Identifying Data 2018/19
Subject (*) Physics Code 610G02002
Study programme
Grao en Bioloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Física e Ciencias da Terra
Domínguez Pérez, Montserrat
Cabeza Gras, Oscar
Domínguez Pérez, Montserrat
Garcia-Garabal Mosquera, Sandra Maria
Segade Zas, Luisa Maria
General description A materia de Física prográmase co fin de que os alumnos adquiran unha serie de coñecementos sobre os conceptos físicos básicos e a súa aplicabilidade na Bioloxía, os cales serán necesarios para abordar o estudo doutros campos e materias dentro da titulación.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A22 Describir, analizar, avaliar e planificar o medio físico.
A26 Deseñar experimentos, obter información e interpretar os resultados.
A30 Manexar adecuadamente instrumentación científica.
A31 Desenvolverse con seguridade nun laboratorio.
B1 Aprender a aprender.
B2 Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B3 Aplicar un pensamento crítico, lóxico e creativo.
B4 Traballar de forma autónoma con iniciativa.
B5 Traballar en colaboración.
B8 Sintetizar a información.
B10 Exercer a crítica científica.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know the basic physical concepts in the different parts of Physics, as: Mechanics, Fluids, Waves, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism and Optics. A22
Know how to relate the physical concepts with the biology phenomena. A26
Apply the theoretical knowledge to the resolution of basic physical problems, mainly focused to resolve biologycal phenomena. A22
To know and to use the methodologies, bibliographic sources and technical concepts corresponding to Physics, using the scientific method to its study. A30
Learn the basic Physics Laboratory techniques, like to measure fundamental physical magnitudes as density, viscosity, surface tension, specific heat... A26

Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to Physics

Physical Magnitudes
Measurements, dimensions and units

Vector Analysis Vectors. Types. Components
Operations with vectors
Momentum of a vector
Motion Descripcion Kinematics. Movement. Characteristics
Speed and acceleration
Types of movements.
Motion and Forces Dynamics. Newton Movement Laws
Movement Quantity
Gravity Force
Types of forces
Equilibrium Study Static Principles
Center of mass
Moment of inertia. Steiner Theorem
Biomecanics. Scale Laws Muscular strength. Momentum
Scale Laws. Metabolic Rate
Mecanical Energy. Conservation Work and Power
Kinetic and Potential Energy
Energy Conservation
Deformed Media Elasticity. Hooke's Law
Traction. Young's Module
Lateral Contraction. Poisson Coefficient
Compresibility Coefficient
Ideal Fluids. Statics and Dynamics Density
Pressure. Magnitudes, unities and measurement
Fundamental Equation of Hydrostatics
Pascal and Archimedes Principles
Continuity Equation
Bernouilli`s Theorem. Aplications
Real Fluids Viscosity
Fluids Flow modes
Reynolds' Number
Laminar Regime. Poiseuille Equation
Viscosity Measurement. Ostwald Viscometer
Movement of solids through fluids

Surface Phenomena Molecular Forces. Surface Tension
Laplace's Law
Capillarity. Jurin's Law
Harmonical and Wavy Movements Simple Harmonic Movement. Pendulum
Wave Types
Wavy Movement Equation
Speed of wave propagation
Energy and intensity of the wavy movement
Doppler Effect
Acoustics. Ultrasounds Speed of Sound
Noise Quality
Sound Sensation
Thermodynamics. Temperature. Thermodynamical Systems
Thermodynamical variables
Thermodynamical processes
Zero Principle of Thermodynamics. Temperature.
Temperature Measurement. Escales and thermometers

Gas Study. Equation of state Ideal Gases. Laws
Equation of state
Real Gases. Van der Waals' Equation
Kinetic Theory of Gas
First Principle of Thermodynamics Heat and Work.
Internal Energy
Thermodynamic Work
P-V Diagram
Nature and Effects of Heat
Heat Transmission
Internal Energy
First Principle of Thermodynamics
Ideal gas transformations

Second Principle of Thermodynamics
Thermal Machine Concept
Two forms for the Second Principle of Thermodynamics
Carnot Cicle
Entropy Concept. Entropy Calculation
Concepts on electricity and bio-magnetism Electrical Charge. Coulomb's Law
Electrical Field and Potential
Capacity. Capacitors
Current Intensity. Ohm's Law
Electrical resistivity and conductivity
Electrical current Energy
Magnetic Forces
Laplace's and Faraday's laws
Alternating current

Radiation and radioactivity De Broglie's relationship
Bonding Energy. Mass Loss
Fision and fusion
Radiactivity. Atom Splitting
Physical and Biological Dosimetry
Biological Effects of Radiation
Notions on Optics Electromagnetic waves
Lens and Mirrors
Optical Instruments

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities B1 1 0 1
Document analysis A26 B8 0 3 3
Laboratory practice A26 A30 A31 B5 B8 14 14 28
Problem solving A22 A26 B1 B2 B8 8 24 32
Objective test A22 A26 B2 B10 4 0 4
Guest lecture / keynote speech A22 B1 B3 B10 28 42 70
Supervised projects B3 B4 B5 B8 B10 0 9 9
Personalized attention 3 0 3
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities The first day of class the teacher will facilitate the program of the subject, the methodology, the criteria of evaluation, as well as a calendar detailed of each one of the activities. This information remains at hand of the student in the platform Moodle.
Document analysis We will inform to students the necessary bibliographical data, both for problems, theory and assisted jobs. Thus, they could revise and increase the aspects explained in the classroom. The individual tutorials will help also in those aspects.
Laboratory practice Along the six Laboratory sessions students will work in couples, doing different complete practices. A guide for each practice will be given to the student, and they will have all necessary material to mount and do them. All time students will be assisted by its teacher to resolve all doubts and help if necessary.
At the end of practice time, each couple will present a memory including the job performed and the obtained results.
Prior to the Laboratory sessions there will be a room session to explain the basis of experimental uncertainties and graphical representations.
Problem solving After the theoretical exposition of each lesson, there will be Seminars (with a reduced number of students) to resolve problems to apply the theory studied. The proposed problems for each lesson will be given to the students before each of those sessions as bulletins. There we will include the numerical solution of each problem, to allow students evaluate themselves after doing them individually. Those bulletins will be of two different types: some of them General (the same for all students of the three groups), and other complementary bulletins specific for each reduced group. Not all problems will be completely resolved in the
Seminars, but only those more difficult.
Objective test There will be two written exams about the theory and numerical problems saw in classroom. The first one at the middle of the course and the second one at the end. The students that pass each of those exams will have that part of the subject passed for the Final exams of June (and Jully).
Guest lecture / keynote speech The basic content of the different parts of the Subject will be explained by the teacher in this sessions, trying to involve students in the learning process. At the end of each session will be in the Moodle the material used that day to facilitate pupils its study.
Supervised projects Voluntarily the students can do complementary work. That will be do in pairs of students and will be focused in applications of Physics to Biology.

Personalized attention
Document analysis
Laboratory practice
Supervised projects
Students will be attended individually to help them to understand and resolve all problems related with the subject they can have, including: bibliography, problems of the bulletin, the complementary work... In resume all doubts they can have in the study and comprenhesion of physic subject.

PART-TIME STUDENTS: these students will receive a specific orientation to schedule their tasks weekly.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A26 A30 A31 B5 B8 The total score of the practices will represent 1.5 points on the final marks and the evaluation will be done based on the submitted report.
Attendance to the previous classroom session and laboratory sessions is a necessary condition to be evaluated, therefore, they are mandatory.
Practices will be considered surpassed when reaching a minimum of 0.7 points over 1.5.
Problem solving A22 A26 B1 B2 B8 The participation in the Seminars will represent 0.5 points on the final marks.
Objective test A22 A26 B2 B10 The score of each of the two tests will be a maximum of 3.5 points on the final overall mark. In each test the theoretical part will be a maximum of 1 point and therefore the part of problems the remaining 2.5 points.
The requirement is to reach a minimum of 1.4 points out of the total of 3.5 points in each partial test in order to have an option to pass the subject.
Supervised projects B3 B4 B5 B8 B10 The score of the supervised project will be a maximum of 1 point on the final overall grade.
Assessment comments


The NP (non presented) qualification will be given to those students that do not attend all Laboratory sessions, and they have not attend to the final tests. Also, if you have only Lab qualification the note would be Fail (no NP). In the July opportunity will be saved the qualifications of Laboratory, Voluntary job and Seminars of problems.


attendance at sessions of laboratory practice is required to be evaluated
condition, failure to attend without just cause (see the list of valid reasons
in Artigo 12 das "Normas da avaliación, revisión e reclamación das
cualificacións dos estudos de Grao e Mestrado Universitario" vixente)
involve the following:

a) a failure
to attend without just cause implies the reduction to 50% of the final mark

b) more
than one failure to attend without just cause means failing the subject.

practices will be performed exclusively during the official schedule.


evaluation will be distributed as follows:

a) The lab
practices represent a maximum value of 1.5 points. They are mandatory and can
be made within the official calendar on any morning or afternoon shift. In the
case of unexcused absence, the same criteria as described above for full-time students
will be applied.

b) The supervised
project represents a maximum of 1 point. It is optional.

c) The
objective test represents a maximum value of 7.5 points. It will be performed
by partial or official opportunities. The same criteria as described above for full-time
students will be applied proportionally.


the case of students with specific learning needs, and in accordance
with the indications of the University Unit for Attention to Diversity
(ADI), the teacher will adapt the continuous and compulsory assessment
activities so that the student can pass the subject.


If a student, having an average qualification higher than 5, fails the minimum qualification in any activity, he/she will have a qualification of 4.5, i.e., fail.

Sources of information
Basic Kane y Sternheim (1994). Física. Barcelona. Reverté.
Cussó, López y Villar (2004). Física de los procesos biológicos. Barcelona. Ariel
Jou, Llebot y Pérez (1994). Física para las ciencias de la vida . Barcelona. Mc. Graw- Hill
Young and Geller (2007). Sears and Zemansky's College Physics. Pearson International Edition

Complementary Hewitt, Suchocki and Hewitt (2010). Conceptual Physical Science Explorations. Pearson International Edition
Hewitt, Suchocki y Hewitt (2016). Física conceptual. Pearson
Tippler, P (2005). Fisica I y II. Barcelona. Reverté
Ortuño (1996). Física para biología, medicina, veterinaria y farmacia . Barcelona. Crítica
Serway, R.A. and Jewitt, J.W. (2014). Physics for Scientist and Engineers. USA. Cengage Learning
Wilson, J.D. and Hernández-Hall, C.A. (2015). Physics Laboratory Experiments. USA. Cengage Learning
Burbano y Burbano (1991). Problemas de Física . Barcelona. Mira
Young, H.D. and Geller, R.M. (2007). Sears and Zemansky's College Physics. USA. Pearson
Feynman, R. P. (2005). The Feynman lectures on physics. Vol. I, II and III. Addison-Wesley

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.