Identifying Data 2017/18
Subject (*) Thermo-mechanical fatigue Code 730495008
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Materiais Complexos: Análise Térmica e Reoloxía (plan 2012)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optativa 2
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Enxeñaría Naval e Industrial
Tarrio Saavedra, Javier
Tarrio Saavedra, Javier
Zaragoza Fernandez, Maria Sonia
General description Este curso ten como obxectivo describir os conceptos básicos a fatiga tendo en conta tanto os efectos mecánicos e térmicos (resistencia, tensión, danos, crecemento / propagación de fracturas, …)

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Set up and conduct tests using the techniques of thermal analysis and rheology most appropriate in each case, within the scope of complex materials
A3 Knowing the different types of thermal and rheological behaviors of the materials
A6 Understanding the importance of the environment and of the research focused on the elimination/minimization of final or process wastes
A7 Knowing the different types of thermal thermo-mechanical behaviors in materials subjected to fatigue
A8 Understand and quantify the damage caused by thermomechanical fatigue in materials
B2 The students have the skill to apply their knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar contexts within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study
B4 That the students can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and last reasons behind that conclusions to specialized and non specialized audience in a clear and unambiguous way
B7 Solving problems effectively
B10 Working in a collaborative way
B13 Analysis-oriented attitude
C2 Have a good command of spoken and writing expression and understanding of a foreign language.
C6 Critically assessing the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they face with.
C7 To assume as a professional and citizen the importance of learning throughout life.
C8 To assess the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the socio-economic and cultural progress of society.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know and evaluate the thermal / mechanical fatigue performance of materials AR1
To know and evaluate the thermal / mechanical fatigue performance of materials AR7
Understand and quantify the damage caused by thermomechanical fatigue in materials AR1
Understand and quantify the damage caused by thermomechanical fatigue in materials AR1

Topic Sub-topic
The following blocks or topics develop the contents established in the Verification Report, which are: 1. Basic Introduction of Fatigue: Fatigue Resistance. Fatigue Voltage Parameters. Fatigue loads.
2. Mechanical Fatigue: Fatigue tests. Resistance curves. Factors that affect the fatigue life.
3. Thermal Fatigue: Tensions and thermal deformations. Propagation and growth of cracks. Microstructural changes.
1. Introduction to fracture mechanics 1.1. Fracture
1.2. Fatigue
1.2.1. S-N curves
1.3. Creep
2. Fatigue 2.1. Fatigue parameters
2.2. HCF
2.3. LCF
2.4. Paris equation
3. Thermal fatigue 3.1. Thermal stress and strain
3.2. Crack growth and propagation
4. Fatigue of complex materials 4.1. Fatigue of complex materials
4.2. Thermomechanical and dynamic mechanical analysis

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A3 A6 A7 A8 B4 B7 B13 C6 C7 C8 8 8 16
Supervised projects B2 B4 B7 B10 B13 C2 C6 C7 C8 4 12 16
Objective test A3 A7 A8 B2 B4 B7 C2 C6 1 2 3
Laboratory practice A1 A3 A6 A7 A8 B2 B10 B13 7 7 14
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Presentation by the teacher of the concepts contained in the agenda of the subject.
Supervised projects You can choose one of the following options:
a) Performing a Bibliographical search in relation to recent research in the field related to the subject.
b) Research using laboratory equipment.
c) Simulation and modelization of fatigue processes by computer programs.
Objective test Evaluation test
Laboratory practice Practical activities such as computer practice, exercises, experiments, research, etc.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Supervised projects
Laboratory practice
Resolution of questions regarding any aspect of the subject.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A3 A7 A8 B2 B4 B7 C2 C6 In this test will be a test to assess the assimilation by students of the fundamental concepts 20
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A3 A6 A7 A8 B4 B7 B13 C6 C7 C8 Continuous assessment through monitoring of student work in the classroom, laboratory and / or tutorials 10
Supervised projects B2 B4 B7 B10 B13 C2 C6 C7 C8 Report will be assessed in relation to the work suggested to the student 40
Laboratory practice A1 A3 A6 A7 A8 B2 B10 B13 Continuous assessment through monitoring of student work in the classroom, laboratory and / or tutorials 30
Assessment comments

Sources of information
Basic Prime B., Menczel J. (2009). Thermal Analysis of Polymers, Fundamentals and Applications.
Bresser J., Rémy L. (1995). Fatigue under thermal and mechanical loading.
Callister, W.D. (2007). Materials Science and Engineering. John Wiley & Sons
Weronski A., Hejwowski T. (1991). Thermal fatigue of metals.
Strait, L. (1994). Thermo-mechanical fatigue of polymer matrix composites.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.