Identifying Data 2016/17
Subject (*) Eficiencia nos Sistemas Eléctricos Code 770523013
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Eficiencia e Aproveitamento Enerxético
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optativa 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Enxeñaría Industrial
Graña Lopez, Manuel angel
Graña Lopez, Manuel angel
General description Para conseguir que as instalacións eléctricas e os receptores que as constitúen, traballen dunha maneira correcta e que traballen dunha maneira eficiente desde un punto de vista eléctrico, hanse de primeiramente identificar e logo cuantificar dunha maneira correcta as ineficiencias que nos podemos atopar presentes en calquera sistema eléctrico, tales como os desfasamentos entre a tensión e a corrente, a falta de simetría e a falta de linealidad nos seus circuítos, unha vez establecidas estas ineficiencias, mostrásense os dispositivos que nos permiten corrixilas, de maneira que se logre unha mellora na eficiencia da instalación ou circuíto.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Análise e aplicación de metodoloxías e normativa para unha xestión eficiente da enerxía.
B3 Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación.
B6 Buscar y seleccionar alternativas considerando las mejores soluciones posibles.
B7 Desarrollar las capacidades de análisis y síntesis; fomentar la discusión crítica, la defensa de argumentos y la toma de conclusiones.
B11 Adquirir nuevos conocimientos y capacidades relacionados con el ámbito profesional del máster.
B15 Conocer la legislación vigente y reglamentación aplicable al sector de las energías renovables y de la eficiencia energética.
C3 Aplicar una metodología que fomente el aprendizaje y el trabajo autónomo.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
The student will know to identify the diverse phenomena (reactive, disequilibriums, harmonic), that can find in an electrical installation, that diminish his efficiency. AJ1
The student will know to quantify the importance of the ineficiencias of the system and proceed to pose the best solution for the same, so that the system was from the electrical point of view more efficient, all this attending to the norms and reglamentación valid. AJ1

Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to the ineficiencias in the electrical systems.
The Unified Theory of Electrical Power.
Compensation of the reactive power. Introduction.
Characterisation and measure of the reactive energy.
Devices of compensation of the cos fi.
Balanced three- and four-wire electrical systems. Introducción. Theorem of Stokvis-Fortescue.
Characterization and measurement of power imbalances
Equivalent circuits of receptors and installations.
Elimination of imbalances. Filters of sequence.
Non linear loads. Introduction.
Origin of non-sinusoidal periodic waves.
Factors periodic signals.
Limits of harmonics.
Distortion power.
Correction disturbances. Introduction.
UNE-EN-61642. Filters of harmonic.
Filters of Rejection.
Filters of Absorption.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Objective test A1 3 7.65 10.65
Laboratory practice B6 B15 14 7 21
Supervised projects B3 C3 4 8 12
Guest lecture / keynote speech B7 B11 10 20 30
Personalized attention 1.25 0 1.25
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Objective test Proof of evaluation where the student will have to show his degree of learning of an objective way.
Laboratory practice You practise them of laboratory are a fundamental activity for the learning of this matter. They consist in practical suppositions where the student will have to show the theoretical knowledges purchased
Supervised projects They develop tasks, that allow to settle the theoretical and practical knowledges, that can go from formulating problems and brief works the simple until others with some complexity.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Face-to-face activity in the classroom, where will establish the fundamental concepts of the matter. It will realise by means of an oral exhibition, complemented with audiovisual and multimedia means, is whose end transmit the knowledges and facilitate the learning.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Laboratory practice
They realise in the corresponding tutorías, where to initiative of the student resolve , or clear the possible doubts.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects B3 C3 Will be able to realise to varied cape works tutelados along the course, being his compulsory delivery and that treated on problems or practical suppositions related with the matter.

The works tutelados, are 35% of the final note of the matter, that will be added to the note obtained in the objective proof, whenever this was described with at least 3.0 points on 10.0 points.
Objective test A1 In the dates fixed officially by the centre, realised this final proof.

The proof can alternate ask type problem or theoretical questions, and represents 40% of the final note of the matter.
Laboratory practice B6 B15 The practical are compulsory, and is necessary to have them realised to be able to surpass the asignatura.

The practices represent 30% of the final note of the matter, and added to the note obtained in the theoretical proof whenever this was upper to 3.0 points on 10.0 points.
Assessment comments
All the activities that contribute to the final note of the student, will be qualified on 10.0 points.

Sources of information
Basic Bacells, Josep y otros (2011). Eficiencia en el uso de la Energía Eléctrica. Marcombo
León Martínez, Vicente; Montañana Romeu, Joaquín (2001). Ineficiencias de los Sistemas Eléctricos. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Complementary Félice, E. (2001). Perturbaciones Armónicas. Paraninfo Thomson
Singh, Bhim; Chandra Ambrish (2015). Power Quality. Problems and Mitigation Techniques. Wiley&Sons
Sastry Vadam, R; Sarma, Mulukutla (2009). Power Quality. VAR Compensation in Power Systems. CRC Press
Hofman, Wolfgang; Schlabbach, J. (2012). Reactive Power Compensation. Wiley&Sons

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Propulsión Eléctrica/770523011
Sistemas Renovables/770523005
Sistemas Eólicos/770523009

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Calidade do Servizo Eléctrico/770523014

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.