Identifying Data 2016/17
Subject (*) Traballo fin de mestrado (TFM) Code 652513208
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Didácticas Específicas
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Obligatoria 9
Teaching method Face-to-face
General description

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 To know the theoretical basis of interdisciplinary work and identify its centre of interest in school and non-school contexts.
A5 To acquire a methodological training to carry out educational research.
A6 To stablish the general descriptors which conform a research project: to select, to develop, to deal with and interpret data and present results according to the purpose of the research.
A7 - To be able to apply theoretical knowledge related to Specific Didactics, both in research as in innovation and evaluation.
A8 To be able to defend and argue in oral and written ways the completed investigation and/or innovation work, using audio-visual aids.
A10 To know the theoretical basis which sustain research and innovation in the field of Specific Didactics.
A11 To know and understand scientific language and use it correctly in different ways of expression and communication.
A14 To know the different types of methodologies used in educational research considering its appropriateness for problem-solving.
A15 To identify quality and control criteria both in research and in the teaching practice, encouraging a critical, reflective and innovative spirit.
A16 To design, justify and evaluate research and innovation projects in the field of Specific Didactics.
A17 To select, adapt and apply materials, resources and ICTs to improve the teaching and learning in different disciplinary fields.
A18 To acknowledge the research and innovation applied to Educational Sciences as a lifelong tool for innovation, educational and social improvement.
B1 To have and understand general knowledge to establish foundations and /or opportunities to stand out in the development and implementation of ideas, mainly in an action- research context.
B2 To be able to apply the acquired foundations and their problem-solving capabilities in new multidisciplinary contexts related to the specific research areas.
B3 To be able to join contents and accept the challenge to formulate complex statements out of a limited or incomplete information, including reflections about social and ethic responsibilities related to the application of their own knowledge and opinions.
B4 To be able to transfer and communicate their conclusions and opinions in a clear and straight manner both in a specialized and a non-specialized audience.
B5 To have the required learning abilities to continue in a life-long-learning and autonomous process.
B6 To be able to analyse and synthesize.
B7 To be able to adapt to new situations.
B8 To work with initiative and in an autonomous way.
B9 To work in a collaborative way.
B10 To be able to organize and plan in curricular and cross-curricular subjects.
B11 To be able to innovate (creativity) within educational and non-educational contexts.
B12 to behave with ethics and with social and environmental responsibility as a teacher and/or researcher.
B13 To be able to communicate with their peers, educational community and with society in general in the field of their areas of knowledge.
B14 To incorporate ICTs for the research process, information management, data analysis and for transferability.
B15 To be able to update knowledge, methodologies and strategies in their teaching practices
C1 To express correctly, both orally and in written texts, in the two co-official languages of the Autonomous Community.
C4 To be able to self-develop for an open, critical, committed, democratic and solidary citizenship.
C5 To understand the importance of the entrepreneurship culture and the available means for entrepreneurs.
C6 To critically value available knowledge, technology and information to solve problems which students must face.
C7 To assume as a professional and as a citizen the importance of life-long-learning.
C8 To value the importance that research, innovation and technical developments have on society’s socio-economical and cultural progress.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Establecer una investigación/innovación en el ámbito de las didácticas específicas, desarrollada con datos empíricos. AJ5
Reconocer la investigación en el ámbito de las didácticas específicas como herramienta de innovación y mejora educativa y social. AJ1

Topic Sub-topic
Diseño de un proyecto de investigación/innovación
Desarrollo del proyecto para la obtención de datos empíricos y conclusiones
Presentación oral y escrita y defensa del trabajo realizado

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Research (Research project) A6 A7 A10 A11 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 C1 C4 C6 C7 C8 0 40 40
Supervised projects A1 A5 A7 A11 A14 A15 A16 A17 B2 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 C6 5 80 85
Oral presentation A7 A8 A11 A14 A16 A17 B6 B9 B10 B13 C1 1 4 5
Document analysis A1 A5 A6 A7 A10 A11 A14 A15 A18 B2 B3 B4 B5 B8 B15 C5 C8 0 70 70
Personalized attention 25 0 25
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Research (Research project) Proceso orientado á aprendizaxe do alumnado mediante a realización de actividades de carácter práctico a través das que se propoñen situacións que requiren ao estudante identificar un problema obxecto de estudo, formulalo con precisión, desenvolver os procedementos pertinentes, interpretar os resultados e sacar as conclusións oportunas do traballo realizado.
Supervised projects Trátase de que o alumnado adquira as competencias relacionadas coa aprendizaxe autónoma, dirixido por un/ha profesor/a.
Será o Traballo Fin de Mestrado que o alumnado realizará e que terá que ser individual, innovador, personal e orixinal sobre una materia relacionada cunha temática ou área do programa de Mestrado. Os/as directores serán nomeados pola comisión do Mestrado, aínda que poderán ser propostos polo alumnado previa aceptación daqueles.
Constará dun documento escrito que terá que seguir as pautas que se sinalen no documento marco que se redactará ao efecto e as indicacións do/a director/a, realizadas na atención personalizada e/ou titorías. Neste documento marco poderanse contemplar características diferentes de formato, segundo as áreas polas que se presente, como por exemplo e entre outros, aqueles vinculado a un proxecto artístico na área de Didáctica das Artes Visuais que poderán ter un formato distinto no que atinxe a tipografía, maquetación, imaxes, etc., co obxectivo da búsqueda estética coherente co traballo realizado polo alumnado.
Oral presentation Exposición verbal, coa utilización dos recursos expositivos adecuados, que debe reflectir todas as fases do proceso de creación e desenvolvemento dos traballos tutelados.

Document analysis Utilización de documentos de toda tipoloxía, aplicables e relacionados coas didácticas específicas (primarias, secundarias e terciarias: arquivísticos, bibliográficos, audiovisuais, hemerográficos, arqueolóxicos, orais, textuais, literarias, etc.) relevantes para a temática da materia con actividades especificamente deseñadas para o traballo coasmesmas.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A1 A5 A7 A11 A14 A15 A16 A17 B2 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 C6 O Traballo Fin de Mestrado, ou traballo tutelado, terá que axustarse ás características indicadas no apartado Metodoloxías desta Guía Docente e ao documento marco que se redacte.
O TFM será avaliado por un tribunal que será nomeado pola comisión do Mestrado, formado por tres profesores/as do equipo docente do título. Nesta avaliación terase en conta o rigor, a adecuación ao formato esixido, a incorporación das referencias bibliográficas oportunas, a fundamentación teórica, a coherencia, a orixinalidade e os resultados e conclusións, e todos aqueles que se especifiquen no documento marco.
Oral presentation A7 A8 A11 A14 A16 A17 B6 B9 B10 B13 C1 O alumnado terá que facer a presentación oral e defensa do seu Traballo Fin de Mestrado, ante o tribunal asignado.
Terase en conta a corrección na expresión oral, capacidade de síntese, capacidades comunicativas, así como a corrección e argumentación das respostas e a súa adecuación ás posibles cuestións que os membros do tribunal lle poidan formular.
Assessment comments
El estudiante deberá exponer el trabajo y defenderlo ante un tribunal que será nombrado por la Comisión de Master.
Para poder defender el
trabajo de fin de Máster será necesario haber
superado la totalidad de los demás créditos del título.

Sources of information
Basic Rodríguez, Mª L., Llanes, J. (coords.) (2013). Cómo elaborar, tutorizar y evaluar un trabajo de fin de máster.. Barcelona: Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya.
Walker, M. (2000). Cómo escribir trabajos de investigación. . Barcelona: Gedisa
Ferrer, V., Carmona, M., Soria, V. (2012). El Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Guía para estudiantes, docentes y agentes colaboradores.. Madrid: McGrawHill-Interamericana de España.
Muñoz Alonso, G. (2011). Estructura, metodología y escritura del Trabajo de Fin de Máster.. Madrid: Escolar y Mayo.
García Sanz, Mª P., Martínez Clares, P. (coords.) (2012). Guía práctica para la realización de trabajos fin de grado y trabajos fin de máster . Murcia: Universidad de Murcia


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.