Identifying Data 2017/18
Subject (*) Information Gathering and Analysing Techniques Code 652G03026
Study programme
Grao en Educación Social
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatoria 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Didácticas Específicas e Métodos de Investigación e Diagnóstico en Educación
Arias Rodriguez, Maria Alicia
Arias Rodriguez, Maria Alicia
Web http://
General description A realidade socio-educativa do educador social é complexa, diversa e difícil de analizar, describir e interpretar, por iso é necesario, que ao longo da súa formación académica, adquira unha serie de competencias que lle permitan desenvolver a súa posterior actividade profesional. Por tal circunstancia, a aprendizaxe e aplicación de diversas metodoloxías de investigación, que se planifican nesta materia, permitirá nun futuro ao educador social seleccionar a máis adecuada para solucionar os problemas que se encontrará no seu próximo ámbito laboral. Sen esquecer que o educador social dentro do seu ámbito laboral terá que investigar para poder achegar posibles solucións que melloren o contexto no que se desenvolva a súa actividade laboral.
A diversidade de concepcións epistemolóxicas aplicables ás distintas situacións sociais será fonte de información para o investigador social, permitíndolle determinar cal é a máis adecuada para solucionar o problema ao que se enfronta. Non se pretende establecer unha prelación ou unha orde de importancia entre os variados modos de investigación, senón que é o problema de investigación o que determinará a elección dunha metodoloxía ou outra, facendo dela a máis válida para este tipo de problema.
Todo isto non ten sentido se non nos preguntamos e respondemos á pregunta: que queremos conseguir. Son moitos os instrumentos que podemos utilizar para obter datos e, por elo, é necesario ter coñecemento do amplo abano de posibilidades. Un bo profesional será aquel que saiba optar, en cada circunstancia, polas técnicas e instrumentos que mellor se adapten á situación. Por iso, é necesario afondar no coñecemento e no dominio das distintas ferramentas que temos á nosa disposición. Así, nesta materia iránse analizando as principais técnicas e instrumentos que poden ser aplicadas ao ámbito socioeducativo, indicando as súas características fundamentais, as vantaxes e inconvenientes que presentan e as circunstancias ou momentos máis adecuados para poñelas en práctica.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A5 Identificar e analizar os factores contextuais que afectan os procesos de intervención socioeducativa.
A6 Seleccionar diferentes métodos e técnicas para a planificación e avaliación de programas e servizos.
A7 Aplicar metodoloxías educativas e dinamizadoras da acción socioeducativa.
A8 Detectar factores de vulnerabilidade, de exclusión e de discriminación social que dificulten a inclusión social, escolar e laboral de persoas e colectivos.
A11 Observar, analizar, interpretar procesos de mediación social, cultural e educativa.
A13 Deseñar e levar a cabo proxectos de investigación elementais aplicables aos diferentes campos de intervención.
A14 Identificar e emitir xuízos razoados sobre problemas socioeducativos para mellorar a práctica profesional.
A19 Asesorar e supervisar programas, planos, proxectos e centros socioeducativos.
A21 Deseñar e implementar procesos de avaliación de programas e estratexias de intervención socioeducativa en diversos contextos.
B1 Elaborar, analizar, sintetizar, valorar e transmitir criticamente a información.
B2 Redactar e presentar informes técnicos, memorias, regulamentos ou calquera outro documento básico que contribúa a regular a acción socioeducativa.
B4 Deseñar e impulsar espazos socioeducativos en contextos de diversidade atendendo á igualdade de xénero, á equidade e respecto aos dereitos humanos, favorecendo o empoderamento das persoas e colectivos ubicados en situacións de desvantaxe social.
B5 Capacidade de mostrar actitudes coherentes coas concepcións éticas e deontolóxicas propias da profesión.
B6 Adquirir e dominar habilidades comunicativas que permitan transmitir información, ideas e propostas a diversas audiencias.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Know the main technical of data collection in the processes of social and educational intervention. A5
Design instruments of data collection of processes of social and educational intervention, applying different technical. A5
Schedule data collection and analysis in processes of social and educational intervention. A5
Perform collecting relevant information from a process of socio-educational intervention B1
Know the main technical of data analysis in the processes of social and educational intervention. A6
Analyze the information collected in the process of socio-educational intervention using appropriate analytical techniques A5

Topic Sub-topic

1. Conceptual Determination

2. Sample selection

2.1 Selection of the sample in the quantitative approach

2.2. Sample selection in the qualitative approach

I. TECHNICAL COLLECTION OF INFORMATION 1. Instruments collection of quantitative information

1.1. scales

1.2. Questionnaire

2. Instruments collection of qualitative information

2.1. Observation

2.2. interviews

2.3. Discussion Groups
II. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS 1. Analysis of data categóricos or nominales.
1,1, Análisis descriptivo
1.2 Theory of the probability
1.3. Tables of contingencia
1.4. Inference
1.5. Coefficient chi-square
2.Analysis of data ordinales
2.1. Analysis descriptivo
2.2. Comparison between groups in a variable ordinal
2.3. Relation and comparison between variables ordinales
3.Analysis of metric data
4. Analysis and construcción of nets famiiares

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A5 A7 A14 B1 C4 C6 C8 10 15 25
ICT practicals A6 C3 10 10 20
Field trip A6 A13 A21 0 5 5
Problem solving A19 B2 10 15 25
Document analysis B1 0 15 15
Workshop B5 B6 C1 10 15 25
Collaborative learning A6 A8 A11 A13 A19 A21 B1 B2 B4 C1 C3 0 13 13
Mixed objective/subjective test A5 A6 A13 A19 A21 B1 B2 B5 B6 C1 C3 C4 C6 C8 2 10 12
Personalized attention 10 0 10
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Kind imparted pole professor, in the kinds expositivas, envelope the already quoted contents in the teaching guide . This methodology uses exclusively the word how road of transmission of the information it all the group. But the professor/will facilitate it to the material students in power point (through moodle) to facilitate him the tracking of the exhibition. In this material in power point the students/will have it bibliographic references to consult or, also, to complete or follow the exhibition of the professor/it
ICT practicals Analysis of the information computerized. Employment of programs informáticos so much quantitative how qualitative so much stop the diseño of the instrument how collected and analysis of the information
Field trip The students in small group and for cumprimentar the methodology of obradoiro owes to collect information using an instrument envelope a subject agreed pole group (always since the perspective of gender). Stop such end, the subjects used for it collected of the information can be tighten student enrolled in qualifications of the university; administrative or teaching staff. Even it can be subject of any institution where work a social educator
Problem solving This methodology used only stop the subject 3 of the contained of the subject. Besides, only it will apply in the interactive kinds since the professor/will present it problems to the students/them through practise that it will collect when finalizing each kind.
Document analysis Metodología That supone wool utilization of documents audiovisuales y/the bibliographic (artículos, educational texts, databases, etc.) relevantes For thematic wool of wool subject with activities específicamente diseñadas for lo análisis of estos. This metodología puede emplear: how introducción it a subject, how instrument of application, to explain processes that in the pueden observe directly, for wool presentation of situaciones complejas it how síntesis of contenidos of theoretical character the práctico
Workshop This task is destined únicúnicamente to the contained of the subject of the subject 2 and the subject 3. With the same tried that the students/combine it other methodologies how for example, oral exhibitions, solutions of problems, practices guided, etc. But having present that with her the student develops tasks purely practical envelope this subject with the support and supervision of the teaching staff. All this under will carry out when explain said subjects. The professor/will present it to the students aim them of this fear (through moodle); in the kinds expositiva will explain with solutions of problems said aim; in the interactive kinds the professor/will present it practise guided so that the student/to wings realize and, besides, the student/will owe it expose oralmente those practise guided. STOP ALL ESTO The STUDENTS/OWES IT BRING AIM THEM REVIEWED.
Collaborative learning This methodology combines with other methodologies how the discussion directed, obradoiro, analysis of documentary sources, diagrams, readings, conceptual maps, solution of problems, etc. All these procedures will be guided of FORM PRESENCIAL and/or supported with technologies gives information and gives communication. Stop his realization configured small groups (no more of 5 people). And carry during all to the interactive kinds of the subject. Like this the professor/will present it in said kinds the practices that will realize with the students (practical that are in moodle). These will be collected pole professor when finalizing the kind, to justify the presencialidade of the students, and will be given back to the students in the following interactive kind.
Mixed objective/subjective test Proof used stop the evaluation of learnings so much of the kinds expositivas how interactive. Account of two parts: pure theory (will be what the professor/presents it in the kinds expositivas, besides, of the that the professor/works it with the students in the interactive kinds, and, the last part, the statistical part (will be only what the professor exposes and work with the students in the subject 3 of the apartado content of this subject). The questions of these parts can be direct or incomplete statements, even questions with varied options or alternative of answer that provide possible solutions. But only one and it but correct. IN THIS PROOF The INCORRECT ANSWERS WILL SUBTRACT To The CORRECT. The subject surpasses when surpasses all the parts and never will save any of the parts stop other announcements.

Personalized attention
Problem solving
ICT practicals
Mixed objective/subjective test
Field trip
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Collaborative learning
In the attention customized the professor will resolve the doubts that have the student envelope the different subjects to work in the subject. But besides any doubt that can arise stop the solution of problems, in the readings, in the obradorio, in the collaborating learning, the analysis of documentary sources how in the discussion directed. During these sessions, will realize a tracking of the work of the student, supervising and guiding more directly the process to follow in each of the activities realized.

This attention customized will realize in the dispatch of the teaching staff (P1To18) in the time of titorias. This schedule is hanged in the board that is in the dispatch of the professor, in the page web of the department how of the Faculty of Sciences of the Education.


Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A19 B2 This task is destined it an only content of the subject (Subject 3). With the same tried that the students/combine it other methodologies how for example, solutions of problems, practices guided, etc. But having present that with her the student develops tasks purely practical envelope this subject with the support and supervision of the teaching staff. All this under will carry out when explain the subject 3. The professor/will present it to the students aim them of this fear (through moodle); in the kinds expositiva will explain with solutions of problems said aim; in the interactive kinds the professor/will present it practise guided so that the student/to wings realize and, besides, the student/will owe it expose oralmente those practise guided. STOP ALL ESTO The STUDENTS/OWES IT BRING AIM THEM REVIEWED.
The students every time that it realize one practises of the interactive kinds the professor will collect it (the students with metes out academic can realize practise them by Moodle and reenvíalas to the professor in a marked period same pole). The students that assists the kind how it of metes out academic for power presented the eliminatory proof of this part owes to have all practise them of this part.
The professor/it before the eliminatory proof will realize a simulation of said proof, in the time of kind of the subject. The questions of this simulation will be the disposal of the students enrolled in this subject in moodle. The assistance it this simulation in the is mandatory and the students can go in and go out during the same.
ICT practicals A6 C3 This task is destined it an only content of the subject (Subject 3). With the same tried that the students/combine it other methodologies how for example, solutions of problems, practices guided, etc. But having present that with her the student develops tasks purely practical envelope this subject with the support and supervision of the teaching staff. All this under will carry out when explain the subject 3. The professor/will present it to the students aim them of this fear (through moodle); in the kinds expositivas will resolve problems to traves of TIC; in the interactive kinds the professor/will present it practise guided so that the student/to wings realize and, besides, the student/will owe it expose oralmente those practise guided. STOP ALL ESTO The STUDENTS/OWES IT BRING AIM THEM REVIEWED.
The students every time that it realize one practises of the interactive kinds the professor will collect it (the students with metes out academic can realize practise them by Moodle and reenvíalas to the professor in a marked period same pole). The students that assists the kind how it of metes out academic for power presented the eliminatory proof of this part owes to have all practise them of the same.
The students assistant to kind how the students with metes out academic owes to have all estos points of this practises to present the eliminatory proof termed statistical Part, There Is that have present days things; the assessment of this methodology under is requirement for power presented to the eliminatory proof (senon have estos points no can present you the this proof) and yes surpasses the proof eliiminatoria no has to present the part estadistica of the announcement of June (under this announcement would be exempted no for it of July)
Mixed objective/subjective test A5 A6 A13 A19 A21 B1 B2 B5 B6 C1 C3 C4 C6 C8 The examination of the announcements of June or July is what does reference to evaluation of this methodology and features of two parts:
1-theoretical Part divided will feature of a number of ítem of open answer; or of brief answer or of true and fake but justifying (the type of questions will determine it the professor/it). A question with an incorrect answer subtracts a question with a correct answer. This part approves when reaches a punctuation of 10 on 18 points that is the maximum punctuation that reaches here (no save note of any part, in any announcement, if it suspends ).
2-statistical Part. This part features of varied statistical problems or questions of brief answers or questions of true and fake (the professor/will be it what decide the type of questions. But always taking into account the questions that appear in moodle low the title of ?Simulation of statistical proof?). This part approves when reaches a punctuation of 10 on 18 points that is the maximum punctuation that reaches here.
If it suspends any of the parts (no catches up with minimum punctuation to approve) the students owes to go the following announcement however. NO SAVE PARTS OF ANY EXAMINATIONN OF An ANNOUNCEMENT STOP ANOTHER OR OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS
it)10 POINTS To 12 POINTS AMOUNTS IT ONE APPROVED (5-6). Specifically, 10 and 11 points amounts it a five; 12 points amounts it a six.
b)13 POINTS To 15 POINTS AMOUNTS IT ONE REMARKABLE (7-8). Specifically, 13 and 14 points amounts it a seven; 15 points amounts it an eight.
c)16 POINTS To 18 POINTS AMOUNTS IT ONE PROJECTED (9-10). Specifically, 16 and 17 points amounts it a nine; 18 points amounts it one 10
Field trip A6 A13 A21 This task is destined it an only content of the subject (Subject 2) and supplements the methodology of obradoiro. To realize this methodology the student that assists the kinds how it of metes out academic owe to form groups. Estos Groups teran that collect information after elaborating a low instrument the perspective of gender. Stop are will have to go looked for it information where esten the subjects. They can be people of the faculty or see people of other faculties. You are yes what realize in the methodology of obradoiro and complementary with this methodology (one can not resolved and presented without it another). The valoracion of this methodology estña subject the same that explains in the methodology obradoiro 5
Workshop B5 B6 C1 This task is destined it an only content of the subject (Subject 2 and 3). With the same tried that the students/combine it other methodologies how for example, oral exhibitions, solutions of problems, practices guided, etc. But having present that with her the student develops tasks purely practical on estos subjects with the support and supervision of the teaching staff. All this under will carry out when explain the subject 2 and/or 3. The professor/will present it to the students practise so that the student/to wings realize in low group the perspective of gender and, besides, the student/will owe it expose oralmente those practise guided (through tutorias oficiales planiicadas put professor and of assistance obrigaotria stop this the professor propondrá diverse possibilities of appointments). STOP ALL ESTO The STUDENTS/OWES IT REVIEW AIM THEM THAT The PROFESSOR EXPLAIN IN The KINDS EXPOSITIVAS And INTERACTIVE (that besides estan in moodle)
The professor will schedule this methodology of two ways: on the one hand, it join interactive kind will be scheduled only stop the development of this methodology (in this kind the students assistant to kinds how it of metes out academica will be able to gathered in group to work a low subject the perspective of gender and culprit lizará a series of practise that wrath elaborating in draft. Also the professor will devote, only, this kind to be in the dispatch and receive to the students in tutorias. These tutorias only will be destined the this methodology); on the other hand, planificaráse each 15 days a tutoria official (the students can not be missing the said tutoria under it of metes out academic that would look for another form of meeting). In this tutoria official the professor will ask to the students of the group on them practise and they will indicate that they are working envelope the same. Recomedase That all the students traiga the work individually but that sepan ones of the work of the others because the professor will ask it all the group envelope all the aspects to treat in this tutoria. It join time that the students salga of this tutoria the subject worked in the same can not go back to be treaty.
In the month of January (before the examen of the announcement of February)the students owes to present all practise them of this methodology in addition to the practise of the methodology of the exit of field (ahi that have present that no presents this work neither takes into account the assessments of the other methodologies of this mateira and eliminatory proofs)
Collaborative learning A6 A8 A11 A13 A19 A21 B1 B2 B4 C1 C3 In this methodology wants to observe the learning of the students and power identify doubt for power solved. Stop this, this methodology only realized in the interactive kinds. The professor/will present it to the diverse students practise of some of the contained presented in the kinds expositivas (said practise are in moodle), will collect them when finalizing the kind and will give them back to the students in the following interactive kind (practise them will be reviewed pole professor with the anotacións pertinentes and the students if it does not understand any of these anotacións owes to spend by the titoría)
To evaluate this methodology owes to fulfilled the following requirements: the capacity of individual work, capacity of work in team, basic general knowledges, capacity of syntheses and analysis, capacity to apply the knowledges of the sessions maxistrais to the practical, capacity to generate new ideas (innovation and creativity), critical capacity and autocrítica, takes of decisions, oral communication and writing and skills of investigation. The evaluation of said requirements will be by three roads: one and when the professor/it to the each practises, realized in the interactive kind correspondent, assigns a point (in addition to the points that corresponds him when in an interactive kind in addition to are learning applied the methodology of analysis of documentary source for example); another road and the possibility to present join it eliminatory proof of subject (this proof remains conditioned the one who the professor/explain it all the practical concepts of all the contents of the subject, in the kinds expositivas, the exception of the subject 3 that would remain evaluated with other methodologies and another eliminatory proof. Besides, the this proof only can present the students that has achieved a total of points of the interactive kinds (less them of the subject 3) and have the points of the methodology of exits of the field, practices through TIC, solution of problems) and the last road and the proof of the announcement. The questions of this proof are worked in the interactive kinds pole professor/it and the students and, besides, are in the application moodle (included are the same questions of an of the parts of the examen of the different announcements).
Assessment comments

In the evaluation of the subject (exposed in the apartado of the teaching guide, termed "Step 7: Evaluation") take before at all the following:

it)ESTUDIANTES THAT ASSIST ALWAYS The KIND (or students with metes out academic) consider that assist a 80%, this amounts to not having more of 3 fouls without justifying. It justifies the medical fouls (with xustificante correctly covered by a medical colexiado) and the fouls by a work (with xustificante correctly covered in the work where justify  that in hours of kind is  to work). Never will be able to realize  the activities out of classroom (the exception of the students with metes out academic). Stop this the professor in kinds will request to the students that sign a leaf so much to the entrance of kinds how to the exit or that indicate the following data: name, surnames, identity card and signature in the practise of the interactive kinds.

The evaluation gave students takes into account the following: 1-The "participation in kind", in the measure that the active intervention in kind allow to the professor did a better idea of the knowledges, the doubts and restlessnesses of the students. The information purchased, by part of the professor, with this procedure integrates with the obtained pole rest of procedures used, and with this intends to achieve an assessment more individualizada and complete; 2-through the methodologies that appears in the teaching guide in the apartado Methodology. b-To catch up with maximum punctuation of each methodology no will take into account only delivers  the material or no. Take several factors how: the capacity of individual work, capacity of work in team, basic general knowledges, capacity of syntheses and analysis, capacity to apply the knowledges of the sessions maxistrais to the practical, capacity to generate new ideas (innovation and creativity), critical capacity and autocrítica, takes of decisions, oral communication and writing and skills of investigation. ALL THIS OBSERVED The PROFESSOR ALONG The INTERACTIVE KINDS (there is not that forget that many of these methodologies elaborated  and developed in the devanditas kinds). By such reason in these kinds the professor will take the observations pertinentes 3-The examination of the announcements of June or July. The punctuation that can reach  is of 74 points: it-theoretical Part and b-statistical part. This part approves with a 10, therefore, this part marks on 18 points. 

STOP The STUDENTS THAT ASSIST The KIND (or with metes out academic)And have to have realized all methodologies CAN PRESENTED the eliminatory proofs (OF The TEORIIT And STATISTICAL PART (important detail to present  the this last eliminatory proof account the points before the eliminatory proof of theory of texts how practise them of the interactive kinds correspondent to the subject 2 and 3)).

b) STUDENTS THAT DO not ASSIST ALWAYS The KIND consider that they do not assist when are missing more of a 80%, is to say, has more of three fouls without justifying. It justifies  the medical fouls (with xustificante correctly covered by a medical colexiado) and the fouls by a work (with xustificante correctly covered in the work where justify  that in hours of kind is  to work). These students will present  the proofs of the announcements of June or July. The PUNCTUATION ACHIEVED in this EXAMINATIONN BY ESTOS STUDENTS WILL MARK ON 100 POINTS. This wants to say, los students owe to catch up with following punctuation: it)theoretical Part, the maximum punctuation are of 10 and b)statistical Part wool maximum punctuation are of a 10.

Yes it suspends  any of the two parts, previously indicated, the student will suspend all the examination (in the save  parts ni notes)

Sources of information
Basic ETXEBERRIA, J. y TEJEDOR, F.J. (2005). Análisis descriptivo de datos en educación. Madrid: La Muralla
TEJEDOR, F.J. y ETXEBERRIA, J. (2006). Análisis inferencial de datos en educación. Madrid: La Muralla
AZOFRA, M.J. (1999). Cuestionarios. Madrid: CIS (Cuadernos Metodológicos, 26)
RUBIO, MJ y VARAS, J. (2011). El análisis de la realidad en la intervención social. Madrid: CCS
VALLES, M. S. (2002). Entrevistas cualitativas. Madrid: CIS (Cuadernos Metodológicos, 32)
GRIMA, P. (2010). La certeza absoluta y otras ficciones. Los secretos de la estadística. Barcelona: RBA Libros
ALVIRA, F. (2011). La encuesta: una perspectiva general metodológica. Madrid: CIS (Cuadernos Metodológicos, 35)
VISAUTA, B. (1989). Técnicas de investigación Social. Barcelona: PPU
MARTÍNEZ MEDIANO, C. (Coorda.) (2004). Técnicas e instrumentos de recogida y análisis de datos. Madrid: UNED

Complementary ESCUDERO PÉREZ, J. (2004). Análisis de la realidad local. Madrid: Narcea
DE KETELE, J.M. y ROEGIERS, X. (1995). Metodología para la recogida de información. Madrid: La Muralla
CORBETTA, P. (2003). Metodología y Técnicas de Investigación Social. Madrid: McGraw-Hill
BRIONES, G. (2003). Métodos y técnicas de investigación para las Ciencias Sociales . México: Trillas, 4a.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Research Methods /652G03019

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Evaluation Methods for Socio-Educational Programmes and Services/652G03023
Evaluation and Diagnosis in Socio-Educational Needs/652G03039

Other comments
It recommends the envío of the works telemáticamente and of not being possible, in the útilizar plastic, choose the impression to doble expensive, employ paper recycled and avoid print drafts.

It owes to do a sustainable use of the resources and the prevention of negative impacts envelope the natural means.

It owes to take into account the importance of the ethical principles related with the values of the sosenibiliade in the personal and professional behaviours.

If recomienda los envío of los trabajos telemáticamente y yes in the are possible, when using plastic, elegir wool impression to doble expensive, emplear paper recycled y avoid print drafts.
It owes  hacer an use sostenible of los resources y wool prevention of negative impacts envelope he half natural.
It owes  tener in cuenta wool importance of los ethical principles related with los values of wool sostenibilidad in los comportamientos personales and profesionales.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.