Study programme competences / results
A1 |
Knowledge, understanding and capacity to apply legislation related with water engineering during professional development. Capacity to analyse the working mechanism of the economy and public and private management of water |
A6 |
Capacity to analyse the mechanism of the economy working and the public and private management of water |
A7 |
Knowledge of the fundamentals about the evaluation of water resources and the principal tools for the hydrological planning, starting from theoretical justification and practical applications that lead to the specific problem resolution and the use of updated methodologic (programs and models) for the evaluation of the exploitation, uses, defence, and the management the combined planning of surface and underground water. Knowledge of national and hydrological plans |
A9 |
Knowledge of geographical information systems (SIG) applied to the management of water resources. Knowledge of the basic working of the system for the analysis of the geographical data, making use of SIG tools and support management and the analysis of data regarding water resources. Knowledge of the geospatial data and his characteristics and the processes for its acquisition, storage treatment analysis, modelling and presentation |
A18 |
Capacity to realize an integral use and efficient use of water resource. Knowledge of the working of the basin organisms and general analysis of water engineering projects in the area of cooperation and development and humanitarian aid. |
B1 |
To resolve problems effectively |
B2 |
To apply critical thinking, logic and creativity |
B3 |
To work individually with initiative |
B4 |
To communicate effectively in work surroundings |
B5 |
Continuous recycling of knowledge in a general perspective in a global situation of water engineering |
B6 |
Understanding of the need to analyse history to understand the present |
B7 |
Facility to integrate in multidiscipline teams |
B8 |
Capacity to organize and plan |
B9 |
Capacity for analysis, synthesis and structure of information and ideas |
C1 |
To understand the importance of the enterprising culture and to know the means at the reach of the enterprising people |
C2 |
To value knowledge critically, technology and available information to resolve problems that they will face |
C3 |
To assume as a professional and citizen the importance of learning throughout life |
C4 |
To value the importance of the investigation, innovation and technology development in the social –economic advance and cultural in society |
C5 |
To posses and understand knowledge that gives a base or oportunity to be original in the development and for applications of ideas, often in the context of investigation |
C6 |
The students must be able to apply the acquired knowledge and their capacity to resolve problems in new surrandings or not well known within wider contexts (or multidiscipline) related with the study area |
C7 |
The students must be able to integrate knowledge and to affront the complexity to formulate judgements from information that, been incomplete or limited, include reflexions about social responsabilities and ethics related to the application of the knowledge and judments |
C8 |
The students must be able to comunicate their conclusions, knowledge and the last reasons that support them, to spezialated publics and not spezialated in a clear and unambiguous way. |
C9 |
The student must possess the learning ability with permits them to continues to study in a manner wich will be in a great measure self directed and individual |