Identifying Data 2016/17
Subject (*) Fundamentos de intelixencia artificial Code 614522003
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Bioinformática para Ciencias da Saúde
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
First Optativa 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Computación
Bolón Canedo, Verónica
Bolón Canedo, Verónica
General description

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A2 CE2 – To define, evaluate and select the architecture and the most suitable software for solving a problem in the field of bioinformatics
A3 CE3 – To analyze, design, develop, implement, verify and document efficient software solutions based on an adequate knowledge of the theories, models and techniques in the field of Bioinformatics
A4 CE4 - Ability to acquire, obtain, formalize and represent human knowledge in a computable form for the resolution of problems through a computer system in any field of application, particularly those related to aspects of computing, perception and action in bioinformatics applications
B1 CB6 - Own and understand knowledge that can provide a base or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a context of research
B2 CB7 - Students should know how to apply the acquired knowledge and ability to problem solving in new environments or little known within broad (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study
B6 CG1 -Search for and select the useful information needed to solve complex problems, driving fluently bibliographical sources for the field
B7 CG2 - Maintain and extend well-founded theoretical approaches to enable the introduction and exploitation of new and advanced technologies
C1 CT1 - Express oneself correctly, both orally writing, in the official languages of the autonomous community
C6 CT6 - To assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they face to.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Knowledge and application of the fundamental principles and techniques of AI and their practical application AJ2

Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction 1.1. An historical perspective
1.2. Preliminary aspects
1.3. General considerations
2. Problem-solving 2.1. Introduction to solving problems in AI
2.2. The state space concept. Searching
2.3. General characteristics of searching processes
2.4. Pure search strategies
2.5. Search strategies in state space
3. Structured Knowledge Representation 3.1. Introduction
3.2. Declarative methods
3.3. Procedural methods
3.4. Examples and a practical case
3.5. Production systems
4. Reasoning in AI 4.1 Basics of categorical reasoning
4.2 Basics of Bayesian reasoning
5. Development of Intelligent Systems 5.1 Introduction to Knowledge Engineering
5.2 Methodologies for knowledge modeling
5.3 CommonKADS
5.4 Case study

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Laboratory practice B2 B6 B7 C1 C6 28 56 84
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 A3 A4 B1 14 28 42
Personalized attention 0 0
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Laboratory practice Use of symbolic AI techniques to solve problems.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Teaching the contents of the course, promoting involvement of students.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Laboratory practice
Attendance and involvement of the students will be evaluated

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 A3 A4 B1 Written test to evaluate the knowledge about the course
Laboratory practice B2 B6 B7 C1 C6 Submission before the deadline and attendance will be evaluated
Assessment comments

Sources of information

Moret et al. (2005). Fundamentos de inteligencia artificial. Servicio de publicaciones de la UDC (2ª ed, 2ª imp)

José T. Palma, Roque Marín Morales et al. (2008). Inteligencia artificial - Técnicas, métodos y aplicaciones. McGraw Hill (1ª ed.)

Russell & Norvig (2004). Inteligencia artificial: un enfoque moderno. Pearson (2ª ed)


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Introdución á programación/614522001

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Intelixencia computacional para datos de alta dimensionalidad/614522024
Intelixencia computacional para bioinformática/614522012
Computación de altas prestacións en bioinformática/614522011

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.