Identifying Data 2016/17
Subject (*) Actividade física e deporte adaptado Code 620G01027
Study programme
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatoria 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Educación Física e Deportiva
Valverde Romera, Joaquina
Valverde Romera, Joaquina
General description Esta materia está incluída non MÓDULO 5 (Ensino dá educación física e ou deporte). Non devandito módulo, atópanse as MATERIAS que teñen unha íntima vinculación entre se, como é ou caso de "Ensino dá actividade física e ou deporte", "Actividades non medio natural" e "Actividade física e deporte adaptado".

En concreto, a MATERIA á que corresponde esta guía docente leva ou mesmo título que unha dás materias, "Actividade física e deporte adaptado" e identifícase cos seguintes descriptores:

1º) Actividad física y deporte para poblaciones con necesidades especiales: conocimiento, indicaciones y contraindicaciones.
2º) Conocimiento y elaboración de programas de intervención en educación física ante necesidades especiales de tipo anatómico-fisiológico, psíquico y/el inadaptación social.
3º) Actitud deontológica dentro de él contexto escolar obligatorio en actividad física y deporte adaptado.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A3 Coñecer e analizar a cultura deportiva e propoñer os cambios necesarios, na propia e na das persoas coas que traballa, desde a ética e o xogo limpo, as diferenzas de xénero e a visibilidade dos discapacitados.
A7 Promover e avaliar a formación de hábitos de actividade física e deporte ao longo do ciclo vital, considerando que a idade, o xénero ou a discapacidade son variables que necesitan da intervención consciente para favorecer a igualdade de oportunidades.
A14 Deseñar, planificar, avaliar técnico-cientificamente e desenvolver programas de exercicios orientados á prevención, a reeducación, a recuperación e readaptación funcional nos diferentes ámbitos de intervención: educativo, deportivo e de calidade de vida, considerando, cando fose necesario as diferenzas por idade, xénero, ou discapacidade.
A24 Deseñar, planificar, avaliar técnica e cientificamente e administrar programas de actividade física adaptada a persoas e diferentes grupos de poboación con discapacidade, ou que requiran atención especial.
A29 Identificar os riscos para a saúde que se derivan da práctica de actividade física insuficiente e inadecuada en calquera colectivo ou grupo social.
A33 Seleccionar e saber utilizar o material e equipamento deportivo adecuado para cada tipo de actividade físico-deportiva no contexto educativo, deportivo, recreativo e da actividade física e saúde.
B1 Coñecer e posuír a metodoloxía e estratexia necesaria para a aprendizaxe nas ciencias da actividade física e do deporte.
B2 Resolver problemas de forma eficaz e eficiente no ámbito das ciencias da actividade física e do deporte.
B3 Traballar nos diferentes contextos da actividade física e o deporte, de forma autónoma e con iniciativa, aplicando o pensamento crítico, lóxico e creativo.
B5 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán.
B6 Dinamizar grupos nos diferentes ámbitos do exercicio profesional.
B11 Desenvolver competencias para a adaptación a novas situacións e resolución de problemas, e para a aprendizaxe autónoma.
B17 Promover e avaliar actividades de ampliación curricular, referentes á creación de hábitos autónomos de actividade física e deporte.
B19 Exercer a profesión con responsabilidade, respecto e compromiso.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
- Know and know differentiate and discriminate the distinct types of special needs and his main repercussions psicomotrices. A3
- Know design, schedule, evaluate and administer in the practice the programs of physical activity and sport adapted in formal education and other contexts (therapeutic, recreational, competitive). A24
- Know and be able to use sufficient methodological resources to favour the processes of integration of the people with special needs through the physical activity and the sport adapted. A33

Topic Sub-topic
- Physical activity and sport adapted for populations with special needs ( Knowledge, indications and contraindications. 1.- Basic foundations of physical activity and sport adapted
1.1.- Conceptual bases
1.2.- Historical evolution

2.- The legal frame and the architectural considerations and materials
2.1.- General laws
2.2.- Specific laws
2.3.- Basic normative principles
2.4.- General rules
2.5.- The sportive installations: barriers and solutions
2.6.- The sportive material and his adaptations

3.- Populations with special needs
3.1.- Terminology and classification
3.2.- Etiology, evaluation and prevention
3.3.- Problematic of the person with special needs
- Deontological attitude inside the compulsory school context in physical activity and sport adapted. 4.- Adaptations curriculares individualizadas (ACI) in physical education
4.1.- Alternative educational
4.2.- Phases of the ACI in physical education
4.3.- Methodological guidelines of performance
- Knowledge and preparation of programs of intervention in physical education in front of special needs of the anatomical type-physiological, psychic and/or social maladjustment. 5.- Physical education and sport adapted like element favorecedor of the school inclusion
5.1.- Physical education and sport adapted for the alumnado with special needs of anatomical type-physiological
5.2.- Physical education and sport adapted for the alumnado with special needs of psychic type
5.3.- Physical education and sport adapted for the alumnado with problems of social maladjustment

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A3 A7 A29 24 36 60
Physical exercise A3 A14 A24 A33 B11 16 32 48
Case study A24 A33 B2 B3 B17 B19 2 24 26
Mind mapping B2 B3 B5 B6 1 3 4
Collaborative learning C4 C6 C7 2 2 4
Binary questions B1 B2 1 2 3
Personalized attention 5 0 5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech During this type of sessions, will do an oral exhibition of the contents. Besides, it will have the help of the audiovisual means with the end of clarificar the exposed. The students will be able to take part in the moment that wish it to clear any content or resolve doubts with regard to the matter given.
Physical exercise It treats of a technician to apply with groups reduced. It has by purpose that the students develop social empathy and vivencien, by means of simulation, the problems and difficulties that has a person with special needs to the hour to realise physical activity and sport.
Case study With this method, the students will confront of theoretical way to a series of specific data that go them to allow know which are the main characteristic of different Students with Special Educational Needs (ACNEAE). From here, they will do the design of a session of ordinary physical education (one for each one of them) in which they include obligatoriamente adaptations according to the case. Besides, each session has to correspond to a different block of which marks the Decree 86/2015 by which regulate the educations of secondary compulsory in Galicia.
The document will begin with a cover of presentation in which it state the name of the student and the group to the that belongs. It will have to contain an index paginado. And, at the end, they will have to appear, like minimum, five bibliographic references following a concrete rule (ej. APA-6ª ed.).
Mind mapping It treats of a technician of individual work in which the student will have to establish relations between the key concepts of each one of the subjects that give . They are representacións that flow of the most general to the most detailed.
Collaborative learning By means of this type of methodology, pretends boost the education-learning of face-to-face form basing us in the organisation of the class in small groups. The alumnado will work jointly in the resolution of tasks assigned by the professor to improve his own learning and the one of the others members of the group.
Binary questions Objective proof that consists in opting by one of the two options that present to a determinate question. The answers in white will not discount. By each failure, will subtract a tarpaulin. The maximum time of realisation of the proof will be of an hour.

Personalized attention
Case study
Binary questions
They will take advantage of the sessions of personalised attention to resolve the possible doubts arisen as a result of the work realised by the students during the study of cases.
Of equal way, will attend to those students that need explanations to greater of which have given in the sessions magistrales. With this will procure to favour the study of the asignatura of face to the proof of discrimination.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Case study A24 A33 B2 B3 B17 B19 Each student, will present a work individualizado FORM with a maximum of 10 pages, without explaining the initial cover neither the index, size Din4 and following the requirements expressed in the section of "methodology". Such conditions also will be in the platform Moodle of the university.
The deadline of delivery will be the day of the examination.
Physical exercise A3 A14 A24 A33 B11 The students will be able to arrive to obtain a maximum of 2 points in his quantitative qualification as long as they PARTICIPATE ACTIVELY, like minimum, in 70% of the sessions that give. 20
Binary questions B1 B2 It will consist of 60 you ask type test referents to the exposed contents along the lessons magistrales. They will give 2 options of answer, being only one of them correct. The errors penalise (each error cancels a success). 60
Collaborative learning C4 C6 C7 The students, of individual form or at most in groups of three, will realise a task according to the indications given by the professor in the theoretical sessions, with the end to complement each one of the subjects given in class.
The term of presentation of this work is of a week from his date of proposal.
Assessment comments
  • To surpass the asignatura will be INDISPENSABLE to have surpassed each one of the four sections of independent way.
  • The students that, by reasons justified (competition of elite, accident, injury, illness, matrícula partial or judicial request), do not reach 70% of participation in the practical will be able to complement it with a theoretical work  that will carry out under the supervision of the professor, in a no upper term to a week after finishing the practices of the matter.
  • These same criterial will keep  for the immediately back opportunity. Those that have to go back to enrol , and have surpassed any of the blocks, will respect them the note that have taken out in said block.

Sources of information
Basic SAÑUDO, B; MARTÍNEZ, V; y MUÑOA, J. (Coords.) (2012). Actividad física en poblaciones especiales. Salud y calidad de vida.. Sevilla. Wanceulen
GÓMEZ, H. (2009). Educación física y atención a la diversidad. La Tierra Hoy. Madrid
HERNÁNDEZ, F.J. (2012). Inclusión en educación física. Barcelona. Inde
RÍOS, M; RUIZ, P; y CAROL, N. (Coords.) (2014). La inclusión en la actividad física y deportiva. Comité Paralímpico Español
MENDOZA, N. (2009). Propuestas prácticas de educación física inclusiva para la etapa de secundaria. Barcelona. Inde

Complementary VERDUGO, M.A. (2011). Discapacidad intelectual. Definición, clasificación y sistemas de apoyo. Madrid. Alianza
PÉREZ, J.A. y SUÁREZ, C. (2004). Educación física para la integración de los alumnos con espina bífida. Alicante. Editorial Club Universitario
GAREL, J-P. (2007). Educación física y discapacidades. Barcelona. Inde
MENA, B; NICOLAU, R; SALAT, L; TORT, P. y ROMERO, B. (4º ED.) (2011). El alumno con TDAH. Guía práctica para educadores.. Barcelona. Mayo
BERNAL, J.A. (2002). El profesor de educación física y el alumno sordo.. Sevilla. Wanceulen
CORNAGO, A. (2013). Manual del juego para niños con autismo.. Valencia. Psylicom
ESCRIBÁ, A. (2001). Síndrome de Down. Propuestas de intervención. Madrid. Gymnos

RESOURCES WEB: It is a section of this digital magazine in which it appears a relation of articles on the world of the physical activity for people with disability. In this magazine can find articulos scientific interesting on the physical activity adapted. This is the reference of the European magazine of physical activity adapted. At present, it is one of the ones of greater prestige and international recognition. His publications are semiannual. In this case we are treating of the official magazine of the International Federation of Physical Activity Adapted. It has ease of access to his articles for finding  inside the electronic resources of digital magazines of the UDC.  The Spanish Association of Sport and Physical Activity Adapted (AEDAFA) is born with the vocation of aunar the activity and interests of professionals in relation to the physical activity and the sport adapted, with a marked character multi- and inter-discipline. The associated can access to an up to date information, characterised by his academic rigour and scientist. It is the page of the Centre of Studies on Sport Inclusivo (CEDI). It treats  of an organism whose aim is to boost the initiation and the sportive promotion in people with disability. Can consider  pointer to national level and is the one who contributes the most updated information on any type of event (courses, days, congresses, etc.) inside this field.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Psicoloxía da actividade física e do deporte/620G01011
Socioloxía da actividade física e do deporte/620G01015

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Proceso de ensino/aprendizaxe da actividade física e do deporte/620G01022
Actividade física saudable e calidade de vida I/620G01023

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Planificación do proceso de ensino/aprendizaxe da actividade física e do deporte/620G01035
Actividade física saudable e calidade de vida II/620G01036
Actividades acuáticas saudables e socorrismo (optativa)/620G01042

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.