Identifying Data 2016/17
Subject (*) Psicología social Code 615G01108
Study programme
Grao en Socioloxia
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First FB 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Psicoloxía
Espinosa Breen, Pablo
Espinosa Breen, Pablo
General description Esta materia pretende introducir ao alumno/a nos aspectos conceptuais, teóricos e aplicados da psicoloxía social, analizando as distintas perspectivas para o estudio da interacción entre o individuo e o grupo. Ademáis, persíguese instruilo/a nos distintos procesos psicosociais que contribúen á explicación do comportamento colectivo e a interacción social, facendo especial fincapé na percepción social, a identidade social, a atribución e a cognición social. Preténdese analizar os contextos reais e simbólicos nos que se desenvolve a conduta humana, recoñecendo a importancia do contexto e a distintividade do nivel de análise psicosocial para explicar o comportamento social nunha sociedade multicultural e globalizada.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A2 Introducción a la psicología de los colectivos y grupos humanos.
B3 Capacidad de análisis y síntesis.
B12 Trabajo en equipo.
B26 Capacidades en reconocer el carácter global y local de los fenómenos sociales.
B27 Capacidades en reconocer la complejidad de los fenómenos sociales.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Introducción á psicoloxía dos colectivos e grupos humanos A2
Capacidade de análise e síntese B3
Trabajo en equipo. B12
Capacidades en reconocer el carácter global y local de los fenómenos sociales. B26
Capacidades en reconocer la complejidad de los fenómenos sociales. B27

Topic Sub-topic
1. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: INTRODUCTDION 1.1. Definition of Social Psychology.
1.2. Social Psychology and Sociology
1.3. Social Psychology and Common Sense.
1.4. Theoretical aspects
1.5. Historical context.
1.6. Research methods in Social Psychology.
2. SOCIAL PERCEPTION. 2.1. Concept.
2.2. Perception of people. The process.
2.3. Social categorization.
2.4. Formation and management of impressions.
2.5. Causal attribution.
2.6. Non verbal communication.
3. SOCIAL COGNITION. 3.1. Concept.
3.2. Schemes: mental maps for organizing social information.
3.3. Heuristics and automatic process.
3.4. Potential sources of error in social cognition.
3.5. Affect and cognition.
4. ATTITUDES. 4.1. Concept.
4.2. Structure of attitudes.
4.3. Properties of attitudes.
4.4. Formation of attitudes.
4.5. Functions of attitudes.
4.6. Measuring attitudes.
4.7. Relation between attitudes and behavior.
4.8. Cognitive dissonance
4.9. Persuassion and attitude change.
5.2. Stereotypes as individual and colective representations
5.3. Nature of the steretotypes.
5.4. Characteristics of the stereotypes.
5.5. Psychosocial approach.
5.6. Causes.
5.7. Measurement.
5.8. Effects of prejudice.
5.9. A redución dos prexuizos.
5.10. Atitudes prexuizosas e discriminatorias.
5.11. Formas de discriminación.
6. SOCIAL INFLUENCE 6.1. Concept.
6.2. Basic principles of social influence.
6.3. Tactics of social influence.
6.4. Social facilitation.
6.5. Conformity.
6.6. Obedience to authority.
6.7. Other mechanisms of social influence.
7. AGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR 7.1. Conceptualization
7.2. Theories
8. PRO-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND ALTRUISM 8.1. Pro-social behavior
8.2. Altruism.
8.3. Concepts and theories.
9.2. Social relations.
10. SOCIAL IDENTITY 10.1. Social identity. Basic concepts.
10.2. Social identity theory.
10.3. Social categorization theory.
11. CAMPOS DE APLICACIÒN DA PSICOLOXIA SOCIAL 11.1. Psicoloxía Social Aplicada
11.2. Ambitos da Psicoloxía Social Aplicada
11. Traballo
12. Política
13. Saúde
14. Ciudade

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 B3 B26 B27 17 51 68
Directed discussion B3 B12 B26 B27 6 6 12
Case study B3 B12 B26 B27 6.5 13 19.5
Supervised projects A2 B3 B12 B26 B27 9 27 36
Oral presentation A2 B3 B12 B26 B27 0.5 5 5.5
Mixed objective/subjective test A2 B3 2 6 8
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Presentation with audiovisual media. Questions for students with the aim of transmiting knowledge or make easy the learning process.
Directed discussion Group dynamic technique where the members of a group discuss in a free, informal, and espontaneous way, on a subject, with the coordination of a professor.
Case study The student deal with a given problem (case), which describes a real situation of professional life. He/she has to be able to analyze a number of facts, referred to a particular field, in order to reach a reasoned decision through a group discussion process.
Supervised projects Every student has to carry out, individually or in group, a tutorized work on a subject proposed by the student of by a professor.
Oral presentation Verbal presentation of the tutorized work by the student.
Mixed objective/subjective test Theoretical-practical examination of the contents.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
A atención personalizada realizarase de forma individual ou en grupo de traballo a petición do alumno nos traballos tutelados e en calquer aspecto da asignatura que sexa necesario. Neste senso pode desenvolverse tanto nas titorías como na aula cando a situación o requira.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A2 B3 B12 B26 B27 The work, its quality, writting and originality will be criteria for the evaluation. 20
Mixed objective/subjective test A2 B3 In written tests, the criterium for evaluation will be the right answers. 60
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 B3 B26 B27 The attendance to the lecture sessions in class will be taken into account in the final evaluation. 10
Oral presentation A2 B3 B12 B26 B27 In verbal presentations, the quality, clearity, and domain of the subject will be evaluated. 10
Assessment comments

The attendance referred in the methodology of the lectures, will be taken into account also in other presential methodologies referred in the Planning paragraph (case studies, discussion, tutorized work).

The criterium for passing is to reach, at least, a 75% of the questions right in the test. A minimum qualification of 5 is needed in this test.

Sources of information
Basic Morales, J.F. y Huici, C. (Dirs.) (2003). Estudios de Psicología Social.. Madrid: UNED.
Myers, D.G. (2004). Exploraciones de la Psicología Social (3ª ed.).. Madrid: McGrawHill.
Moya, M. y Rodríguez-Bailón, R. (2011). Fundamentos de Psicología Social.. Madrid: Pirámide.
Hewstone, M., Stroebe, W., Codol, J.P. y Stephenson, F.M. (Coords.) (1991). Introducción a la Psicología Social: una perspectiva europea.. Madrid: Ariel Psicología.
Morales, J.F. y Huici, C. (Eds.). (1989). Lecturas de Psicología Social.. Madrid: UNED
Romay Martínez, J. (Ed.). (2007). Perspectivas y retrospectivas de la Psicología Social en los albores del siglo XXI.. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
Baron, R.A. y Byrne, D. (2005). Psicología Social (10ª ed.).. Madrid: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Morales, J.F., Moya, M., Gaviria, E. y Cuadrado, I. (Coord.). (2007). Psicología Social (3ª ed.).. Madrid: McGrawHill.
Hogg, M.A. y Vaughan, G.M. (2010). Psicología Social (5ª ed.).. Madrid: E. M. Panamericana.
Myers, D.G. (2005). Psicología Social (8ª ed.).. México: McGrawHill.
Romay Martínez, J. y García Mira, R. (Eds.). (2005). Psicología Social y problemas sociales.. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva
Páez, D., Fernández, I., Ubillos, S. y Zubieta, E. (Coords.). (2004). Psicología Social, Cultura y Educación.. Madrid: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Gómez, E., Gavira, E. y Fernández, I. (Eds.). (2006). Psicología Social.. Madrid: Sanz y Torres.
Gómez, L. y Canto, J.M. (1997). Psicología Social.. Madrid: Pirámide.
León Rubio, J.M., Barriga, S., Gómez, T., González, B., Medina, S. y Cantero, F. (1998). Psicología Social. Orientaciones teóricas y ejercicios prácticos.. Madrid: McGrawHill.
Garrido, A. y Álvaro, J.L. (2007). Psicología Social: perspectivas psicológicas y sociológicas (2ª ed.).. Madrid: McGrawHill.
García Mira, R., Sabucedo, J.M. y Romay, J. (2002). Psicología y medio ambiente.. A Coruña: IAPS-AGEIP.
Taylor, S.E., Eplau, L.A. y Sears, D.O. (1997). Social Psychology (9ª ed.).. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.




Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Relaciones grupales e intervención psicosocial/615G01405

Other comments
As calificacións obtidas nas diferentes probas correspondentes a primeira convocatoria serán gardadas para a segunda convocatoria.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.