Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Química Code 770G01004
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría Electrónica Industrial e Automática
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First FB 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Química Analítica
Alonso Rodriguez, Elia
Gonzalez Rodriguez, Maria Victoria
Alonso Rodriguez, Elia
Gonzalez Rodriguez, Maria Victoria
General description Introdución aos fundamentos científicos da química en relación coas súas aplicacións tecnolóxicas

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A8 Capacidade para comprender e aplicar os principios e coñecementos básicos da química xeral, química orgánica e inorgánica e as súas aplicacións na enxeñaría.
B1 Capacidade de resolver problemas con iniciativa, toma de decisións, creatividade e razoamento crítico.
B2 Capacidade de comunicar e transmitir coñecementos, habilidades e destrezas no campo da enxeñaría industrial.
B4 Capacidade de traballar e aprender de forma autónoma e con iniciativa.
B6 Capacidade de usar adecuadamente os recursos de información e aplicar as tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións na enxeñaría.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Utilize the basic principles of general chemistry, organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry. Apply the basic laws governing reactions: thermodynamics, kinetics and equilibrium. A8
Solve exercises and analyze results. B1
Apply theoretical concepts in the laboratory. B4
List and discuss data and results B2

Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1. Basics of Chemistry. - Stoichiometry. Theorical and Percentage Yields. Limiting Reactant.
- Atoms. The Quantum Mechanical Model.
- Periodic Table of the Elements.
- Chemical Bond. Main types of chemical bonds: ionic, covalent, metallic. Intermolecular Forces.
Topic 2. Thermochemistry - Heats of Chemistry Reaction
- Enthalpy
- Calorimetry
- Introduction to thermodynamics
Topic 3. Rates of Reaction - Reaction Rates
- Reaction Rates Equation
- Dependence of Rate on Concentration
- Activation energy
- Catalysis
- Mechanism
Topic 4. Chemical Equilibrium - Chemical Equilibrium. The Equilibrium Constant.
- Gaseous Reactions. Le Chatelier's Principle
- Acid-Base Equilibria
Topic 5. Electrochemistry I - Oxidation -Reduction Reactions. Balancing
- Standard Electrode Potentials
- Spontaneity from Electrode Potencials
- Nernst Equation
Topic 6. Electrochemistry II - Voltaic Cells. Batteries
- Electrolysis. Stoichiometry of Electrolysis
Topic 7. Corrosion - Concept
- Corrosion process and influence factors
- Methods to protect metals from corrosion
- Atmospheric Corrosión
- Marine Corrosion
Topic 8. Organic Chemistrya - Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- Functional Groups
- Nomenclature
- Isomers
- Main types of organic reactions
Topic 9. Organic Chemistry Applied to Engineering - Carbon
- Oil
- Gas
- Biomass
- Polymers
Topic 10. Introduction to Industrial Chemistry - Engineering Process
- Mass Balance
Topic 11. Inorganic Chemistry Applied to Engineering - Metallurgy
- Industrial Inorganic Compounds: Synthesis
- Main Technologic Inorganic Materials: Semiconductors, Optic Fiber, Ceramic,
Topic 12. Introduction to Instrumental Techniques for Industrial Analysis - Classification of Instrumental Techniques
- Quality Parameters in the Analytical Laboratory
- Calibraction
- Significant Digits

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A8 21 29.4 50.4
Problem solving A8 B1 20 38 58
Multiple-choice questions A8 B6 B4 C3 1 4 5
Laboratory practice A8 B6 5 5 10
Supervised projects B2 B4 B6 C3 3 6 9
Objective test A8 B1 4 12 16
Personalized attention 1.6 0 1.6
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Participants take notes and make questions
Problem solving Participants apply rules, write mathematical relationships and analyze results
Multiple-choice questions Participants complete online exercises and individual self-assessment is available
Laboratory practice Participants perform an experiment following a written procedure and write a report
Supervised projects Participants summarize and discuss information
Objective test Participants answer questions and problems

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Reviewing the development of intermediate and final stages of supervised projects

Resolving specific issues

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects B2 B4 B6 C3 Elaboration of supervised projects and presentation in the classroom.
Performing an activity and objective test.
Objective test A8 B1 A first test (theory and problems) will be carried out about half of the semester. The subject taught until then will be evaluated. At the end of course, a partial second test (theory and problems) will be performed for students who have passed the first test. Simultaneously a global test (theory and problems) will be performed for students who have not approved the first test.
Each test consists of two independent parts, being necessary to obtain a minimum score on each part to compensate:
- Theory, maximum score 4 points, minimum score 1.5 points to compensate.
- Problems, maximum score 3 points, 1 point minimum to compensate score.
Problem solving A8 B1 Resolution of the exercise bulletins and active involvement in the classroom activities. 10
Laboratory practice A8 B6 Active involvement in carry out the laboratory practices and reports. 5
Multiple-choice questions A8 B6 B4 C3 Solving self-assessment online exercises proposed before test 5
Assessment comments

A minimum of 75% of the laboratory practical classes have to be carried out by each student to be evaluated .

A minimum mark of 3 points is requested in the test to take into account the other marks.

Sources of information
Basic (). .
VINAGRE F., VAZQUEZ DE MIGUEL L.M. (1996 ). "Fundamentos y problemas de química" . Alianza, 2ª Ed.
McMurry, Fay (2009 ). "Química General" . Prentice Hall
Petrucci, Ralph H. (2011). "Química general: principios y aplicaciones modernas". Prentice Hall
CHANG (2002 ). "Química" . Interamericana. Mc Graw - Hill. 7ª Edición
PÉREZ IGLESIAS, J. y SECO LAGO, H.M. (2006 ). “Experimentos de química. Aplicaciones a la vida cotidiana" . Badajoz. Editorial Filarias

Complementary PETERSON (1993 ). "Formulación y nomenclatura química inorgánica" . Barcelona, EDUNSA
Skoog, Douglas A ( 2007 ). "Principios de análisis instrumental" . Santa Fe : Cengage Learning
José Vale Parapar y col. (2004 ). "Problemas resueltos: de Química para Ingeniería" . Thomson
KOTZ, TREICHEL, HARMAN (2003 ). "Química y reactividad química" . Thomson Ed. 5º Ed.
PAZ, M.; CASTRO, F. y MIRO, J. (1995 ). "Química" . Madrid.Ed.UNED
WILLIS (1995 ). "Resolución de Problemas de Química General" . Reverté

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Enxeñaría Medioambiental/770G01014

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.