Identifying Data 2017/18
Subject (*) Processes and strategies for teaching photography and contemporary art Code 652513218
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Didácticas Específicas
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optativa 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Didácticas Específicas e Métodos de Investigación e Diagnóstico en Educación
Mesías Lema, José María
Calviño Santos, Guillermo Francisco
Mesías Lema, José María
General description

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A8 To be able to defend and argue in oral and written ways the completed investigation and/or innovation work, using audio-visual aids.
A12 To identify the main research and innovation lines and their evolution in the area of Specific Didactics.
A13 To analyse and critically assess research work and innovation projects in specific disciplinary fields.
A17 To select, adapt and apply materials, resources and ICTs to improve the teaching and learning in different disciplinary fields.
B1 To have and understand general knowledge to establish foundations and /or opportunities to stand out in the development and implementation of ideas, mainly in an action- research context.
B2 To be able to apply the acquired foundations and their problem-solving capabilities in new multidisciplinary contexts related to the specific research areas.
B3 To be able to join contents and accept the challenge to formulate complex statements out of a limited or incomplete information, including reflections about social and ethic responsibilities related to the application of their own knowledge and opinions.
B4 To be able to transfer and communicate their conclusions and opinions in a clear and straight manner both in a specialized and a non-specialized audience.
B5 To have the required learning abilities to continue in a life-long-learning and autonomous process.
B8 To work with initiative and in an autonomous way.
B11 To be able to innovate (creativity) within educational and non-educational contexts.
B14 To incorporate ICTs for the research process, information management, data analysis and for transferability.
B15 To be able to update knowledge, methodologies and strategies in their teaching practices
C3 To use the main ICT’s basic tools for their professional development and for their life-long-learning process.
C4 To be able to self-develop for an open, critical, committed, democratic and solidary citizenship.
C6 To critically value available knowledge, technology and information to solve problems which students must face.
C8 To value the importance that research, innovation and technical developments have on society’s socio-economical and cultural progress.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Experimentar y vivenciar procesos de aprendizaje artístico vinculados a la fotografía y al arte contemporáneo en diferentes contextos. - Aprender estrategias de enseñanza basadas en la sensibilidad estética y aplicarlas a proyectos didácticos en artes visuales. - Contextualizar, analizar y observar diferentes ejemplos de procesos y estrategias artísticas vinculados a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la fotografía y de las artes visuales en la contemporaneidad. AJ8

Topic Sub-topic
- Procesos de aprendizaje artístico vinculados a la fotografía y al arte contemporáneo en contextos educativos formales y no-formales.
- Sensibilidad, estética y prácticas actuales en la didáctica de las artes visuales en la contemporaneidad.
- Estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje para el desarrollo de procesos artísticos vinculados a proyectos artísticos y culturales.
Estrategias sensibles y relacionales en proyectos de investigación educativa basados en las artes visuales.

La construcción fotográfica como forma de pensamiento, documentación y método de investigación en Educación artística.

Estructuras visuales en investigaciones educativas basadas en las artes visuales.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Research (Research project) A8 A12 A17 B2 B3 B4 B8 B11 B14 B15 C3 C4 C6 20 40 60
Workbook A13 B1 B5 C8 1 4 5
Personalized attention 10 0 10
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Research (Research project) Desenvolvemento dun proxecto artístico personalizado
Workbook Realización de lecturas obrigatorias para o desenvolvemento da materia

Personalized attention
Research (Research project)
Son proxectos individuais que contan coa supervisión persoal do profesor

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Research (Research project) A8 A12 A17 B2 B3 B4 B8 B11 B14 B15 C3 C4 C6 innovación e aplicación real do proxecto proposto 100
Assessment comments

Sources of information

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BANKS, Marcus (2001) Visual methods in social research. London: Sage.

BANKS, Marcus; MORPHY H. (Eds.) (1999) Rethinking Visual Anthropology. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.

BARONE, Tom (2006) Arts-based educational research then, now, and later. Studies in Art Education, 48(1),4-8.

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BARONE, Tom; EISNER, Elliot (1997). Arts-Based educational research. En Richard M. Jaeger (ed.) Complementary Methods for Research in Education. Second Edition. Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association. 75–116.

BARONE, Tom; EISNER, Elliot (2006) Arts-based Educational Research. En Judith L. Green, Gregory Camilli y Patricia B. Elmore (eds.) Handbook of Complementary Methods in Education Research. New York: Laurence Elbraun Associates. 95-109.

BATESON, Gregory; MEAD, Margaret (1942) Balinese Character: A Photographic Analysis. New York: New York Sciences Academy.

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BERGER, John; MOHR, Jean (2007) Otra manera de contar. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

BIGGS, Michael (2000) Editorial: the foundations of practice-based research. Working Papers in Art and Design, 1. [05/09/2006].

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CAHNMANN-TAYLOR, Melisa; SIEGESMUND, Richard (eds.) (2008) Arts-Based Research in Education. Foundations for Practice. New York: Routledge.

COLE, Ardra L.; KNOWLES, J. Gary (2000) Researching Teaching: Exploring professional development through reflexive inquiry. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

COLE, Ardra L.; KNOWLES, J. Gary; GLENN, Lorri Neilsen; LUCIANI, Teresa C. (c. 2007) The Art of Visual Inquiry. Halifax, N.S.: Backalong Books and The Centre for Arts-informed Research.

COLE, Ardra L.; KNOWLES, J. Gary; LUCIANI, Teresa C. (c. 2004) Provoked by Art: Theorizing Arts-informed Research. Halifax, N.S.: Backalong Books and The Centre for Arts-informed Research.

COLE, Ardra L.; KNOWLES, J. Gary; PROMISLOW, Sara (c. 2008) Creating scholartistry: imagining the arts-informed theses or dissertation. Halifax: Backalong Books y Centre for Arts-informed Research.

COLLIER, John Jr.; COLLIER, Malcolm (1967) Visual anthropology: Photography as a research method. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

CRUICKSHANK, I.; MASON, Rachel (2003) Using photography in art education research: A reflexive inquiry. Journal of Art and Design Education, 22 (1) 5–22.

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PINK, Sarah (2005) The future of Visual Anthropology: Engaging the Senses. London: Routledge.

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Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.