative way with important audiovisual resources.
During keynote sessions the student will deal with English vocabulary and lecture 2 will be taught in this language.
Through moodle website ( the student will have additional resources available to support course topics as well as to work in and out of the classroom. The teacher will also be able to deliver additional material on the website

According to UDC regulations (, students with part-time enrollment have a prior right to choose turn when there are two or more groups with different schedules in a given subject and a flexible system of class attendance.
Laboratory practice Assistance to the practices of laboratory is compulsory in his whole and his general aim is that the student/to develop some basic skills in the handle of the surgical instruments and know the protocol prequirúrgico of the University Clinic of Podiatry of the UDC.
The absence to said practices only will be justified in the case to produce any of the following causes, properly accredited (with justificante with date of the same day of the absence that will owe to be delivered before past 10 days of the absence to the professor of the matter), illness or injury that incapacitate for the realisation of the practice, demise of a familiar until the second degree, citación judicial that coincide with the date of the practice, assistance to a session of the Claustro or of the Council of Government of the UDC that coincide with the date of the practice, the/the student will have right to not to recover it until a maximum of 5 practices, a greater number of faults justified or the existence of faults injustificadas can suppose the suspense of the matter.
To end to allow the complementary training of the student inside the same also will be able to recognise like such practices the assistance to activities of importance and interest for the degree. Of the participation in such activities will owe to deliver the certificate of assistance before they happen 10 days from his celebration and communicating the intention to assist with at least 10 days ahead. Between these activities of which can recognise a maximum of 3 absences to practices of laboratory are:
-national Congress of Podiatry
-Galician Days of Podiatry
-International Congresses of Podiatry
-Congress of students of Podiatry
-Days Laboralia
-Other activities that can be valued by the professor of the matter

The student will have to assist to the practice of laboratory incorporating to the group that has been him assigned. It will realise control of assistance in which the student must sign to the start of the practice. The signature is the guarantee of the assistance of the student/to to the practice by what the absence of this will be able to understand like a fault to the practice of laboratory. Any fault justified has to to document properly with the cause and dates of the day and deliver to the professor of the matter before past 10 days from the absence. Punctuality to practices is of forced fulfillment by what the faults reiterated of punctuality will be penalised and can suppose the suspense of the matter.

NOTICE: It is mandatory for students to attend lab practice wearing a white gown or white pijama, pen and notebook.

Seminar In the seminars students will work specific topics of the syllabus through the development of groupal activities that will serve to deepen the content of the subject.
The student will deal with English and Spanish textbooks and lecture notes interchangeably.
Activities done in each seminar will be reflected with the delivery of an individual or groupal activity. Activities related with seminars are mandatory and can not be replaced by another activity of the course. The student is also required to reach half of the seminar's total score to pass the subject. Failure to do so, in the evaluation of July the student will have to answer 10 multiple choice questions related to different topics disscused in the seminars.
Supervised projects The student will be required to perform and exposed in the classroom one mandatory groupal supervised project related to any of the topics of the syllabus. The guidelines for its implementation and the delivery date and exposure will be detailed at the beginning of the academic year and posted on the virtual platform of the UDC. In its development and/or exposure the student will be required to use English language.
In qualifying the project the following items will be considered: Understanding the topic, scientific rigor, synthesis and critical and adequacy of the literature consulted
Long answer / essay questions Of those teaching units on the syllabus indicated by the teacher the student will take an individual test / development that aims to assess the capacity of reasoning, creativity and critical thinking of students.
This long answer/essay questions will be scored with 0 or 1 point depending on whether or not exceed the test-development tests carried out along the course:
-Between 70 and 100% of essays are passed = 1 pts
-Between 50 and 70% of essays are passed = 0.5 pts
-Less than 50% of essays are passed = 0 pts
The guidelines for implementation will at the beginning of the course.
Objective test An objective test of 50 multiple choice questions will be made.
This test will include questions related to contents covered in lectures, clinical cases seen in the classroom, with the labs, seminars and any topic of interest that the teacher indicates and should be worked by students . Information on the score of the questions wlll be provided the day of its performance. Students need to get at least 5 points of 10 possible to overcome the objective test.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Laboratory practice
Supervised projects
Personalized attention described in relation to these methodologies is conceived as working moments with the teacher in person or in a virtual way.
The way and moment of developing personalized attention for each activity will be shown throughout the course according to the instructional strategy of the subject.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Seminar B1 Seminar related activities and its exposure are mandatory and can not be replaced by another activity of the course.
It is necessary to obtain at least a score of 5 out of 10 in its performance and exposure. Guidelines for its implementation and exposure will be given at the beginning of the course.

Guest lecture / keynote speech B5 B6 B8 B9 B13 B19 C1 C2 C3 C6 Attendance and participation in lectures will be graded with 0 points or 0.5 depending on the presence and participation in most of the regular checks carried out along the course is obtained:
-Between 70 and 100% of attendance and active participation = 0.5 pts
-Between 50 and 70% of attendance and active participation = 0.25 pts
-Less than 50% of attendance and low or no participation in the classroom = 0 pts
Laboratory practice B5 B6 B8 B9 B19 C1 Assistance to the practices of laboratory is compulsory in his whole (control of assistance) to surpass the matter.
The 2 last days of the practical program allocate to the realisation of a theoretical proof-practical in which it has to obtain at least a punctuation of 5 on 10 possible points.
Long answer / essay questions A54 B3 Of those teaching units on the syllabus indicated by the teacher the student will take an individual test / development that aims to assess the capacity of reasoning, creativity and critical thinking of students.
This long answer/essay questions will be scored with 0 or 1 point depending on whether or not exceed the test-development tests carried out along the course:
-Between 70 and 100% of essays are passed = 1 pts
-Between 50 and 70% of essays are passed = 0.5 pts
-Less than 50% of essays are passed = 0 pts
The guidelines for implementation will at the beginning of the course.
Supervised projects B3 B5 B8 A supervised project will be held in the classroom and set out a mandatory supervised group work related to one of the paragraphs of the agenda. The guidelines for its development will be given at the beginning of the course and announced in the virtual platform of the UDC. In his presentation and/or expposure the student will be required to use English language.
In qualifying the protected work shall be considered: Understanding the topic, scientific rigor, synthesis and critical and adequacy of the literature.
It is necessary to obtain at least a score of 5 out of 10 possible in its implementation and/or exposure.

Objective test A33 B17 An objective test of 50 multiple choice questions will be made.
This test will include questions related to contents covered in lectures, clinical cases seen in the classroom, with the labs, seminars and any topic of interest that the teacher indicates and should be worked by students. Information about the score of questions wlll be provided the day of its performance. Students need to get at least 5 points of 10 possible to overcome the objective test.
Assessment comments

To surpass
the matter is necessary:

Attain the
half of the punctuation in each one of the methodologies that compute in the
evaluation and that they are of compulsory realisation. Besides it is necessary
to assist to the whole of the practices of laboratory and realise and expose
the activities related with the seminars and with the works tutelados. In case
of not reaching the minimum note in the seminars during the academic course the
student will have to present in the announcement of July all the tasks realised
in the same during the academic course to attain at most the minimum
punctuation of these.

of second and back matrículas: For those students/ace that have cursado at
least once the matter and realised the compulsory practices of complete form
with the qualification of apt owe to take into account that they can go back to
cursar all the matter again or present only to a theoretical examination end
taking into account that the qualification of the examination will suppose 100%
of the qualification of the matter.

The students
with matrícula partial: they will be able to obtain the qualification of the
asignatura with the ordinary modality or modality in which the objective proof
supposes 80% of the qualification and the another 20% a practical examination
that will realise  the same day of the
objective proof when finalising the same. In this modality will be compulsory
to surpass both parts to surpass the asignatura.

of the opportunity advanced of evaluation: Those students/ace that have
requested the opportunity advanced of evaluation, fulfil with the requirements
and concede him  will be able to present
to the objective proof whose qualification will suppose 100% of the
qualification of the matter.

qualification of no presented: it will award 
to those students that do not present 
to the examination neither to any of the practices.

conditions for the obtaining of one enrols of honour are that the student
obtain more than 90% of the qualification of the asignatura, was the best
qualification of the class in the opportunity evaluated and his contribution in
the seminars-workshops and practical have been significant.

NOTE: they
will not attend  claims related with the
punctuations obtained in the different proofs by email or any another half no

NOTE: No claims related to scores or grades on the tests will be attended by
email or any other non-face medium.

Sources of information

1. Banks AS. Mc Glamry's comprehensive textbook of foot and ankle surgery. 3ª ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins; 2001.

2. Chang TJ. Técnicas en cirugía ortopédica. Pie y tobillo. Madrid: Marban; 2006.

3. Gerbert J. Textbook of bunion surgery. 3ª ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders company; 2001.

4. Hetherington VJ. Hallux valgus and forefoot surgery. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1994.

5. Izquierdo Cases JO. Podología Quirúrgica. Madrid: Elsevier; 2006.

6. Mercado OA. Atlas de cirugía del pie. Madrid: Federación española de podólogos; 1995.

7. Kelikian AS. Sarrafian's anatomy of the foot and ankle. 3ª ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Williams&Wilkins; 2011. 

8. García Carmona FJ. Patología y cirugía ungueal. Barcelona: Ediciones Mayo; 2008.

9. Guía práctica de protocolos quirúrgicos en Podología. Comisión de formación del Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Podólogos; 2009.

10. Fernández Mallo O. Manual para personal del bloque quirúrgico. 2ª ed. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña; 2009.


1. Coughlin MJ. Pie y tobillo. Madrid: Marban; 2011.

2. Johnson KA. Pie y tobillo. Madrid: Marban; 1998.

3. Kelikian AS. Tratamiento quirúrgico de pie y tobillo. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana; 2001. 

4. Barouk LS. Reconstrucción del antepie. 2ª ed. Bordeaux: Amolca; 2008.

5. Nunley JA. Advanced reconstruction. Foot and ankle. 2ª ed. Rosemont: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2007.

6. Pfeffer GB. Foot and ankle surgery. Operative techniques. Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier; 2010.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Anatomía específica do membro inferior/750G02002
Biomecánica do membro inferior/750G02013
Patoloxía Podolóxica 1/750G02021
Patoloxía Podolóxica 2/750G02022
Quiropodoloxía 1/750G02027
Quiropodoloxía 2/750G02028

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Cirugía Podolóxica 1/750G02029

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Prácticum 1/750G02033
Prácticum 2/750G02034
Prácticum 3/750G02035

Other comments

It is highly recommended to have previous English knowledge.

During keynote sessions the student will deal with English vocabulary and lectures 2 and 11 (included in Units 2 and 4)  will be taught in this language. Furthermore the student is required to use English language in at least one of the collaborative activities.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.